Dumbfuck opposition supporting retard
SG median Household Income: SGD$7500
Hong Kong Median Household Income: HKD$22K, roughy SGD $3600
SG median Household Income = 108% more than Hong Kong Median Household income
Big Mac price provided by U
In HK - USD$2.12
In SG - USD$3.75
Singapore is 56% more expensive for Big Mac but since we establish that SG median income is 108% MORE than Hongkies, Hongkies are worse off
The above Big Mac prices are provided by you. NO MOVING OF GOAL POST
Take the example of IPhone.
IPhone 5S in SGD$988
IPhone 5S in HK - HKD$5588 roughly SGD$915
988 - 915 * 100% = 7.3%
Let's compare price of Rice
Price of cheap in-house brand Fairprice Rice in SG: $6.50
Price for cheap in-house brand rice in HK: HKD$40.90 about SGD$6.60
Dumbfuck opposition supporting retard. As U can see SG citizen earns much much more than Hongkies but Hongkies do not pay that much less for food and electronics. U retards have been so well protected you do not even realize how good you have it