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Here's Why Singaporean PMETs Losing Their Jobs


Alfrescian (Inf)
Source: The Heart Truths

<iframe src="http://thehearttruths.com/2013/11/27/why-are-singaporean-pmets-losing-their-jobs-heres-why/" style="border: 0" width="1000" height="800" frameborder="0" scrolling="yes"></iframe>
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Singapore population is aging.......how to solve that problem?

That's a phenomenon, not a problem.

The pappies are merely anxious that the pool of wage slaves whom they can siphon off from is shrinking.

More advanced countries tend to have less children. If you own a farm, you need more kids to help out with the labour-intensive jobs at the farm. People who breed a lot in a modern society tend to be religiously motivated - they take the 'be fruitful and multiply' thing pretty seriously.

You'd also need to make more babies in backward countries to hedge your bets, because infant mortality rate is high. It's an investment strategy.


angmoh countries also plenty of aging population and having population growth problems.

Chinese fathers watch your daughters, angmoh lancheows are coming for them, then bring them back to their countries to screw your daughters, orgy and share their wives too.

Singapore population is aging.......how to solve that problem?
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Why do you think that aging population is a problem?

It's a problem. This is an economic fact. That's why China is rescinding its one child policy, because its population is aging.

Japan is finished. Frankly, if a country is not able to replace its own population with new births, it will disappear from the earth in due time.


It's a problem. This is an economic fact. That's why China is rescinding its one child policy, because its population is aging.

Japan is finished. Frankly, if a country is not able to replace its own population with new births, it will disappear from the earth in due time.

Frankly you sound like the old man and his son.


Dear XX

Thank you for your feedback of 10 November 2013.

We would like to explain that EP/S Pass holders need to earn a fixed monthly salary of at least $4,000 to be eligible to apply for DP for their legally married spouses and/or unmarried/legally adopted children under 21 years of age. We are of the view that if the DP holders can qualify to work, they would also be making a contribution to Singapore during their stay here. If they would like to work here, their prospective employers will need to apply for a Letter of Consent (LOC)/work pass from MOM.

If LTVP+/LTVP holders wish to work here, their prospective employers will also need to apply for a LOC/work pass for them. You may want to note that LTVP+/LTVP holders could be spouses of Singaporeans as well. For more information, you may like to click on the URL: http://www.mom.gov.sg/foreign-manpo...-consent-ltvp-plus-holders/Pages/default.aspx

All applications are carefully assessed taking into consideration a number of factors such as the applicant��s qualifications, working experience, job nature, economic contribution and the employer��s track record. As such, a holistic assessment is made of each application taking into account the set of factors mentioned.

Thank you.


Singapore population is aging.......how to solve that problem?

Please put your question to the multi-million $ ministars. They should have the answers.

After all didn't Pinky says that Sinkies must be willing to pay top $ for top talents?

All of us here are not smart people as we aren't paid multi-million $ salaries+perks+benefits


We would like to explain that EP/S Pass holders need to earn a fixed monthly salary of at least $4,000 to be eligible to apply for DP for their legally married spouses and/or unmarried/legally adopted children under 21 years of age. We are of the view that if the DP holders can qualify to work, they would also be making a contribution to Singapore during their stay here. If they would like to work here, their prospective employers will need to apply for a Letter of Consent (LOC)/work pass from MOM.

.........If LTVP+/LTVP holders wish to work here, their prospective employers will also need to apply for a LOC/work pass for them. You may want to note that LTVP+/LTVP holders could be spouses of Singaporeans as well...........

EP, S, LTVP+/LTVP passes don't apply to Asean citizens once AEC comes into effect in December 2015 (estimated timeframe).


Alfrescian (Inf)
Frankly you sound like the old man and his son.

Hell no. I've a solution to the aging population that does not pivot entirely on influx of foreigners to replace the aging population.

Unfortunately, Singapore will not get to implement it because I will not be revealing the solution any time. Pay me $1 billion and I will save Singapore from the eventual chaos of its present flawed solution or its feeble attempt to solve the aging population.

Also, I will require 24x7x365 armed guard security protection for the rest of my life as part of my remuneration.


Singapore population is aging.......how to solve that problem?

1 actually has a solution. I saw how the Japs take care of their aging population. Singapore is a tiny dot island cannot do the same, unfortunately.

You know what the pappies will be thinking, if not saying?

Our family members also ageing mah, but we are taking good care of them what.

This is the result of nearly 50 years of the establishment mentality, where you first establish the fact (or myth if you like) that your family is exceptional, and then go on from there.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Hell no. I've a solution ...

... Also, I will require 24x7x365 armed guard security protection for the rest of my life as part of my remuneration.
ur soln if implemented wil make so many ppl so mad dat dey want ur life? ... :eek:


ur soln if implemented wil make so many ppl so mad dat dey want ur life? ... :eek:

either that or it's the fictional aka nonexistent aka daydreaming aka dangugu one billion he has with him........................... :o


Alfrescian (Inf)
It's a problem. This is an economic fact. That's why China is rescinding its one child policy, because its population is aging.

Japan is finished. Frankly, if a country is not able to replace its own population with new births, it will disappear from the earth in due time.

Japan population decline is caused their AV movies depicting men cumming onto the faces of women instead of their pussies.....


Alfrescian (Inf)
either that or it's the fictional aka nonexistent aka daydreaming aka dangugu one billion he has with him........................... :o

You're an abject loser if you keep thinking lowly of others. It is a reflection of your own low self-esteem.


Alfrescian (Inf)
ur soln if implemented wil make so many ppl so mad dat dey want ur life? ... :eek:

Not many people, just some mad losers in life.........you know, every population has its share of bad apples and losers, those that should have been eradicated from the gene pool a long time ago.


New Member
Here is the real truth, snippets from PinoySG

Friends, i got fired from my job on friday last week together with other
fellow pinoys (total) 6 of us all pinoys got fired without compensation, only
the last salary paid.

The guy from india is lying, yes i admit i did
give preference to pinoys for certain jobs but not what they claimed at all.



..... I've a solution to the aging population that does not pivot entirely on influx of foreigners to replace the aging population.

..............Pay me $1 billion and I will save Singapore from the eventual chaos..............

Also, I will require 24x7x365 armed guard security protection for the rest of my life as part of my remuneration.

Good. Velly good. You're learning fast.

You can now join the ranks of the ruling elite.