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High SES Tiongbu committed suicide because cannot pay 3 million

Robert Half

I am happy to stay in a public housing and live a simple life. I had a mind of my own and I did not listen to those :devilish:

Fark the senior management :FU:

Well said bro :thumbsup: it is these groups of fxxking people that you mentioned in red that caused all these misery.

I also think that the private property owners here will also suffered the same fate as this ATB :frown:


One good apartment that can accommodate your whole family is enough liao, don't buy something that is so expensive that your financial life unbearable.

Don't be too greedy in life and don't always follow people to upgrade your house, we will be less stressful and happier :smile:
BUT Vivian said the he need a minimum B/W bungalow to give decent space for his family of 5.:smile:


3 million Tiong dollars is around 560k Sinkie dollars. Worth it? :rolleyes:
Many tiongkok people and business collapse under huge debt pressure.

Lucky one lost one arm one leg and live to fight another days. Some becum duck or cheekon...while others choose to move to heaven


Moi only have single digit left in my saving account every month end....

Bills payments, Credit card debt...all keep cuming non-stop :(
As long as your bills are paid , healthcare insurance are paid forth .I don't think we got an issue here in Singapore.

At the end of the day, our days on earth are numbered. One more day you lived, one less day to count on.