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Ex tiong-premier 胡锦涛 kenna dragged away at 二十大 congress meeting.

Singapore Dancing Spirit

Both Apple and Google are expected to go out of business soon. They have breached the data privacy already. It is just a matter of time.

Apple Pay and Google pay took over the traditional bank's payments already.
Now they are suppressing Telecom business like SingTel, StarHub, M1 etc as they are plotting a substitute now.

Their agenda is collaborating all user data into perspective which includes including your health heartbeats, your credit card transactions, your chats, mails, music, private pictures, sex videos u take with your special someone. They copy all user's info from all over the world and then stored into their main frame systems for a specific reason, I will burst this bubble in case u want to know.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Both Apple and Google are expected to go out of business soon. They have breached the data privacy already. It is just a matter of time.

Apple Pay and Google pay took over the traditional bank's payments already.
Now they are suppressing Telecom business like SingTel, StarHub, M1 etc as they are plotting a substitute now.

Their agenda is collaborating all user data into perspective which includes including your health heartbeats, your credit card transactions, your chats, mails, music, private pictures, sex videos u take with your special someone. They copy all user's info from all over the world and then stored into their main frame systems for a specific reason, I will burst this bubble in case u want to know.
Big techs are a menace and a threat to the world. The way they suppressed Trump in the last election and supported the CCPee by censoring unfavourable news were a wake-up call to many. Sadly there are still many dumb Apple and Google fanboys prefer to have the latest gadgets ruling over them and actually believing that these companies are out to protect their privacy and have their interests at heart.
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Economy will be doom for china in the next two years . Hope china people can wake up. Then revolution 2.0 datang after Sun zhong Shan fight with Qing dynasty.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Both Apple and Google are expected to go out of business soon. They have breached the data privacy already. It is just a matter of time.

Apple Pay and Google pay took over the traditional bank's payments already.
Now they are suppressing Telecom business like SingTel, StarHub, M1 etc as they are plotting a substitute now.

Their agenda is collaborating all user data into perspective which includes including your health heartbeats, your credit card transactions, your chats, mails, music, private pictures, sex videos u take with your special someone. They copy all user's info from all over the world and then stored into their main frame systems for a specific reason, I will burst this bubble in case u want to know.
They will not go out of business anytime soon. The democrats fuckers need them to propagate its own narratives. The recent US election is a perfect example.
These big tech will use these data to threaten and blackmail us. If you have your personal sex videos on your Huawei phone and you criticize Winnie Xi or the CCPee, rest assured some tiong will phone you and warn you to back down or else they will release your sex videos to the public.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Economy will be doom for china in the next two years . Hope china people can wake up. Then revolution 2.0 datang after Sun zhong Shan fight with Qing dynasty.

Only two years? By the way, I bet this guy disagrees. :wink:



The world was a better place before xi jinping,.bring out Bo Xilai. He was a pro business leader.

I dun think so, for the most part.

Only two major/minor contentions with him might be wuhan virus and mistreatment of Uighurs/Huis/Muslims under strictly kafir authoritarian commie regime.

That said it's well established that yanke kafir rat CIA dia etc have well established links with east turkestan separatists and spread lots of malicious rumours and intend to separate east turkestan in order weaken their geopolitical rival, they dun give a sh*t abt ordinary Uighurs. they held many Uighrus captive in guantanamo bay cuba and killed plenty of them in syria along side russkies.

it's yanke kafir rats who invaded and killed millions of Muslims of all types on their own home turf. I wonder why putler doesn't dare to transfer nuclear bombs, icbm and anti satellite missiles (NIA) to any and all anti yanke country, so they can begin by seizing any yankee and western asset found there, transfer tens of trillions of rubles worth of them to russkie territory in exchange for this transaction.

moreover all of their airspace waters can be blocked for yankee and western vehicles aircrafts ships etc. that'd be just deserts.

apart from these two, i think he's yet to do his big things.

things that'll leave a legacy.

like ending tiong civil war, i.e. annexing taiwan, teaching ceca virus a lesson so they know there can't be two tigers in one mountain. correct historical grievances against japs.

pushing yankes out of western pacific at bare minimum maybe more.

surpassing yanke gdp on exchange rate basis under his watch, more importantly ending petrodollar, these might be worth watching. not sure what belt and road holds for futrue and having seen what end of soviet union brought for the rest of the world, i dun think a unipolar tiongcock led world is better for most countries either.

this is why i dun understand why russkie putler does not transfer NIA to any anti yanke countries? with NIA, they can collaborate closely and deal yankee and west a seriousdamage no sisues whatsoever.

it's better for the world to have more than 2 leading "poles",.

worst to best configurations for global order
1. only one global "pole"
2. two global "poles"
3. three global "poles"
4. more than three global "poles"
5. all "major" (how do u define it?) civilizations got their own internally focused largely self sufficient ecosystem for almost everything they need and want incl security defence politics diplomacy sci tech industry religion culture language history cuisine architecture archaeology astronomy & what not, none of these overstep the lines and interfere in the others' internal affairs or business.


Only two years? By the way, I bet this guy disagrees. :wink:


his expression says it all.

earlier he admitted he's a tiong mouthpiece just like keyshore mahboobani

apparently many pap-piglets are now earning their keep by greasing tiong ccp balls.


i can assure you of one thing. no matter what they say,

a world where tiongs replace yanks would not be good for most of the world, just like a world where soviets went "kaput" leaving yanks alone to dominate after 1991 was not good for most of the world.

i explained this earlier today.

it's better for the world to have more than 2 leading "poles",.

worst to best configurations for global order
1. only one global "pole" (WORST)
2. two global "poles"
3. three global "poles"
4. more than three global "poles"
5. all "major" (how do u define it?) civilizations got their own internally focused largely self sufficient ecosystem for almost everything they need and want incl security defence politics diplomacy sci tech industry religion culture language history cuisine architecture archaeology astronomy & what not, none of these overstep the lines and interfere in the others' internal affairs or business. BEST.

Singapore Dancing Spirit


ALL POLICIES IN SG GONE WRONG/During my spiritual war and fight with Satan, GOD Himself told me to take over the role of Ho Ching's role for Temasek Holdings while Satan was also present. I agreed. This was my final offer to protect the economy of Singapore. However, Satan was so furious and envy/jealous on me, and he caused SG Government to offend me.


I need to substantiate the truths.

When God asked me to replace Ho Ching at Temasek Holdings, it was Dragon (aka Serpent aka Leviathan) who gave his full power to Satan to rebel against God. Satan immediately took a vow under oath that he would rather go down to the bottomless pit in the Hell than he will let me take up that role.

The truth is Dragon did not like Satan but only gave his power to rebel against me and my God. Dragon intended that I would take action against Satan. However, God gave me a His counsel which is different from Dragon's witchcraft (crafty idea from a witch) instead. When Satan rebelled against me, I used my spiritual authority to send the Dragon to Hell (not the Satan) as part of my leadership in the spiritual realm. Dragon is not here in the earth at the moment, leaving behind only Satan at the moment as I have already subdued all the powers of darkness and sent them all to Hell. Devil is now frustrated as he is the only one on earth, no other powers left out.

Now God gave me counsel to bring the Dragon back from Hell to devour Satan (LION as they are divided??
They were fighting who is the
greater (paling besar) in the Kingdom of Hell??

It is so delicate and tricky. Satan is the head of all devils including dragon.
But Dragon is more powerful physically than lion. Dragon has the stamina and strength can bring down one third of the stars from heaven. Satan is demanding me to rule his position as the leader within devil's hierarchy.

order in the Kingdom of God

God Almighty is HEAD of ALL, in the universe in heaven, earth and under the earth (under waters, infernal part of Hell)
And He is Head of Jesus and the Spirit of God
Jesus is Head of my family

I have received authority over all powers of darkness as I have taken dominion of a man which was once delivered to Adam in the garden of Eden.

There is NO other God in anywhere in the Universe
Stupid and mad guys believe in METAVERSE to claim multiple universes. I am here to teach them a lesson for their madness and folly too.

Satan and Dragon are subject to my authority. I have options to bind them or lose them. The catch is if i need to bind Satan to Hell. His nudity will be exposed to the whole world. Satan is only fallen angel who has the image of God and man. Dragon resembles an image of a serpent. If Satan is exposed. all those who sided with Satan including Rothschild, all politicians all over the world will be humiliated. Why>>>

Hell is the place for all wicked men like K. Shanmugam. Everyone in Hell will be barefooted and nude as they will be incarcerated. I understand the condition of Mr. LKY who emboldened to speak ill of God and Christianity. I am going to bring him back to all to see the pathetic condition of being nude and barefooted. Something goes to Satan as he could not bear it. Satan is all abominable, dark ugly. You can imagine dark most African male. In fact, black skin entered into the world, when Satan had sex with Semiramis (wife of Cush, grandson of Noah about 4000 years ago) giving birth to Nimrod, a black giant in human history. Nimrod is being worshipped in all religions that use IDOLATRY including Roman Catholicism contrary to Bible.

To be continued....
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Singapore Dancing Spirit



(just reached my adolescent age), with no blemishes I was in the PRIME OF MY YOUTH, just an adolescent (青春 --せいしゅん), the prime of my youth/ And so I was forced to have sex with Satan against my will/consent. His cock is not different from human cock. I will narrate this incident as follows:

❶ At about 10:30 pm when i was about to sleep in my dark bedroom in 1987, I was carried away by the wander lust as I had some sweet thoughts about a girl whom I liked for the past 11 years. Yes, I started to like and love a girl when was just 5. Iam a bit matured to love or like a girl at age 5. But now i am 16 years already. When i was about to sleep i had to encounter a bizarre or strange experience just before i sleep. As I could recall, i felt someone gently touched my hands and he took my hands to his private part (genitals)and forced to grab his genitals (penis) that i did not feel comfortable with. i could not see him because the bedroom was so dark and i was half-sleep.

As i felt too disgusted, i suddenly remember removing my hands away forcefully from him and then I tried to sleep as normal. Within 10 minutes later, i felt that the same guy-initiated sex again. He seemed so persistent this time to hold my hands so tightly to rub my hands on his private parts. I felt he tried very hard to have his penis erect as i feel his cock got erectile dysfunction issues, but he was forcing me to get it erected slowly as my heart beat was buzzed up. i remember, I removed my hands away, this time very aggressively from his genitals. I felt someone fleeing away from the room immediately even though my room was closed inside. Because it was multiple times trials, I woke up to turn the lights ON to make sure he is gone before i sleep again.

I understand from God that Satan premediated this with Dragon to attack my virginity during the springtime of my life. As it was in the 'heyday of youth', he wanted me to be a GAY. But it was abominable as I found him so pathetic, unattractive and his cock unattractive and his psychology and the body language abominable to me even though I was still a virgin, a prepuberty teen as I have never ejaculated my sperm yet, I took my hand off from his penis forcefully expressing my unwillingness on multiple occasions.

That is NOT all...

❷ The same devil came to me to hug me tangibly when I was 21 on multiple occasions even though i am still a virgin. I had seen his face body. This time while I was standing in one of the Tourist spots with a friend of mine. I later understood he is in total nude in spiritual realm. But he came tangibly with "human clothing" that day. He should have borrowed from the nearby waterfalls where multitudes usually take showers round the clock. He forcefully hugged me (a tight hug) from behind even though I was unwilling to touch him on multiple occasions. His hug on me is just one sided as I did not give my consent or i did not hug him back. Even if i recall this incident I feel so bizarre and uncomfortable.

Satan has been chasing me for ONS ever since i was 16 years old as i have no heart for sex with devil. I told him clearly that i am willing to sleep with any girl of my heart, but i do not like the way he forced me to have sexual fornication with him. He is so stubborn & so adamant have heart to have sex with him even though he forced me to touch his penis and his penis is worshipped as god in Asia culture in India, China, Taiwan, Japan and Korea. beware and be aware.

To be continued

Singapore Dancing Spirit


I knew at least 2 boys in Singapore who had sex tangibly with Satan and they tried wanted to have threesome sex with me together with devil - they are

ASP Desmond Tan who is working in Prime Minister Office (PMO) Singapore living in Lorong Chuan who has been stalking around my home for ONS since he was just 19.
Darren (16 yo) of Hougang who gave blow job tangibly to devil aka Satan aka Lucifer. His friends call him as “Satan’s boyfriend”. I lost his contact now. I used to see him hanging out with girls in Hougang Ave 8, Hougang Green Mall, Hougang 1 Mall) when I go there for food at times.

I never give my consent for such fornication.

To be continued

Singapore Dancing Spirit

When i was 35, Desmond Tan, was only 19 years boy from poly wanted to meet with me for the first as he chatted with me online and exchanged contact details. But the meeting dd not happen as he was late. i cancelled it at last minute. Because it was a last-minute cancellation, he had seen me leaving the place at Balmoral Plaza, along Bukit Timah Road. Unfortunately, he was spying on me as he took down my car plate number and followed me to my place and then started stalking online. As the days go by, he joined SPF as ASP, and he used all his police authority influence to make a clone of my SIM card to monitor my private affairs. He even followed me to wherever I hanged out in the bars and clubs even overseas. Because he hacked into my gadgets, he has all information about my travel plans in advance. He annoyed me as he used to make SPAM calls at 3 am to hang up on several nights but when tracked the number it was from SPF office. I made several complaints as singled out as he was trespassing into my IT gadgets. He has also destroyed many computers and devices.

Because i did not accept his advancement, he has been chasing me wherever i go as he reads all my WhatsApp chats because he has access to all my email accounts. He followed my car wherever i go. One day i noticed a cargo van with number plate number *YB 1536* followed me. Whenever i come out of work, shopping mall, restaurant, I take a look, I secretly noted that his van is also parked there... He has been chasing me since he was 19, It has been 16 years, but he did not stop. The same guy even followed me to my overseas trips especially Indonesia and Malaysia and followed me wherever I hanged out in the night clubs

As i was so irritated, led my Spirit of God, i managed to drive down to Chuan close where his residence located at 5:00 am in the morning. I saw his room was on the first floor and the lights were on and I confirmed that it was him with my spiritual discernments. I drove to nearby coffee shop and then again headed back to his house around 7 am but i saw him rushing to MRT to work. I parked the car and followed him to MRT and confronted him with all my anger, but he immediately rushed into train. Then i came home took a nice shower and waited for my Spirit to give counsel as to what i should do and God asked me to file a report with his supervisor. i took the train to cantonment and went to his office. He recognized me and I told him i need to speak with him and his supervisor. He took me to a place and wait for someone. His supervisor was not in, the office then and another guy Police commissioner met with me, and we discussed with him as to how to safeguard my rights as the citizen of SG. He told me he will speak to him and not to stalk on me or follow me or trespass into my gadgets anymore. My understanding is that he had sex with devil tangibly and his father also had sex with devil tangibly. He is forcing me for an ONS, threesome (homosex)l with devil. But that is not going to happen. Only after few weeks after reporting this matter, he again started following me. It has been 16 years since he has been trespassing online into my private gadgets. Because of my spiritual authority and his annoyance, he was promoted at work by devil’s influence. He is now working at Singapore PMO office. He is a close aid with PM as he is part of SG government secret services.

The picture of Desmond Tan is shown below. I initially thought he was not a gay

To be continued..


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