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High SES Tiongbu committed suicide because cannot pay 3 million


As long as your bills are paid , healthcare insurance are paid forth .I don't think we got an issue here in Singapore.

At the end of the day, our days on earth are numbered. One more day you lived, one less day to count on.
Yeah....only left 20-30yrs painful days ahead
Only hope for a good painless ending at end of the day.



Population pyramid show a very interesting trend after u hit 69yrs old


People confuse school education with intelligence.... It's quite obvious she is not so bright after all infact quite stupid. All her financial decisions are based upon CCP narratives.... which ultimately led to her demise. I am sure these are also the same kind of people who follows the vaccination narrative.... really ish die liao also how ownself die one.


People confuse school education with intelligence.... It's quite obvious she is not so bright after all infact quite stupid. All her financial decisions are based upon CCP narratives.... which ultimately led to her demise. I am sure these are also the same kind of people who follows the vaccination narrative.... really ish die liao also how ownself die one.
Yeah...Einstein is only LeeAhMa Holder


AC Green who invent Vector Theorem is a Baker and Brick layer by profession, only with 1 yr education




Be prepared to hear more of such stories. The bursting of the property bubble, high interest rates and reduced employment have hit the people hard. When times were booming, many middle class Chinese families obtained cheap loans to buy property in the hope of making a quick buck through capital gain and rental income. A private hire driver or salaried worker owning 2 to 3 apartments and 2 cars was not uncommon. The average standard of living in well-managed Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities actually surpassed that of Singaporeans, 80% of whom live in a pigeonhole and don't own a car.

Now that Xi is 'draining the swamp' and hauling in corrupt developers, mayors and provincial chiefs, there will be a lot of hardship. US sanctions have added to the misery. The economy has slowed and people are now reverting to 'revenge saving', much like Japan in the '90s after the Plaza Accord and bursting of the asset bubble. Whether China will go into a deflationary spiral is the elephant in the room - though China's demographics and development dynamics are very different from Japan in the '90s, and may emerge leaner and meaner.

No pain, no gain. As the Chinese say, better to suffer great pain in the short term than go through a long drawn-out pain.
1997 HK also alot 空中飞人,leemember?


I saw the YouTube video. This girl bought the home at 2023 costing 15million RMB.

She paid 4 to 5 million RMB as down payment. But the price of the house drop like flies ...and I think it must be too much bear. And she also has a severe cut in her salary.

She's a high flier since her school days winning multiple award and scholarship. I think it's a mixture of reason like wealth drop, severe salary cut and the severe drop in the property price lead to her demise.

So pretty but yet so ...brittle.
It a sad cautionary tale
But people has short memory de woh


https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202...ICC denied that,the decline in housing prices.
Death of a 30-year-old female investment banker sparks discussions, stirs public concerns over psychological health of practitioners
The death of a 30-year-old female investment banker from one of the largest investment banks in China sparked heated discussions online on Wednesday and stirred public concerns over the psychological health issues that the practitioners of the sector are facing because of the recent salary cuts in the industry.

Speculation that a female investment banker surnamed Zheng from China International Capital Corporation (CICC) died of a suicidal jump from her company office in Shanghai went viral on Wednesday.

The company replied to the National Business Daily that the information circulated online about the details of her death were rumors and the company expected the public to respect the privacy of the deceased and not to believe or spread rumors.

According to CICC, the company expressed its deepest condolences to the family and friends of the deceased employee and immediately established a special task work group to cope with this sudden incident together with the employee’s family members and to properly handle related matters.

Many netizens also expressed their condolences for the death of this young woman whose personal resume exposed by some netizens shows that she used to be an elite student with outstanding academic performance and rich foreign exchange experiences.

Despite that CICC denied that she died of a suicidal jump, online speculation showed that Zheng committed suicide resulted from overlapping multiple factors including pay reductions, housing mortgage and the economic losses caused by the decline in housing prices.

Information and screenshots circulated online show that Zheng’s loan balance was over 11 million yuan ($1.51 million) with her monthly loan repayment amounted to as much as 56,872 yuan.

According to the National Business Daily, employees’ per capita salary in the securities industry has been decreasing in the past few years. The income per capita of CICC fell from 1.16 million yuan in 2021 to 700,400 yuan in 2023. The trend of salary reductions seems to show no signs of easing in 2024. Statistics show that CICC’s per capita payroll payable in the first quarter of 2024 amounted to 105,200 yuan, or 35,000 yuan per month, which was a huge drop from the 100,000 yuan per month back in 2020, a nearly 65 percent decline over the past four years.

Despite the high salary in the industry, sudden deaths of the practitioners in the financial sector have occurred from time to time over the past few years.
In May of 2019, Mao Junhua, a senior executive from Ant Group, died of cancer. Mao also worked as an analyst at CICC before he joined Ant Group.
In March of 2021, an investment banker of Sinolink Securities Co died of sudden cardiac arrest at the age of only 39.

These tragic cases of premature deaths of workers in the financial sector have served as a wake-up call for the management of mental and physical health for professionals in the industry.

Global Times