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Re: For those who think I am mad. Please provide the answers for these questions.
But I never blamed only you for his disappearance for three months, right?
Anyway, here's another old reply for another thread:
that I saved for over a month (since 13 November, to be more precise) and refrained from posting because I didn't want to continue arguing with you anymore at that time; but I think now should be the right time to let you and everyone else read it:
Once again, the moment I saw you use that phrase, I almost immediately recalled those debates in which Hillary used it, so I just felt like suggesting that you include those links in your forum signature, just for fun! :o
I honestly did not intend to insinuate that you stole it.

And it's also more relevant, since she was the one running for President, right?
Furthermore, this is obviously not a new phrase, so even Michelle Obama is not the first to use it, right?
2. Even if I manage to find it and read it, that is obviously not the same as remembering it without doing the search, right?

Or am I not allowed to joke?

But since I have very little interest in JB, I seldom visit that sub-forum.

if that's who you're referring to.
And actually, it is you who should be doing the proving by quoting posts/threads, before you outright accuse anyone of being a clone of anyone else.

At most, you can only accuse me of "insinuating", and you would still have to prove it, and not simply say "Who are you kidding that you are not insinuating I stole this phrase? Wunderfool or me or anybody else reading your post would interpret in the same way."
In fact, if I wanted to, I can also accuse you of slandering me, but I have better things to do.
Furthermore, Wunderfool was obviously just joking, just like how I was also joking.

Anyway, here are my exact words:

But whenever I'm 100% sure of something (whether it's identifying clones or health issues or flat Earth issues or anything else), I would usually say that I'm "100%" or "very" sure of whatever it is that I'm 100% sure of.

And it would be pointless for me to reply, including asking you for links to those old "slanderous" posts/threads, if it turned out that you would never reply to me again, right?

Another reason I forgot to mention is that it was roughly two days before the US Presidential Election, and I wanted to prevent myself from being distracted by a potential argument with you.
Yes, I never tried to hide the fact that I was blaming you for 100% wronging chootchiew. 冤枉 (yuān wang)!You are the one playing semantics. The fact is you did insinuate and blame his leaving on me. But you twist the attention to you didn't just blame on me. Who cares what other reasons when you should not blame it on me at all.
But I never blamed only you for his disappearance for three months, right?

Anyway, here's another old reply for another thread:
that I saved for over a month (since 13 November, to be more precise) and refrained from posting because I didn't want to continue arguing with you anymore at that time; but I think now should be the right time to let you and everyone else read it:
Well, if that's what you choose to believe, I obviously can't do anything about it.Who are you kidding that you are not insinuating I stole this phrase? Wunderfool or me or anybody else reading your post would interpret in the same way.
Once again, the moment I saw you use that phrase, I almost immediately recalled those debates in which Hillary used it, so I just felt like suggesting that you include those links in your forum signature, just for fun! :o
I honestly did not intend to insinuate that you stole it.
Because Hillary was the one who made it much more famous, right?And why should I add the Hillary videos when my phrase has nothing to do with Hillary but Michelle Obama.

And it's also more relevant, since she was the one running for President, right?

Furthermore, this is obviously not a new phrase, so even Michelle Obama is not the first to use it, right?

1. I really don't remember.And aren't you a search expert? Don't say you don't remember me highlighting this nice phrase of Michelle Obama, just do a search and you can confirm it easily...
2. Even if I manage to find it and read it, that is obviously not the same as remembering it without doing the search, right?

But I already said I "believe you when you say you "gave credit to Michelle Obama for it"", so I will not waste my time searching for it, especially since I've never insinuated that you stole anything from her, let alone outright accused you....and you should do that since you are the one who started this whole thing.

It was obviously just a joke, right? :oIn fact you should have checked properly before you opened your mouth first time to talk anything about this phrase and make the insinuation in your suggestive comment that you should call me Hillary instead of ginfreely.
Or am I not allowed to joke?

I see, thanks.As for the original slander post, it's in the Living in JB forum,

But since I have very little interest in JB, I seldom visit that sub-forum.
In that case, since you have never actually seen those "slanderous" posts/threads, how can you prove that it was "really slander"?I am also very curious as I didn't see it myself and until today don't know what was posted but going by all the hounding and stalking over the last two years from the devils in this forum, got to be either prostitute or mistress or god knows what. And FYI it's really slander. Btw I can't give you the links as the original post was deleted by Wuqi and this is what he has promised me to give me a copy 11 months ago but I have not received or heard anything from him since then.

I do not have a complete list because I have better things to do, but you once said the following to Wunderfool earlier this year:And I am not sure who you said I wrongfully accused to be clones. You should list them out and with proof that I am wrong.
And I am 100% sure Wunderfool is not:Same race as Sinkie clone Wunderfool.
if that's who you're referring to.
And actually, it is you who should be doing the proving by quoting posts/threads, before you outright accuse anyone of being a clone of anyone else.

You know that I said no such thing, right?Btw saying someone is clone is not the same as saying someone is a thief, which is what you did to me - without checking properly first - and which is really wrongful accusation.

At most, you can only accuse me of "insinuating", and you would still have to prove it, and not simply say "Who are you kidding that you are not insinuating I stole this phrase? Wunderfool or me or anybody else reading your post would interpret in the same way."
In fact, if I wanted to, I can also accuse you of slandering me, but I have better things to do.

Furthermore, Wunderfool was obviously just joking, just like how I was also joking.

Yes, I did guess that middle was your clone, but I never said/meant I was sure, right?That is slander while anybody can guess anybody else is clone, like how you "wrongfully accused" - using the same term as you - I am the clone of what's his name the suresh clone? That was during my self ban period and I also didn't bother to reply then on your "wrongful accusations".

Anyway, here are my exact words:
I might be wrong, but I strongly suspect middle is ginfreely, based on the titles of middle's first two threads:
as well as middle's style of posting, plus the fact that ginfreely has mentioned a few times before that she's some kind of landlord.
sammyboy.com/showthread.php?234416-我梦见他了&p=2497341#post2497341Should be bachelor real estate management aka landlord
Anyway my current career is landlord. Don't be jealous OK Datuk mudlander.
I have never boasted that I'm a highly skilful clonehunter; if I have, please quote those posts of mine and this time, I'll apologize as soon as I can.Anyway you are wrong ok as I have no clones that are not declared and banned by Leongsam. So your clone hunting skill is also nothing to shout about OK

But whenever I'm 100% sure of something (whether it's identifying clones or health issues or flat Earth issues or anything else), I would usually say that I'm "100%" or "very" sure of whatever it is that I'm 100% sure of.

Okay, noted.and I don't need your help to ascertain for me clones.

May I ask, do you dare to say that you have never made a mistake in your "analysis"?FYI i don't need to search people posts also can tell who is clone as their evil intention is as clear as night and day. Its no use pointing out exactly how I know they are fakes as i have done before and see the shameless ones started tweaking their actions to make my analysis appears wrong when it was right. Btw Wunderfool just did that in the other thread to appear less mudlander.

I meant that since you did not post again to press me for a reply, I decided not to post my reply because I thought you had "self-banned" yourself again.And lastly what do you mean by i refrained from posting in the last few days and so you didn't post your reply that you drafted and "let this issue slide"?

And it would be pointless for me to reply, including asking you for links to those old "slanderous" posts/threads, if it turned out that you would never reply to me again, right?

Yes, that could be the case for everyone here, but there's also the possibility of "self-banning", which you've admitted to have done to yourself, right?Why should I refrain from posting? Fyi if I didn't post it just means nothing to post or busy or not interested to even read. Isn't that the case for everyone here? Why you don't say they refrained from posting?

Another reason I forgot to mention is that it was roughly two days before the US Presidential Election, and I wanted to prevent myself from being distracted by a potential argument with you.