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Here's Why Singaporean PMETs Losing Their Jobs


The writing is already on the wall in 2000s
Only now PAP take cognizance of the trend n want to do something about it plus NTUC now doing song n dance about helping PMEs despite the fact they hv been giving choice jobs to FTs - remember the racist woman who is FT from Malaysia n was sacked after which she gone back to Sydney?


You're an abject loser if you keep thinking lowly of others. It is a reflection of your own low self-esteem.

You are a cheebye shittalker if you can't even take a joke about some bullshit you spouted.


Alfrescian (Inf)
This was followed by Minister for Social and Family Development Chan Chun Sing , who said that, “It’s not the degree or the diploma… that is most important… What matters most is the training of the mind and the ability to grasp an issue, ask the correct questions, dissect the problem and find the solutions.

That's us.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Any "Wonderful" article from this idiot who takes half the stats remove the critical thinking and let those brainless sheep just take his word for it. Anyone with half a brain and take 1 min to think about it can see how flaw his article is