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HK Towkay Says "We will Hire Locally Even if More Expensive"! Sinkie Towkay?

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Auntie, I oredi told your retarded teammate wMulew to learn how to READ BETWEEN THE LINES. How many times do I have to tell you that my post is NOT about construction workers but about ATTITUDES of Hongkie towkays versus Sinkie towkays.

Just in case, you still miss the point - Sinkie towkays IN WHATEVER INDUSTRY are CHEAPSKATE, don't take a long time view, don't have social responsibility, not willing to invest capital to help raise productivity, etc. In fact, you are probably one or the wife of one of them. Besides, if the Government has its hands in 70% of the Singapore economy, through stat boards, GLCs, etc, the most CHEAPSKATE, disloyal, short term Towkay in Sinkieland is the one that Sinkies themselves elected. Really DAFT. Sinkies should REPENT and do something about this in 2016 and better still BEFORE.

Sinkie bosses learn from the best.......the bastards in white.
Taking easy way out maximise profit at all costs.....6.9million is good example.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Another fine example of retarded opposition supporting moron. At the end of the day you still don't want Singaporeans to be construction workers so who will build the flats? They build themselves? Clones? Robots? Aliens? Complain so much end up the solution is still foreigners. Retard

FARK you understand, you moronic PAP IB retard.

Zis retarded post of yours shows that like your teammates, you need to take lessons in Ingereesh comprehension. Where did I ever said that I don't want Singaporeans to be construction workers? I challenge you to point out the exact sentence in any of my posts.

For your super-low Bangla IQ, let me repeat - GOOD ATTITIUDE of Hongkie towkays versus FARKED UP ATTITUDE of Singkie towkays in whatever trade or industry (including but not limited to construction). Retard, read again if don't understand. Still don't understand, take a deep breath and read one more time. Still don't understand - no cure lah, you better go and be a construction worker in Blangadesh.

Better you change your signature to "wMulew thinks he is not a retard, it is true, he is a SUPER RETARD! needs lessons in Ingereesh Comprehension, but don't want to pay, wants volunteer to give him free tuition!"
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Do a check on how much aussie construction workers earn n the conditions they work in. 40 to 45 deg days in summer etc.. and they still do such jobs cos its a professional job w high pay.

I wouldn't wish a construction job on any Singaporean except the White Hats. Hong Kong is cooler than Singapore 75% of the time and even then are hardly at the same level of skill of the Japanese.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The GLCs take those who can't make it to the MNCs and pay them 60-80% of the MNC pay but their salaries are still about 30-50% higher than the salaries paid by the Chinese Towkays (except maybe the Indonesian ones).

OK, OK, now I know. You can't make it to the MNCs, therefore you are now "working" for a GLC. You can't do anything useful there, so your GLC boss sent you to Sammy Boy. You have my sympathy, but have you considered how you can upgrade your skills and improve your productivity?
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Speaking of HK and SG towkays, I always laugh when thinking about the different manner in which Ronnie and Mun Leong speak.


Work for GLC with those ex-scholars? You gotta be kidding :wink:

OK, OK, now I know. You can't make it to the MNCs, therefore you are now "working" for a GLC. You can't do anything useful there, so your GLC boss sent you to Sammy Boy. You have my sympathy, but have you considered how you can upgrade your skills and improve your productivity?

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
The difference its the dialect group that dominate the country. Hk is canto dominated whereas in singkieland its dominated by hokkein. But teochew are majority. And places where hokkein dominated always screws up like indon n php. I now rest my case about hokkeins

Not true: the Hokkien is 40%, Cantonese and Teochew 20% each, the balance divided among all the other dialect groups. This balance perhaps slightly larger now because of the influx of the PRCs. I have no comment for the rest of your post.

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
their salaries are still about 30-50% higher than the salaries paid by the Chinese Towkays (except maybe the Indonesian ones).

The Chinese/Indonesian towkays pay the top guys very well but not the rest. Western MNCs' pay scales are more equitable.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Speaking of HK and SG towkays, I always laugh when thinking about the different manner in which Ronnie and Mun Leong speak.

The Sinkie one speaks like a helucopta. Besides, he works for Capitaland, GLC and should be largest or one of the largest developers in Sinkieland. Same class as Zorro.

Not to mention hypocritical - builds shoebox apartments and then says in a speech that those are not "humane" - so why your farking GLC builds them in the first place.

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Alfrescian (Inf)
Speaking of HK and SG towkays, I always laugh when thinking about the different manner in which Ronnie and Mun Leong speak.

This Hongkie towkay speaks much better English.

So, which one is the "talent"? Let the average SG voter be the judge.

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Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
The Sinkie one speaks like a helucopta. Besides, he works for Capitaland, GLC and should be largest or one of the largest developers in Sinkieland. Same class as Zorro.

And among the top handful of highly paid employees in the country before his recent retirement.
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This Hongkie towkay speaks much better English.

So, which one is the "talent"? Let the average SG voter be the judge.

Thanks Asterix for the 2 videos.

Just listen to the way both speak.
One is the CEO of a top property company in HK, the other is the just-retired CEO of a top property company in SG.


He said the higher cost gets passed on to consumers
So you ppl willing to pay more for housing?

Brother KNN,you know the problem goes much deeper than that,the jokers here are of a higher standard,why you so like to treat them like the 61%,and you are so knowledgeable,I am 200% sure that you fake here,but I can't figure out WHY?It is OK if you are Lee KY admirer,he is a brilliant man,but don't use that kind of low standard please,you are doing a disservice to LKY,God bless.


The Sinkie one speaks like a helucopta. Besides, he works for Capitaland, GLC and should be largest or one of the largest developers in Sinkieland. Same class as Zorro.

Not to mention hypocritical - builds shoebox apartments and then says in a speech that those are not "humane" - so why your farking GLC builds them in the first place.


Brother Asterix,LNL is born with gift of the gap,and he happens to know madam Ho who worked as his engineer in SISIR,he cleimed up fast,before that he was a career failure,when I met him in Poly,most of the time he locked up the small lecture room on 2nd floor and played poker with his kakis.