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Ho Ching : Aiyoyo, Serene,


You will never win them, they are only scared of the people every five years when they want your votes.

Other than that, dont think they give a heck care how online react


It's nauseating reading her post. Arrogant, senseless and demeaning. I thought it was bad enough until I read the comments from her worshippers. My God. Singaporeans really deserves to be fucked. Years of educations and no one seems to be able to reason or think right.

You don't own the flat. Period. What you're selling is the rights to use the flat; made legal and transferrable by the law. When I own the apple, I can crushed it and throw it away. Can you do that with your HDB? No, you have to apply for permission to renovate and you're required to restore it to it's original state before transfer. If you own it, you don't have to return it after 99 years and all those residents in TPY can choose to continue to stay in their HDB instead of being forced into SERS. Fucking morons.
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It's nauseating reading her post. Arrogant, senseless and demeaning. I told it was bad enough until I read the comments from her worshippers. My God. Singaporeans really deserves to be fucked. Years of educations and no one seems to be able to reason or think right.

You don't own the flat. Period. What you're selling is the rights to use the flat; made legal and transferrable by the law. When I own the apple, I can crushed it and throw it away. Can you do that with your HDB? No, you have to apply for permission to renovate and you're required to restore it to it's original state before transfer. If you own it, you don't have to return it after 99 years and all those residents in TPY can choose to continue to stay in their HDB instead of being forced into SERS. Fucking morons.
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It's nauseating reading her post. Arrogant, senseless and demeaning. I told it was bad enough until I read the comments from her worshippers. My God. Singaporeans really deserves to be fucked. Years of educations and no one seems to be able to reason or think right.

You don't own the flat. Period. What you're selling is the rights to use the flat; made legal and transferrable by the law. When I own the apple, I can crushed it and throw it away. Can you do that with your HDB? No, you have apply for permission to renovate and you're required to restore it to it's original state before transfer. Fucking morons.
Many of the comments that are pro cb mouth are written by bots.


If you don't own the land, it's on lease.

Same for the 'freehold' private property... the F-word makes you believe you actually own it.

On land you own, you can build whatever you want on it, grow whatever you want on it, restrict access to whoever you want to. You have total sovereignty over it.
LHL will make sure Land belong to state


if a hdb buyer doesn’t own the land but has to pay for land cost while buying a flat, hisher arse is getting reamed.
Why do ppl keep criticising the pap on this. Why don't they look at it the other way... U buy the BTO at 400 or 500k...and take HDB loan which offers more protection commercial loan ..than after that it becomes 1 million ...buy landed property in mudland got such benefits? Many of such mudland owners will be more worried if their estate becomes a low rent crime infested district


Why do ppl keep criticising the pap on this. Why don't they look at it the other way... U buy the BTO at 400 or 500k...and take HDB loan which offers more protection commercial loan ..than after that it becomes 1 million ...buy landed property in mudland got such benefits? Many of such mudland owners will be more worried if their estate becomes a low rent crime infested district
How many HDB owner can in reality cash out a million dollar from it? It's still a dream for many. How many cash rich buyers can pay a million hdb now?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Why do ppl keep criticising the pap on this. Why don't they look at it the other way... U buy the BTO at 400 or 500k...and take HDB loan which offers more protection commercial loan ..than after that it becomes 1 million ...buy landed property in mudland got such benefits? Many of such mudland owners will be more worried if their estate becomes a low rent crime infested district
any pubic housing going over $699k is too much. i used to praise the pap for subsidizing and keeping pubic housing affordable for sinkies buying their first time hdb flat. it used to be $69k, then $169k, then $369k, now $699k. of course, time, material, labor, and inflation add cost to the price. but now “land cost” is the biggest component of it. wtf has gone wrong?! may as well call it for-profit housing.