Dear ginfreely, I just realized that there is a good chance you are a Millionaire!!!!
31-07-2016, 06:57 PM SGH, another case of nurses don't follow protocols at CCK polyclinic. Huat ah!&p=2487322#post2487322
I never buy hdb in my life, never get a cent of hdb subsidy in my life. I buy condo rent out also to high income expats. High class enough?
And my high income generating condo was bought for much less than 500k. ... Don't look down on people. Last time poor doesn't mean always poor. So proud of my achievement that was done without selling body or soul unlike my barbarian MALAYSIAN Chinese mistress neighbour. Lol
haha hahaha Spore condo bought two decades ago. ... Btw bought it with salary less than 3k per month maximum loan. I got guts ... Hahahah.
I'm guessing that you bought that condo unit of yours back in the late 1990s (when you were in your mid or late 20s, since you've mentioned before that you were born in the early 1970s) for, let's say, S$

And I'm guessing again that you
finished paying off your mortgage some years ago, right?

Wherever in Singapore that condo unit of yours is located, its
current market value should be at least roughly S$
one million, right?

Furthermore, you are still collecting rent every month from "
high income expats", right?
So if your:
is still your parent's HDB flat (i.e. the address on your NRIC, unless you managed to change it to an address of one of your friends living in Singapore or even your JB address, if that's possible), then unless I'm mistaken, your condo unit would be considered an "Investment Property":
which would be included as
part of your
overall net worth (which usually
excludes your "primary residence"), right?
No wonder you are so "proud" of your "achievement" and consider yourself so "high class", right?

Unfortunately or "unfortunately" for you, that's only if you compare yourself with those whose financial net worths are
lower than yours, right?
Anyway, as the saying goes:
so if I were you, I would try to sell that condo unit of yours as soon as possible, move back to Singapore and "downgrade" to a HDB flat.

And of course, sell (or try to sell) your JB house.
please stop thinking (let alone boasting) that you are "high class"!

You are
really, clearly and simply
not a member of the
true upper class, whether you are living in Malaysia or Singapore.
In Singapore, if you are
truly a member of the
Sinkie upper class, you would be able to own at least one so-called "
Good Class Bungalow" (i.e. land area of at least
15,000 sqft)
in Singapore:
that would cost you
at least well over S$
ten (or even nearly
twenty) million (which you would be able to pay for in
full at the
start of your ownership), and you would still have
millions of
S$ cash left to spend or invest in other things.
Furthermore, unless I'm mistaken, only Sinkie
citizens are allowed to buy
landed property in
mainland Singapore.
Even the
super-rich PRs are only allowed to buy
condo units (and landed property in Sentosa, unless the rules have changed).