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Ex tiong-premier 胡锦涛 kenna dragged away at 二十大 congress meeting.

syed putra


Sure looked different from when he was president



I think Hu is sick and he needs urgent medical attention. Maybe hu has been shitting his pants can't control His bowel movements.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
Hu looks like a lamb led to a slaughterhouse. If you look at the video, reminds me of the condemn before being led to execution, pleading for mercy.
Its a show of force from Xi as stark warning to the Jiang gang...his cleansing is just not gonna stop.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Doesn't matter which faction or which CCP guy becomes the chief, as long as the CCP regime exists China is fucked and the world is a more unsafe place. :cool:


Alfrescian (Inf)
According to the fine tradition of the CCP, Hu's family members will not be spared either. So please don't think it just involves one person or party members only. :cool: