Aust bank interest rate is above 4%. U must be a bank yourself to borrow at 2.5% from reserve bank. 1-4% is no big deal to the rich sinkies and fts. U wait long long. U guess which will happen first, old bastard LKY meets his maker first or sg property to crash first?
When it crashes, it'll be pretty bad, I suspect, as the government have already propped up 2 previous recessions with more and more foreign labour. Hope LKY will be around to watch PAP get unraveled by our economy then. But it's likely the old man will go first, because he already long past expiry date and one look you also know he one foot into the coffin.
Yeah, that's why I said loan interest rate is 4-7% for the last 15 years in Australia, as their interbank rate is 2.5% to 5%.