• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

Ex tiong-premier 胡锦涛 kenna dragged away at 二十大 congress meeting.


These are not state of the art technologies. For example, back in March 2022 when UMC announced their new 22nm fab to be built in Singapore, I strongly suspect that they are merely disposing their age old/outdated machines to be reinstalled in Singapore, instead of scrapping them in Taiwan. This is of very little benefits to Singapore. Of course we cannot be asking for the latest 3nm fab technology to Singapore, but at least they should have brought in the 7nm fab technology, which is already considered old by INTEL.

I have personally experienced such discrepancies before. Years ago, many of the CNC machines used in the MATSUSHITA (PANASONIC) air-conditioning factory in Malaysia were those of the ancient era being brought down from Japan. Those machines were still using paper tape for their NC programming input whilst, the latest development were already using 3½-inch floppy disks during that time. When I was there, I was asking their staffs on why are they still using such ancient machines in their so-called "new" factory?

Aiya pls la, which foundry worth their salt will allow state of art outside its HQ?

Even technology not state state of art, they don't even want Singapore. Vietnam provides so much technical talent than Singapore, at fraction of cost, and without all the CECA pollution


Aiya pls la, which foundry worth their salt will allow state of art outside its HQ?

Even technology not state state of art, they don't even want Singapore. Vietnam provides so much technical talent than Singapore, at fraction of cost, and without all the CECA pollution
Please go and read up lah. The Vietnamese are not that technically capable as you have claimed them to be. In the 2022 Global Innovation Index, Vietnam ranks 48th against Singapore's 7th.

Of course in terms of labor costs, Vietnam definitely has a strong advantage over Singapore, but we are talking here of technological advancement for its people. Cheap labor cost is one thing, but the capability of their people to operate the machines is more critical. I had met a boss who once told me: "I can set up my factory at those countries with much cheaper labor costs, but their workers are ill-equipped and chances of spoiling the machines are very high through their lack of proper knowledge and education. In the end, I not only have to pay much more to get my damaged machines repaired but also suffer from loss of production."

When even Apple and Foxconn are going to India, and although I hate to admit, one still cannot underestimate the CECA.
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The Politburo and its Standing Committee are the Communist Party’s centres of power. Led by Xi Jinping, the party’s general secretary, Politburo members decide and implement the party’s political, economic and social agenda. Are all xi's own men. An aggressive way to consolidate his power. Rather allow a loyal dog to take over than a capable human. Look at this person

Li Qiang​

The party chief of Shanghai and a Xi confidant, Li has been promoted to number two in the party hierarchy, making it likely that he will be named China’s premier at next March’s legislative sessions.

It would be an unusual appointment since Li, unlike most past premiers, does not have experience as a vice premier in China’s state council managing central government portfolios.

Li screwed up and mishandled shanghai covid situation.

Byebye Penis

Fully agree with you on your views about Vietnam and its government. You do indeed have good exposures to the Vietnamese business environment. It's a renown fact that most Vietnamese men are drunkards. LOL.
The Chinese businessmen eat pangolins, while the viet businessmen are druggies or pretend to be druggies.

All leaders of China listed companies eat pangolins, the max show-off is to eat a freshly slaughtered one. SME bosses eat frozen ones.

All leaders of Viet listed companies will buy drugs in KTV sessions; either they smoke on their own or they let the gals take and then humiliate the gals when they are high.

Byebye Penis

The Politburo and its Standing Committee are the Communist Party’s centres of power. Led by Xi Jinping, the party’s general secretary, Politburo members decide and implement the party’s political, economic and social agenda. Are all xi's own men. An aggressive way to consolidate his power. Rather allow a loyal dog to take over than a capable human. Look at this person

Li Qiang​

The party chief of Shanghai and a Xi confidant, Li has been promoted to number two in the party hierarchy, making it likely that he will be named China’s premier at next March’s legislative sessions.

It would be an unusual appointment since Li, unlike most past premiers, does not have experience as a vice premier in China’s state council managing central government portfolios.

Li screwed up and mishandled shanghai covid situation.
Li Qiang looks like got depression




Hearsay hjt and his son Hu Haifeng under closed monitored. Must cut grass remove root.
Hu JinTao got betrayed. In fact he had clashed with Jiang Zemin when he was canvassing for Winnie to be the Premier. Now he got kicked out in the most disgraceful manner by the very same man he had rooted for. He truly deserves it.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Li Qiang looks like got depression


This fucker is hated by Shanghainese because he was the mayor there and he locked down Shanghai for a long period, causing many unnecessary deaths from hunger and untimely treatment of those with pre-existing conditions.
He isn't well educated and had no knowledge of economics whatsoever. His election was purely based on his dog-like obedience to Winnie.


Shanghai Communist Party chief Li Qiang has been politically bruised by the city's struggle to tame a Covid-19 outbreak that has infuriated residents and caused severe economic damage, there is little sign of it.

A close ally of President Xi Jinping for decades, Mr Li has long been seen as destined for the powerful Politburo Standing Committee this year, tracking a well-worn path from Shanghai's top spot that many analysts say appears safe despite the city's Covid-19 crisis.

Outbreaks have derailed the careers of some local Chinese officials. But they did not share Mr Li's stature or history with Mr Xi, under whom the boss of China's most populous city has risen steadily through the party ranks


Foxconn is a ruthless company, they have no value-system. I hope one day they will have to run road from China like the MNCs in Russia when the Ukraine war started.
Almost all Asian bosses will exploit their workers to the maximum lah. Hong Kong bosses will not care about you once your usefulness are over for them. Korean bosses treat their workers like slaves. Taiwanese bosses are very superficial in front of you, but can backstab you hard if you are not to their liking. Chinese bosses like to boast and act beyond their authority to ill-treat their subordinates. Japanese bossess are very demanding and your value will only be recognized after having worked in the company for 10 years and proven your worth to them.

The above were some of the Nationalities I'd worked with before, but they are not my boss.
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Singapore Dancing Spirit


Political Terminologies (jargons):
The People's Republic of China is commonly known as China simply PRC and t
he Republic of China is commonly known as Taiwan. simply ROC

Communist China
by the New Mao Zedong does not want to regard Taiwan as an independent democratic country. China, meaning PRC is a corrupt, tyrannical oligopoly that have no semblance of a democracy. There is no law ‘n’ order in PRC (China) meaning political opponents are being constantly murdered during imprisonments with no proper trails or parole. It is a pseudo-democracy. If it is truly democratic, why is there only one-party ruling as sovereign party. If it is democratic nation as the name suggests People's Republic of China, why the ruling party is called the *Communist Party of China*


PRC’s Philosophy:
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. Free access to the articles of consumption is made possible by advances in technology that allow for super-abundance of China to be the world leader.

Xi Jinping has been promoting himself as the most powerful Chinese leader since Mao Zedong under the umbrella of communism. Centralized government, planned economy, dictatorship of the "proletariat", common ownership of the tools of production, no private property. equality between genders and all people, international focus. *Usually anti-democratic with a 1-party system.

All people are the same and therefore classes make no sense. The government should own all means of production and land and also everything else. People should work for the government and the collective output should be redistributed equally.

Tricks and Gimmicks of Communism
A communist society is stateless, classless and governed directly by the people. This, however, has never been achieved. In practice, they have been totalitarian in nature, with a central party governing society.

Private ownership of properties and the Business
Abolished. The concept of property is negated and replaced with the concept of commons and ownership with "usership". The means of production are commonly owned, meaning no entity or individual owns productive property. Importance is ascribed to "usership" over "ownership".

❻ *Definition of Communism*
International theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, with actual ownership ascribed to the community or state. Rejection of free markets and extreme distrust of Capitalism in any form.

❼ *Religions*
Atheism put into practice meant a “forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.

Free Choice
Either the collective "vote" or the state's rulers make economic and political decisions for everyone else. In practice, rallies, force, propaganda etc. are used by the rulers to control the populace. Government in a Communist state is the agent of change rather than any market or desire on the part of consumers. Change by government can be swift or slow, depending on change in ideology or even whim.

In theory, all members of the state are considered equal to one another. This is to control the rich conglomerates to budge the government orders

Ideally, there is no leader; the people govern directly. This has never been actually practiced and has just used a *one-party system*. Examples 0f Communist states are the erstwhile Soviet Union, Cuba and North Korea. Theoretically there is no state control.

Don’t take it so lightly as Communism is an international movement; Communists in one country see themselves in solidarity with Communists in other countries. Communists distrust Nationalistic nations and leaders. Communists strongly distrust "big business."

Only SIX nations presently have *Communist governments*. They are as follows:
① China
② North Korea
③ Cuba
④ Laos
⑤ India under BJP Party which is responsible for assassination of Mahatma Gandhi who was a freedom fighter (not a politician) and
⑥ Russia wants to revive the communism once collapsed

My Verdict:

If China wants to claim Taiwan back, then Malaysia can claim SG back also. But that is impossible as these 2 are separate sovereign nations and can never be allowed to invade back. Demolish the ideology of one China or one India rule anywhere in the world. The one-party communism is fallen and will be fallen for ever. It will be similar to USSR (former Soviet Union) which was collapsed into several nations.

You may not know the ruling party in India is a communist party who abolished the democracy through fake electronic voting system. Modi can even set the polling results through computer programmers. The people are unaware of tricks and gimmicks of Modi as i am determined to bring utter humiliation on *Modi*, son of perdition too

Every single member in China PRC who is in close aid with Xi Jinping lost their credibility to live and the nation may collapse and split into few nations, like HK, Taiwan, Magnolia etc.
  1. Hongkies were always look forward to the independence. It will become a city-state like SG. Several Hongkies who opposed Chinese oppression but migrated to UK will go back to HK happily.
  2. Similarly, Tibet and East Turkistan become independent
  3. Outer Mongolia and Mongol inhabited parts of China will probably return to Mongolia
  4. Shanghai and Beijing I see becoming 2 city states, like City-state Singapore. God likes independence and does not permit centralization or globalization.
  5. Mainland China may break into what the map deemed the main 4 cultural regions
  6. I see the parts of Manchuria becoming an independent nation due to historical warlord boarders
  7. Please see the purple nation in the picture below. Because it is geographically isolated from China, and would become its own country
As communism ideologies fails, there will not be global citizens recognized. Deglobalization will take place. Multiple passports will not be permitted by nation. Offshore Banking, private banking operations will shrink. With the advent of unprecedented growth in internet and Commnications, air travel will be shrunk. IT and communication will be controlled by the respective governments with the concept of gateways for good. USA has already violated international data privacy with the help of stupid CECA and Indians. Both nations wall be reprimanded

Apple, Android, Huawei phones will be like Nokia phones of the past.

Hope these clarify:


  • china_split.gif
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Alfrescian (Inf)
His name being 李强 is no coincidence as it is simply the former PM 李克强 minus the 克.
Winnie doesn't like 李克强 because the latter's name literally means "Li subdues the powerful". That's likely where the rumor 李上习下 came from.

syed putra

Xi Jinping has been promoting himself as the most powerful Chinese leader since Mao Zedong under the umbrella of communism. Centralized government, planned economy, dictatorship of the "proletariat", common ownership of the tools of production, no private property. equality between genders and all people, international focus. *Usually anti-democratic with a 1-party system.
Every state that enforces wealth sharing eventually collapse. Jiu hu being a good example under its affirmative policy and past communist states
Only SIX nations presently have *Communist governments*. They are as follows:
① China
② North Korea
③ Cuba
④ Laos
⑤ India under BJP Party which is responsible for assassination of Mahatma Gandhi who was a freedom fighter (not a politician) and
⑥ Russia wants to revive the communism once collapsed
Vietnam? Whose leader will be meeting Xi soon. Perhaps to iron out border dispute


The areas that were previously majority non hans have become minorities in their own domain thanks to incentives by CCP to get hans to relocate to these areas. So breakup maybe difficult. It was Russia that saved mongolia from becoming part of china. But too late to save outer mongolia.


Please go and read up lah. The Vietnamese are not that technically capable as you have claimed them to be. In the 2022 Global Innovation Index, Vietnam ranks 48th against Singapore's 7th.

Of course in terms of labor costs, Vietnam definitely has a strong advantage over Singapore, but we are talking here of technological advancement for its people. Cheap labor cost is one thing, but the capability of their people to operate the machines is more critical. I had met a boss who once told me: "I can set up my factory at those countries with much cheaper labor costs, but their workers are ill-equipped and chances of spoiling the machines are very high through their lack of proper knowledge and education. In the end, I not only have to pay much more to get my damaged machines repaired but also suffer from loss of production."

When even Apple and Foxconn are going to India, and although I hate to admit, one still cannot underestimate the CECA.

Global innovation index for fk? We are talking about manufacturing, not setting up R&D centre. All best MNCs in semiconductor, will set up the main R&D in home country. Even in Singapore their IC design all bruff people, onlyah nehs to write VHDL code and integrate modules, useless work and suka suka bluff EDB as R&D centre to get funding

I work in sector for biggest company in the industry and Vietnam is the "new China" for manufacturing

Singapore Dancing Spirit


Migrated INDIANS AND CECA, nothing else.

Migrated INDIANs who took up the CEO roles in USA are all corrupted and playing the political games with Whitehouse and US Congress. INDIANS like Sunder Pichai, CEO of Google (piece of shit) ignited the COLD WAR between China and USA during Obama, Trump and now Joe Biden to war.

Not only Sunder Pichai, all CEOs in USA which are predominantly Indians (secret syndicate) who opposed the growth of China but wanted INDIA to grow above all nations. Indians worship Shiva. Indian religious book called Rig Veda says Shiva is the god of destroyer. Bible also says Lucifer aka Satan is the Destroyer of the mankind. As devil lost the spiritual war with me, Satan is using INDIANS as a scapegoat to destroy the economy of the entire world. I know my fellow Singaporeans all vehemently agitated by the PAP's stupid move, by appointing Piyush Gupta as CEO of DBS. Stupid Piyush Gupta is a DOG (Bible and God calls GAYS as DOGS) who has no values to hold any leadership position. Piyush Gupta is now SOLD out as he is still selling DBS and POSB customer's private information's such as customer data and financial balance and other custodial holdings of Singaporeans to American Tech firms to consolidate BIG DATA - WORLD DATABASE for Rothschild to rule the fascist government to run. I don't think LKY would agree to this if he lives today. Because it is like killing the duck that lays golden eggs out of greedy. DBS shows the ROI so far are all short terms only. These stupid Indians will not think about long time growth of any business they are into.


ALL POLICIES IN SG GONE WRONG/During my spiritual war and fight with Satan, GOD Himself told me to take over the role of Ho Ching's role for Temasek Holdings while Satan was also present. I agreed. This was my final offer to protect the economy of Singapore. However, Satan was so furious and envy/jealous on me, and he caused SG Government to offend me. Yes, SPF (Singapore Police arrested me for no reason one day, I was hand cuffed but did not tell me a reason for my arrest but taken me to IMH for evaluation. IMH doctor said I am of good health and sound mind, but SPF charged me with UNSOUND MIND. I must be admitted for few more days for further observation. I gave my 100% cooperation to IMH. But the CECA doctor Indian illtreated (only Indian doctor can do this no other race can do such things) at IMH against my will. A stupid doctor from India prescribing me illegal psychotic drugs. I told him such clearly drugs are only for sick people not for some on with sound mind. I was given some oral medications for my BP and HEARTBEAT to go extreme high and then they wanted to give me another injection to go up to collapse. That means they wanted to cover this murder under illegal treatment. They did not succeed, I was speaking to God In the middle of the night, Satan came to me, and he said I am so clever as I did not take one of the medications (serious error in IMH treatment). Satan accepted that IMH plan to murder me was defeated. God told me He will raise me from dead to encourage me as I am not going to see death again in my life until Christ returns.

INDIAN POLITICAN, INDIAN JUDGE, INDIAN SPF, INDIAN DOCTOR -- why only Indians. You know it. They have gotten no manners, values or truths. God reiterated that DOG Shanmugam is the culprit behind this for no reason. As God Himself called Shanmugam a DOG while Satan was also present with me, then I understood Shanmugam is an ASSHOLE and hardcore GAY. No wonder this dog wanted to repeal 377A. Not only that the DOG Sundaresh Menon, Chief of justice of SG who is a GAY himself who is behind the 377a repeal. PM Lee od SG is a DOG as well to work for repealing 377a. No wonder schools and MOE promotes GAY and LGBTQ+ lifestyle which i will bring an end to it,

ALL DOGS will be brought to the DIVINE LAW to face their charges. The whole world is expected to watch how they defend. Beware, God's silence so far is NOT God's approval. Sodomy or Gay sex will be classified as a Captial punishment in SG and every nation in their world going forward. Anyone does not agree to this amendment, will not be allow4d to live further. I understand the anger of GOD on Gays and their Pride. K. Shanmugam who is corrupt and unlawful to hold the ministry of law in SG and he LOST his credibility to live here on earth any longer. PM Lee and PAP government siding with Lion are waging war with GOD. God will not allow, and God confirmed that He would bring the Dragon to devour the LION for all to see. Both Dragon and Lion are evil and so the EVIL will be consumed by another EVIL. PAP regime is now FALLEN. There will not be any more PAP party, Pseudo community party of Singapore is coming to an end. None of the INDIAN CEOs and Jewish founders will be permitted to continue their madness and folly life on earth. They will be permitted to live forever in the Hell with no way of second chance or

Life is short and only one chance to live here on earth. (Heb 9:27). After the judgment, none will be given a second chance to live on earth and be saved. Death ends all probation for the one who dies. There is NO reincarnation or a second chance after that. Satan is the destroyer who wants everyone to be destroyed in the Hell. He cannot save any one from this horrible judgment. Neither is there a reincarnation or a transmigration from body to body. (Hebrews 9:27). At the moment 100% SINKIES are going to Hell irrespective of religions, age, sex, race. That will be changed once PAP is dethroned in SG and Meritocracy is established. CECA or ONE-VISA for INDIAN nationals with FAKE degrees will be completely wiped out.
By order

Reincarnation ideologies are FALSE. Beware and be aware. God has promised me to bring back Buddha from Hell to face charges as well. He is an Indian too.
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Singapore Dancing Spirit

Every state that enforces wealth sharing eventually collapse. Jiu hu being a good example under its affirmative policy and past communist states

Vietnam? Whose leader will be meeting Xi soon. Perhaps to iron out border dispute

View attachment 165808

The areas that were previously majority non hans have become minorities in their own domain thanks to incentives by CCP to get hans to relocate to these areas. So breakup maybe difficult. It was Russia that saved mongolia from becoming part of china. But too late to save outer mongolia.



Alfrescian (Inf)
胡锦涛 isn't a 好鸟 as many thought.
He was the one that put Nobel prize winner for peace and dissident 刘晓坡 into permanent house-arrest and deny him medical treatment, causing his untimely death.


Global innovation index for fk? We are talking about manufacturing, not setting up R&D centre. All best MNCs in semiconductor, will set up the main R&D in home country. Even in Singapore their IC design all bruff people, onlyah nehs to write VHDL code and integrate modules, useless work and suka suka bluff EDB as R&D centre to get funding

I work in sector for biggest company in the industry and Vietnam is the "new China" for manufacturing
You seem to be out of context. Singapore was never meant to be a major production/manufacturing hub due to its small population. It had learned its lesson from the hard disk drive manufacturing in the 80s and early 90s. Another example is PHILIPS SINGAPORE. During the 80s, they were manufacturing lots of home appliances at their plants in Jalan Ahmad Ibrahim in Jurong and Toa Payoh, but these were eventually killed off with cheaper alternatives in this region. Another example is the SONY CRT DISPLAY DEVICE plant in Tuas. They were able to readily get their glass material from the ASAHI GLASS plant next door, but still, it eventually had to close down due to the introduction of the LCD evolution. Now, SONY is even using SAMSUNG's QLED panels as does PANASONIC using LG's OLED panels, but using their own respective proprietary driver/processor engine ICs. I can give you even more examples like the SHIMANO SINGAPORE plant in Jurong, once a manufacturing facility, but now mainly an R&D for their new products. Singapore just cannot compete with those countries with vast amount of workers that can be tapped upon. We are definitely not going to compete with Vietnam with low cost, low-to-mid value manufacturing as it won't make economical sense, not even with Malaysia for that matter. No sensible company/corporate would even dare to think as such. We have to acknowledge this fact and change with the times as well as our limitation.

Wafer fabs are an exception. Why? These are high tech setups, mostly fully automated and as such will require highly skilled personnel and engineers to set up the tooling and programming whenever a product change is required. It's not a labor intensive industry. You don't need to employ thousands of workers to operate a wafer fab.

That is why the Singapore government advocates towards innovations and R&D. That is also the reason why DYSON sets up their R&D in Singapore, but manufactures in Malaysia (JB) and neighboring countries. During pre-Covid, the conducive Singapore environment did attract foreign talents into this field, coupled with the low personal taxation. Now with the implementation of living with Covid as an endemic, Singapore will once again work to attract highly skilled foreign talents, which leads us to the recent introduction of the new work pass for those earning S$30k/month and above. But I must admit that we still have a long way to go on this.

Anyway, we are getting off-course as the topic of this thread is not meant for such discussions.
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