Pappy Tan I am not against any Opposition party and is pretty supportive of any Opposition parties but looking at the BIG PICTURE, this political scenario of only ONE BIG PARTY and MANY SMALLER PARTIES must stop.
This is not about democracy or lack of it. Real democracy means we can have more than one choice of government but now Singapore do not have that because alternative parties kept on cancelling each other out for 47 years and remained small and inconsequential. Singaporeans only have PAP to choose from to be government. Singaporeans are force by circumstances to vote PAP.
SDP, WP, SDA, NSP, SPP, RP can have all the best policies in the world and debate until death but no power, no votes, no parliamentary seats, no government positions, nothing will happen and nothing will change. Be practical.
Singaporeans are trained by PAP for 47 years to accept single party stability. Singaporeans appetite for coalition government is very very little as compared to single alternative party government.
Best chance tp replace PAP as government is to join WP and help WP grow base on Hougang & Aljunied GRC platforms. This will be the fastest route and a choice with higher chance to succeed and will not waste everybody's time, money, effort and youth.
Unless NSP, SDP, SDA, RP, SPP are still only interested to play musical chairs to be ONLY leading Opposition party like from 1980s-2000s between JBJ's WP and Chiam's SDP and in the end achieve nothing and wasted everybody's time, money, effort and youth.
How many 5 years and how many 47 years do Singaporeans have to allow alternative parties to be fractious ?? Singaporeans do not want to replace WP and start all over again. Singaporeans want to grow WP and replace PAP asap.
Singaporeans are force to vote PAP every election because only PAP is government-sized party and Singapore still needs a government at the end of the day. Singaporeans are sick of alternative party playing musical chairs and the endless cycle.
Join WP and grow it to be government-sized asap please. Start competing for government rather than be leading Opposition.
Singapore is too small for so many political parties but big enough for 2-party Parliament system. But we dont even have the second government-sized party yet and here we have so many smaller inconsequential alternative parties. But what is the point ???<a class="uiLinkSubtle" href="http://www.facebook.com/workersparty/posts/208355509284529?comment_id=631365&offset=0&total_comments=20" data-ft="{"tn":"N"}"><abbr title="Sunday, May 20, 2012 at 12:32am" data-utime="1337445172" class="timestamp livetimestamp">10 hours ago</abbr> · ·