On one hand, Minister Mah says HDB is an investment that Singaporeans could "monetize" but on the other hand, his HDB policies have effectively rule out any meaningful "money making" out of selling HDB flats for downgraders! Sometimes, it is really hard to believe what that the Minister does not know the inherent contradictions that his policies have in accordance to the his policy aim...
Goh Meng Seng
MBT is thinking od people with more than one home. If you only own one home, you can't monetize that home without buying a new one. It's not like owning shares or bonds. MBT has been shown to be lacking in principles for not allowing public information, HDB costings. We should not take any of his word at 'cost price'.
We must always 'subsidize' MBT's words. In fact, let's leave him out of the equation altogether. Why would you listen or even believe in someone that deliberately with holds pertinent public information from the public? It means he has something to hide. Let him hide it for as long as he can.
BUt let's move on in the meantime.
GMS, do not take policies that reach out to the masses as populist policies. Populist policies are not inherently bad especially in a political and socio-economic climate that has been strnagled by a fascist political party.
I have mentioned many times before, we have to forget all the things that the PAPies have told us through their forked tongues via the 154th if we want to improve the lives of Singaporeans. We cannot take anything that they say or report at 'cost price'.
Your initial initiative is a starting point but it lacks width and depth and simplicity to reach to the masses. You are talking to the masses and not to an economics class. You have very little time to reach out to them.
You must realise the larger goals at stake. I believe that you truly believe in what you want to practice BUT I tell you that it will only cause confusion amongst the masses.
There are better alternatives and a few have been alluded to in this thread. Open up your mind to the possibilities BUT first understand the problem carefully and properly.
I also am hopeful that the Alternative Parties will form a solidarity to beat the PAP at the polls. The people need to see a united front for this to happen.
We have talked about Taiwan, Japan and Malaysia and even Indonesia as having broken away from a single-party rule that has ruled for eons BUT we forget that the only way to do so was to have a UNITED FRONT.
Smallish parties fighting individually against a long-standing incumbent like the PAP is highly unlikely going to lead to success for these smaller parties. Consolidate. Look towards solidarity. Have only the leaders meet up for such meetings and do not announce it until polling date is announced.
We have to win the next GE. Wong CUNT Seng has already pledged about 400,00+ PRs and NEW Citizens for the next five years if the PAPies remain in power. The 400,000+ does not include FTs on employment pass or other types of permits for FTs to work here.
Our days as Singaporeans are numbered. You as an Alternative Party up-coming candidate has to understand this. And I urge you to reach out to the other Alternative PArties to consolidate either as a single party or at least to form a solidarityso that the people can see a truly viable alternative government to the PAP.
HAving said all these, remember the theory of Floor Pricing I touched on in the older forum. This theory is valid and robust. While it explains why and how prices can move up it doesn't provide conclusive information on how prices will move downwards in a segmented market. In other words, your theory may not work at all. I am not pouring cold water on you but I want you to look at the alternative views provided and most of all I salute you for seeing the issues at hand and want you to work collectively with other alternative party HEADs to come up with a solutin that all Alternative Parties believe in and will put these initiatives to the people when the GE is called.
Take note that without a united front, Taiwan, Japan, Indonesia and to a certain extend Malaysia will not be in the position they are today. People want change but they NEED TO BELIEVE that the change can happen. And without a united front, it would not have happened there and neither will it happen here.
A united front against the PAP. The aim is MERDEKA!