I refrain from contributing until i think thru' the implications.
After reading 3 pages now, i realise it is one thing to make MBT sweat & another to do his job. Especially when it means picking up from where he left off and NOT starting on a clean slate say 20 odd years ago before CPF was liberalised for HDB purchase.
It really proves that one can't make omelettes without breaking eggs.
This comment most poignant:
GMS's idea is good but as pointed out by Papsmearer and Ramseth, not practical. It will create a lot more upheaval and disruption than solution.
The PAP has boxed itslef into a corner which is spiralling upwards. Maybe the solution is not in the HDB pricing policies, but in revising our wages upwards aggressively over the next 5 years, to keep up with the asset inflation.
Almost everyone has something sensible to discuss except for one demagogue whose inevitable tirade always end with 'VOTE THE PAPPIES OUT'. But perhaps the rational tone is infectious, and this emo chap toned down somewhat & started using his brains for a change to talk about 'honorable pay-back' which was countered by another bro.
One important caveat :-
GMS, I gather these are your personal musings as in thinking aloud with forumers here - because at some point you seem to post with an air of finality. I am sure there will be discussions within your NSP or do you mean what you are sharing here is after NSP's internal brainstorm?
The reason for my concern is that in its present form (the gist of the past 3 pages), this is way too premature for official public presentation. Already, Rameth's imaginary conversation between voter & PAP is very vivid.
As for my personal input:-
I am more inclined towards the bold-faced comments above. GMS is of the view that the merits of his suggestion outweigh & justify the resulting price upheaval. i am not so sure.
As for raising the real income level of Singaporeans, ha! of course this is everyone's ideal & PAP's boast in the past. But since the '97 Asian Financial Crisis, good years are shorter in span & fewer in episodes (e.g. '01 9/11 then '03 SARS, then subprime, H1N1, productivity lag .....
So my suggestion is : raising real income is an ongoing & the National #1 Priority. But as for Housing Prices, the aim must be to manage stability - that is maintain low low appreciation. The '90 to '96 jump & the 20080-2009 jump are the twin culprits that jack up HDB prices astronomically.
(1) Internally, HDB must conscientiously decide not to profiteer, maintain below inflation rate (maybe 10% of inflation rate) increase of new flat prices
(2) Monitor market happenings & impacting trends judiciously, never say ' caught me by surprise' type of nonsense EVER again - very unbecoming of universe-class salaried ministers.
So long as new flat prices grow very marginally, the trickle-on effects on resale, private housing prices hopefully will follow through.
Allowing for economic externalities beyond our control, then the possibility for real income growth catching up to make asset appreciation more accurate than asset inflation becomes more probable.
GMS's suggestion can still help if confined to a certain segmented class of Singaporeans in the lower economic strata.