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I bought iPhone 13 and change new 5g SIM card but still shows 4g


https://www.straitstimes.com/singap... - The fifth generation (5G,on Monday (Aug 23)

SINGAPORE - The fifth generation (5G) technology standard for broadband cellular networks will cover half of Singapore by the end of 2022 and the coverage will envelope the whole island by the close of 2025, Minister for Trade and Industry Gan Kim Yong said on Monday (Aug 23).

"We are on track to meet our target of deploying 5G standalone outdoor coverage," Mr Gan said at a virtual conference organised by the United States-based industry group SEMI.

He said trials on 5G applications are also underway, including at PSA Singapore to improve port operations, and at technology firm Razer and telecom operator Singtel to deliver high-quality cloud gaming products.


Very sporadic reception from what I've heard, similar to how Starhub was in the late 1990s. Reception in Tekong was a heng-suay thing, easier to just use the payphones there.
I ever complained to StarHub and asked them a tough question.

Why in Tuas and Woodland, I can get Malaysia signal.

However in JB and Gelang Patah, I never ever get any StarHub signal,

They cannot answer me


knn ... simba 5g network is fucking bad in Singapore.
Latency is real
But once i am in johor turn on the roaming data, it smooth as silk !
Give me a fucking explanation.


knn ... simba 5g network is fucking bad in Singapore.
Latency is real
But once i am in johor turn on the roaming data, it smooth as silk !
Give me a fucking explanation.
Same. Simba works extremely well in Bangkok hooked on Thai AIS network. In Singapore it is no where near Thai speed.


Same. Simba works extremely well in Bangkok hooked on Thai AIS network. In Singapore it is no where near Thai speed.
It's the network the telco is being hooked on to when overseas.
I am still holding Simba because it has good data coverage overseas.
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