Lets see how honest you are.
1. How many PMs did you send to me.
2. Did I ever reply
3. Why send PMs to me
4. Tell the forum at what age you became an orphan (this will be interesting)
5. Did you ever in your life pay for your own mortgage or rental now that you on your late 40s
6. Tell thename of the condo that you are leaving in.
I made a mistake when I started that thread in support of you. I should have checked. It only after I started checking from various sources did I realise I was taken for a long "bike" ride.
You and I know that you are never going to Paris. It is continuously to drum up the notion of homelessness.
The english countryside thread is a red herring after I disclosed what you have been up to.
Who don't you tell the world what you have been doing all these years to sustain yourself and if you have been receiving support now that you are in your late 40s.
I do realise that you very good at omissions, material omissions. The perception is thus very different. You are a bloody disgrace, trying to milk the people here for sympathy and support many of whom have not seen the inside of a condo let alone a private property. The key messages are that you are going to be homeless, you do charity work, you live a simple life, going to live out of van, soon need a place to shower. I was shocked when I realised what you were given.
You are blackmailing your family using this forum on the basis that you were born out of wedlock and a neglected half sibling. More like a spoilt child.
For a start, answer those questions at the top.
Ps. The only consolation is that you a not the only one to do this in this forum. The only leeway I can give you is that you have no idea what most Singaporeans live like.
dear me.
again worng facts
i sent you many PMs
yes because i was trying to find some support. is that wrong in itself?
no you never replied
why PM you? i was under the misguided notion that you would like to know the truth
i became an orphan the day the silence agreement was signed,30 sept 2011
no i never paid for rental or mortgage
ah the name of the condo is - read my affadivit, but PM me if u want a personal answer
but then again, i repeat, most of the info is publicly available in my affadivit. no perjury. including name of condo. only assholes want everything presented on a plate
how much i got, all there
and also on page one of this thread
i never used my charity ride as a whatever
people who wanted to know more dug it up
what i am not going to do is to hide it, if someone asks
but i havent done any charity rides for a long long time, so milk it for what
as for doing good, one can do good for 40 years and if you r lat action is evil, whats the pt?
the english countryside is to piss you off which it obviously did... red herring indeed
you didnt detect the sacrasm,? my bad
as to what i have been doing for the last 40 years, i already said earlier in this thread in response to your lies,and AGAIN, its in my affadivit
and again before you post again,. ask my family and their lawyer to show you all the letters they have written me, before you are bought again