from TR Emeritius
October 9, 2014 at 10:14 am (Quote)
With the $15,000 monthly paycheck I would also gladly keep silent. Good money who don’t want.
Like I said, WP is the classic PAP B team
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October 9, 2014 at 10:37 am (Quote)
This senior citizen have a dammaged brain who blindly worship his WP without sense.
While you are talking about accoutable in the capacity of politicians, what integrity have your WP when they publicly condemned Roy, HHH and protesters at hLP and many negative support like PAP’s return our CPF on 65,
LTK and SL as secretary and chairman of WP have failed as politicians to provide essential constructive policies to improve lives of citizens but remain silent, siting pretty comfort with their 16K MP allowances.
But Roy was sued while voicing out every citizen’s concern and rights on the return of their CPF at 55. Don’t WP feel ashamed as politicians?
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October 9, 2014 at 11:34 am (Quote)
What LTK and WP promise, they better blardy hell deliver.
Otherwise, they are no different from PAP.
So don’t spout nonsense about WP strategy. WP did promise to slap the DRIVER hard if they are caught sleeping.
We want politicians with higher level of integrity and deliver what they promise. Otherwise, why campaign in the first place 挂羊头卖狗肉?
Can’t WP deliver something as simple as their commitment?
So WP supporters, please consider and choose other oppositions (sad to say, my family votes help send WP Aljunied team into parliament). Send clear message to WP and all other opposition parties that if they do not perform and deliver as per their campaign, we will pull them now without qualms.
This is the only way we civilians can do to put politicians on their toes, including PAP (look at LHL wearing HIGH HEELS now that he lost Aljunied).
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PAP B Team:
October 9, 2014 at 12:54 pm (Quote)
I agree with the writer. in 2016 vote in more WP MPs into parliament so that they can remain quiet for the next 5 years. if opposition MPs make a lot noises in parliament, LHL will have to spend all his time to fix them, by keeping quiet allows PM Lee to concentrate on state matters. Opposition MPs should emulate theWP MPS, be the PAP Team B, allow all policies to pass unopposed and do not criticize the ruling party , support the 7million PWP, join the PAP MPs to criticize the behaviours of 3H and Roy on the HLP/ YMCA saga!
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October 9, 2014 at 3:13 pm (Quote)
While it is always good to bide one’s time, the Opposition Does need to respond to issues, to raise questions, like the overcharging by Alvin Yeo’s law firm which has seen no response from the Spore Law Soc; like the ease with which a foreign man who is totally unrelated to a very elderly Sporean not only got Lasting Power of Attorney but also got PR through the appeal of a PAP MP.