Goh, u are truly not getting it. As an oppo member, u cannot afford to alienate any segment. If you propose this, the first time homebuyers may like u and vote for u if for no other reason they may get a cheap flat when the dust is settled. But you would have disenfranchised the rest of the voters, votes that u need badly. In your mind, there will be no price drop or the negative effects are manageable, that may not be the mindset of the rest of the voters who might think their property price will fall dramatically. If you want to incorporate cheap housing into your party platform, do it for every one. I propose u adopt the following:
Determine the actual cost of each HDB flat (the HDB will have those numbers, or there are sources around that can determine that). Ignore the land component because on leases, the land does not belong to the tenants anyway. REBATE EVERYONE THE AMOUNT OF MONEY THEY OVERPAID FOR THEIR FLAT. And I mean everyone. The rebated money will be applied towards the paying down of their mortgage. If there is extra left over, than it goes to their CPF account. This will help prevent run away inflation. At the same time, start selling flats to everyone, including first time home buyers at cost. Legislate that all resale flat sellers must disclose the real cost of their flats to the buyers. that way, there is full knowledge and disclosure, and whether the buyers want to pay the extra price is up to them.
The funds to pay for the rebates will come from the national reserves. After all, the overcharging of HDB flats contributed to the accumulation of the national reserves. If there are not enough funds to pay for the rebates, the new govt. can investigate and I am sure some PAP assholes will go to jail.
Inform all PRs and new citizens that if they buy a (now at-cost) flat, and they do not move their families from their homelands to singapore and occupy this flat within 6 months of obtaining the flat, they will have to give up the flat and find accomodations elsewhere. This will discourage the speculative element of the FTs and encourage real serious people to move here.
Abandon the BTO and build a set minimum number of flats every year, say 10,000. regardless of whether the HDB thinks there is a demand for it or not.
Hope u consider something like the above.