How you know I didn't watch the video? As a matter of fact, I did watch and some more did a google search on what is God of the gaps before replying to your comments that gaps are getting smaller.
If you have watched the video, then I don't know what the fuck you spouting about "false allegations of sexual immorality and what explode into a million pieces etc..." You sounded like you need to see a Psychiatrist.
The point about the gap is that they are getting smaller even if new questions were uncovered. Those newly uncovered questions were the results of scientific research. Without these research, we won't even know it existed.
Compared to 1000 years ago, so many "mysteries" were explained, like why do sea levels rise and fall, why is there 4 seasons, etc... Compared to 1000 years ago, you don't even know which part of you body does what.
As science progresses, the God of gap will recede further and further like how it was once believed that there were Gods living in volcanos, which we know now that volcano activities were the result of what went underneath earth crust.