how can you have 2 sets of laws to follow with conflicts in defining punishments and conflicts in defining crimes?
Muslims are told to follow the ruler of tat particular country where one resides. Didnt i told u Islam is a peaceful religion.
According to the Buddhists, the middle path is the Buddha path.
Well, if there is a contradiction between the two sets of laws, which do you then follow? Do you follow gahmen law and feel guilty about not being religious? As for your last statement, then's not for me to answer, but it would seem a logical endpoint if your belief is strong. I see now why Muslims in countries tend to seek sharia law to be implemented universally.
Rem. Almost 2 billion Muslims in the world. I cant answer for them. I can only answer u as a Sporean Muslim. Religious? Depend how u define it? So far watever Mufti instructed us to do, seems to me is reasonable and does not go against teaching of Islam. Sharia Law.....only the criminal and the bad guys fear.
Teres tis forum which i interacted with. Some Msian cheena seems to favour the Hudud law. Kudos to them.
Anyway, I will not disturb this thread anymore, but I will state my final conclusions which I partly have you to thank for.

Religions are man-made and therefore unreliable. So far, all evidence points to holy books of Abrahamic religions being works of people. You may reach god through religion or you may not depending upon the person and his peers and teachers. I will not speak badly of your beliefs in god(s), but of religions, I don't trust. I don't need middlemen between me and god(s). And I don't like thinking of continuous orang panggang for eternity whether I am on the right side or wrong side. The idea is just plain wrong.
No problem. I am just sharing watever i know. Most of those verses and events quoted by enemies of Islam here were misrepresented, quoted out of context, lies and fabrication. I am just trying to put matters right. As i had mentioned many times how then God going to convey HIS message if its not thru writings? If someone told u the Quran just drop from the u believe? So man have to write it. Next question is to find out whether those man are reliable, how are they related to the Prophet and wat kind of Prophet was he. I can prove to u the might of the invisible, but u decline.
No problem. So next its the glorious Quran...the Words of God. But the moment u prejudge, then i think the devil had won. Number 1 enemy is Shaytan. All explicitely explained in the Quran. As for panggang ....haha...its a deterrent. U reap wat u sow. Middleman? I answer for my own deed. I dont go to the confession box.
Sorry, I forgot one more thing. You said to me in an earlier post that your soul is more important and I agreed. Your entire source about god(s) is dependent upon that book written 1400 years ago which we think is written by Zayd, but it could have been anybody. Can you be 100% sure you are correct and willing to bet your soul for eternity on it? That's why I do my due diligence to find our difference between facts and fiction. I don't sit here and lepak waiting to be told right and wrong nor do I follow the majority or the best speaker or the nicest writing. That is all packaging. I go and find out for myself.
Yes. I am happy to discuss with u. Calm and rationale. No spewing of vulgarities.
Ur a man of intelligence. Require evidence and proof. Fair enough. And i have produce many examples to u especially on the prophecies and the miracles of the Quran. Soul...hereafter...eternal. Different from ur jasad. At times u had bad dreams, fear, dream of being tortured....tats just a short prelude to the afterlife. . As for Zayd, i believe. Very close to the Prophet. Compared to previous scriptures of the Torah and Gospel, Quran is only 1400 yrs ago. Its more authentic, imo. I have full, 100% trusts in the Holy Quran. And for atheist, really, u have nothing to lose in accepting Islam. U can take it as a "gamble". Wat if its the truth? When the angel of death come knocking ur door....its already too late to turn back bro. Hope u dont stop doing sould searching.
Tell me. what happens if you die and Allah asks, why do you worship a book? I gave you intelligence why don't you find me for yourself? All the best man.
I hope u are not insulting those with high IQ the like of those from professional field....scientists, professors, doctors, researchers. Mathematician etc etc? They found the truth i.e.Islam. They are man of intelligence. They questioned and research on the Quran. They are not arrogant.
Tats the problem when people lack of basic Islamic knowledge. I have to correct u. Before Allah ask me any questions, i will be questioned in my grave by the angels the moment i am buried.