there is no proof at all.
what does statues have to do with god? what does Islam have to do with god? what does koran have to do with god? what does mecca have to do with god?
All but the 1st one is self-claimed by the people who created the Koran and Islam after Mohammed died. If they can claim his name after he died. (I call this reincarnating the dead for one's own purposes). Why can't they claim anything else they want to? They are so shameless to use a dead man to promote themselves, what else will they resort to? (Even sinkieland have this!)
So that's why I'm still searching. In the meantime, I talk directly to my next life even if I am not sure if anyone is listening.
I think most important to you than what I think is that if it brings you peace, by all means you should believe what you wish.
I don't know if you remember, but I only write to you because you asked me my thoughts, not because I wish to disrupt your peace. In fact, I hesitated a lot because I really don't wish to disrupt your peace. It is not my choice. If you ask, I feel I owe it to you to tell you the highest truth I have learned. I believe in ikhlas when I interact with people. I won't BS you or tell you stories. Just what I have learned and can be sure of.
btw, if it will make you happier, I can stop telling you what I learnt. No hard feelings abang.
One last thing before I finish. There is another contradiction that bothers me that you brought up. You mentioned in a previous post about how god/allah is all forgiving. That is 100% in contradiction with the punishments you will receive if you don't follow islam's rules. How can an all forgiving god punish you for not being obedient? That would mean he's all-punishing no?
So one of these has to be wrong. He's either not all forgiving or islamic rules are wrong. Maybe you can tell me which is which.