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HK Towkay Says "We will Hire Locally Even if More Expensive"! Sinkie Towkay?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Co-chairman and managing director Thomas Kwok Ping-kwong [of Sun Hung Kai Properties, co-developer of Ion in Sinkieland and one of the largest in Hong Kong] said home prices were unlikely to fall significantly given soaring construction costs.

"Construction workers [in Hong Kong] in our construction unit have received an annual 15 per cent increase in salaries, with some getting rises of up to 30 per cent since last year. But I disagree with importing labour to solve the shortage problem. Instead, we should encourage more young people to enter the industry," he said.

Rest of article is about Sun Hung Kai's financial results, those interested can view it on SCMP's website here:


In the meantime, in Sinkieland, cheapskate Sinkie towkays want the right to import more cheap labour:


Questions: Who would you rather work for? If these lousy cheapskate Sinkie towkays are never gonna change their basic character, then what can you do if you have skills that are in demand elsewhere? If you are stuck in Sinkieland, for whatever reason, who should be on your side against the cheapskate Sinkie towkays? Should "your representatives" not know what to do, come 2016, what will you do to show your displeasure? Even if they give you SGD 800 "Prosperity Bonus" 7 days before the GE, will you still remember their crime of a few years ago? Do you have to wait until 2016? Can you do anything in the meantime? Where's this peesai park called Hong Lim?
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Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Can someone cue the fuckfaces of Douglas Fool and Andrew Tjoe? Hell that cb face Andrew is not even a sinkie


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Co-chairman and managing director Thomas Kwok Ping-kwong [of Sun Hung Kai Properties, co-developer of Ion in Sinkieland and one of the largest in Hong Kong] said home prices were unlikely to fall significantly given soaring construction costs.

"Construction workers [in Hong Kong] in our construction unit have received an annual 15 per cent increase in salaries, with some getting rises of up to 30 per cent since last year. But I disagree with importing labour to solve the shortage problem. Instead, we should encourage more young people to enter the industry," he said.

Rest of article is about Sun Hung Kai's financial results, those interested can view it on SCMP's website here:


In the meantime, in Sinkieland, cheapskate Sinkie towkays want the right to import more cheap labour:


Questions: Who would you rather work for? If these lousy cheapskate Sinkie towkays are never gonna change their basic character, then what can you do if you have skills that are in demand elsewhere? If you are stuck in Sinkieland, for whatever reason, who should be on your side against the cheapskate Sinkie towkays? Should "your representatives" not know what to do, come 2016, what will you do to show your displeasure? Even if they give you SGD 800 "Prosperity Bonus" 7 days before the GE, will you still remember their crime of a few years ago? Do you have to wait until 2016? Can you do anything in the meantime? Where's this peesai park called Hong Lim?

i like this HK boss, very got the style and character..

as you know how sinkie behaves, it is much better to stay away from them to avoid yourself getting sinkie polluted.


HK people are chinese, SGPlians are mostly chinese.

how come we don't behave the same?

did Lao Li social re-engineering hurt our soul bad?
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He said the higher cost gets passed on to consumers
So you ppl willing to pay more for housing?


He said the higher cost gets passed on to consumers
So you ppl willing to pay more for housing?

This shows your immaturity. Businessmen will always want to sell at the highest prices available notwisthatding what they pay their workers. Question is will customers buy from you or not? You think there is only one such company in Hong Kong? Grow up and grow a brain.


Alfrescian (Inf)
This HK Towkay might have just lost his premise to blood sucking landlord.

Pretending to hire local, because he is finding a job himself soon.

I notice some shop has increase rental by 500% in HK within a year.


Kinana pls don't be so naive. The bulk of the cost of a hdb flat is in the so called purchase for land.

Everything being equal, higher wages equals higher costs n therefore prices. So are you saying that you jokers n willing to pay higher prices for housing?


Can someone cue the fuckfaces of Douglas Fool and Andrew Tjoe? Hell that cb face Andrew is not even a sinkie

That Doughlas Fool of Sakae declared to the world that he is offering $3,000.00 p.m. hard cash but cannot find any sinkee to takeup the job of a cleaner.
Be warned ! His five cent coin is like a bullock-cart wheel !

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
Everything being equal, higher wages equals higher costs n therefore prices. So are you saying that you jokers n willing to pay higher prices for housing?

Already paying higher prices for land when the Govt marked these to private market. So what is new?


New Member
Sinkie towkay threaten to leave Sinkie if they dun get cheap foreign workers.

Tell you lah. They no money still want to be bosses. knn some more delay payment or default payment for their workers. SMEs are useless. bay kan one. Look at the govt sector too. Another bay kan. All traitors.


Alfrescian (Inf)
pap throwing smoke bomb now. all the media keep spinning that pap tighten the foreign workers quota and all the SME kpkb about dying.
but at the same time PMET jobs still goes to those 3rd world foreign trash with fake degrees and fake working experience quietly with ICA letting in more!!!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Sinkie towkay threaten to leave Sinkie if they dun get cheap foreign workers.

It's all bs ...they won't survive anywhere else ...if they move to Indon, they will live in fear and they will kowtow to the workers there ...if they move to Viet, they will live in greater fear as they could be eaten up like dogs ...if they move to mudland, the Islamist will scare them to bits ...at the end of the day, they will just remain in sinkapore and accept lower profits.