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George Yeo can break SAF bond while Dr Allan Ooi can't???



CHEE is an arrogant clown who clearly over-estimated the prowess of his mind-washing skill.

Yes he is quite arrogant but no more so than the typical PAPie
The difference is that the PAPie has been trained to wayang in front of the masses

please explain his motive when he sent obama his personal congratulatory speeched which was spiked with instigate the USA PRESIDENT to sanction singapore?

There is no political space for Chee to operate effectively in Singapore. He needs to appeal to the developed world (govts, NGOs etc.) to apply pressure on the PAP.

can u say that again, he's not ANTI singapore?

That's the problem with Chee's approach!
He risks being labelled a traitor, foreign puppet, etc....
BUT it is the PAP propaganda machine that has been pushing this "anti Singapore" label. If you examine what Chee has ACTUALLY been saying and doing, it is clear that he is ANTI PAP not Singapore.

the marching of his 18 tbt clowns to funan centre fr parleement house is such a deadwood procession. what was that motive again? did chee know that he have obstucted many people doing business in that very expensive pc shopping centre? and how much police resources have chee wasted over the years?

His strategy?
Civil Discobedience directed against draconian policies
It is a legitimate approach he probably learned from his foreign contacts
Did they really obstruct business at Funan?
I doubt 18 people (outnumbered by the police) could have done much obstructing

As for wasted police resources, I think you should blame the police for allocating too much resources in reaction to a relatively harmless group

pro singapore? think again.:wink:
there are so many more like th IMF and etc....but there's only one word that describe chee perfectly.
traitor! betrayer!.

I see that the PAP propaganda isn't wasted on you

i m neither pro- pap nor against opp parties. but i m only against SDP n the traitor chee.

{please explain his motive when he sent obama his personal congratulatory speeched which was spiked with instigate the USA PRESIDENT to sanction singapore?

There is no political space for Chee to operate effectively in Singapore. He needs to appeal to the developed world (govts, NGOs etc.) to apply pressure on the PAP.}

don't u find it strange that a resentful singapore traitor like chee needs to get external forces like USA to SANCTION his own country when on one hand he was boasting he was fighting for the citizens?

what would really happen if say, obama foolishly fell into his mind game and really SANCTION singapore?

the evil intention of chee soon juan is already so clear and yet his clowns are still blur to who, what and why they are idolising chee all about.

jesus christ was obstracsed by his own people but was accepted by foreigners. there seems to be some uncanny resemblance in chee. however, chee's accpetance by foreigners instead of locals harbour a bigger evil scheme to bring singapore down.

a question is regularly posted to chee. a very simple one:


the answer would simply be a YES or a NO.

however, chee avoids that answer and then he continues to preach on TRANSPARENCY. now isn't that a hypocrite and pagan pretending to be jesus christ?


kum lan jiao bob sim, get jealous lamei is prettier than u is no no[/COLOR]:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

if INFRACTION were to be a straw, i think u would really enjoy sucking out her juciy pussycum. so cheerio and suck it well!:wink:


The wacko was just waiting for people to react. Leave him alone and adopt a wait and see. He had been marked by TOC and 3in1kopitiam, don't acknowledge and give him the satisfaction that he remains King pest here! Nothing hurts more than to be ignored especially in his case.


i m neither pro- pap nor against opp parties. but i m only against SDP n the traitor chee.

{please explain his motive when he sent obama his personal congratulatory speeched which was spiked with instigate the USA PRESIDENT to sanction singapore?

There is no political space for Chee to operate effectively in Singapore. He needs to appeal to the developed world (govts, NGOs etc.) to apply pressure on the PAP.}

don't u find it strange that a resentful singapore traitor like chee needs to get external forces like USA to SANCTION his own country when on one hand he was boasting he was fighting for the citizens?

what would really happen if say, obama foolishly fell into his mind game and really SANCTION singapore?

the evil intention of chee soon juan is already so clear and yet his clowns are still blur to who, what and why they are idolising chee all about.

jesus christ was obstracsed by his own people but was accepted by foreigners. there seems to be some uncanny resemblance in chee. however, chee's accpetance by foreigners instead of locals harbour a bigger evil scheme to bring singapore down.

a question is regularly posted to chee. a very simple one:


the answer would simply be a YES or a NO.

however, chee avoids that answer and then he continues to preach on TRANSPARENCY. now isn't that a hypocrite and pagan pretending to be jesus christ?

when obama is here, u can bet your ass that chee and his fleas circus would go stalk him and demand this black USA president to sanction singapore.

would u guys go and support that cause, i.e , to ask a powerful foreigner to choke your own beloved country?

sdp traitors, betrayers and complete imbeciles shall not hesitate to do that. so are u sure now that they are really fighting for singapore or trying to bring down our beloved country so that chee could hand up his evil assignment to his foreign backing with the words:




The wacko was just waiting for people to react. Leave him alone and adopt a wait and see. He had been marked by TOC and 3in1kopitiam, don't acknowledge and give him the satisfaction that he remains King pest here! Nothing hurts more than to be ignored especially in his case.

ya, right! why didn't u reveal that ngejay could be playing a part behind the scene by doing all the complaining?

by the way, i won't be surprised if u have been just pooed out by the mastershapeshifter ngejay. who knows?:oIo:


hahahaha....the oldman or lauhumku of my li'l brother LEETAHSAR has so many gfs and teetujias in so many countries.

he's an international LAU HEELO.

his poor family beside having to feed him, they also have to be conned by the bloody old man of extra money to feed all his teetus.

you wanna learn fucking skills from that lau heelo, u are welcum to follow him in his monthly pilgrimage trip to XXX cuntries like hatyai, batam, bintan, vietnam...etc.

or if u r rich and wanna sponsor him, the lauhumku can even bring u to his favorite haunt in SUBIC BAY, pinoy island where u might find the transgender babaero11 accosting for sexual favours there. LOL!!:biggrin::biggrin:



i m neither pro- pap nor against opp parties. but i m only against SDP n the traitor chee.

I am pro-democracy which makes me anti-PAP on occasion. However, unlike others in this forum, I don't trash everything (and everyone) related to the PAP. I am not terribly impressed by the SDP (under Chee) and Dr Chee himself.

don't u find it strange that a resentful singapore traitor like chee needs to get external forces like USA to SANCTION his own country when on one hand he was boasting he was fighting for the citizens?

No, I don't find his behaviour strange at all. Chee has tried his hand at local politics in Singapore and failed quite dramatically. So, he now directs his appeals to the foreign press, NGOs, foreign govts, etc.. That's how he tries to maintain his profile internationally as a Singaporean freedom fighter. Apparantly, he has been moderately successful and his book sales have risen in tandem.

I think it is obvious that the PAP will pay more attention to pressure from the US govt than anything the local opposition parties can muster up. That's the essence of the Chee strategy. It is anti-PAP in it's objectives not anti-S'pore.

what would really happen if say, obama foolishly fell into his mind game and really SANCTION singapore?

In the VERY UNLIKELY scenario that Chee's antics actually work, I suspect the PAP led govt will bow to US pressure (as they have before!).

the evil intention of chee soon juan is already so clear and yet his clowns are still blur to who, what and why they are idolising chee all about.

You are free to interpret his intentions anyway you choose
Chee should be allowed to make his case and the people can make up their own minds

jesus christ was obstracsed by his own people but was accepted by foreigners. there seems to be some uncanny resemblance in chee. however, chee's accpetance by foreigners instead of locals harbour a bigger evil scheme to bring singapore down.

Let's not go down that religious road!

a question is regularly posted to chee. a very simple one:
the answer would simply be a YES or a NO.
however, chee avoids that answer and then he continues to preach on TRANSPARENCY. now isn't that a hypocrite and pagan pretending to be jesus christ?

Has he not been transparent?
As I understand the situation, his draws an income from book sales and gets foreign funding for his stints (by invitation) overseas ie. fellowships etc


This is what one calls insular or myopic logic. Its quite common in arguing a point of view when the world one operates in is rather small. You tend to see this quite often expressed by religious zealots and old school working class unionists.

Here is how it goes - you cannot be coach because you never played the game yourself. Tom cannot be humble by nature because he lost his temper. Dick spoke to the village thug, so he has to be a thuggish as well.

In the wider world, one operates in the environment that one is given. Goh Keng Swee started the SAF but myopic logic would not have allowed it because he was not trained as a soldier.

Here is another example from the opposite point of view. Mother Theresa is humble, therefore others who do not act in a smilar manner cannot be humble. Only Mother Therea can be humble. The point is that these things are very much relative and subjective.

Here is another perspective - there was a well regarded fighter pilot and past member of the original black knights who most people regarded as highly intuitive. This guy however couldn't push a pencil to pen a few lines to save himself. So does logic calls for a leader to be picked from a limited pool or a leader picked from a wider pool.

GY is humble, approachable and intelligent compared to the cabinet. But he is no Mother Theresa. He is also no Al Capone.

Its also does not mean that I will vote in GY. I don't posses the same myopic logic that Yaw and F4s have. Its never a zero sum game. If the idiot Ling stood in a fight with GY. I will vote Ling in a heartbeat because I would love to see the PAP monopoly reduced forcing them to be more accountable, transparent and less regalistic and arrogant. It does mean that I love Ling, admire him, or love the way he walks.

This is the problem with myopic logic and this is the most popular one. In any argument, if a remark or POV favours the PAP but is against the SDP, the term "PAP apologist" will emerge. Here is another - protesting in front of parliament house means you are hero and those that do not know means that you do not have the guts.

If you want to bring down the PAP or force it to act as a responsible government, one needs to grow a brain and be real smart in engaging them. Know that the world is not black or white but shades of grey. Do read extensively, meet and speak to as many people so you can to get a close to accurate composite view. Avoid insular or myopic reasoning at all costs.

if GY is humble, then he wouldn't grumble about being evacuated from the beach in a boat instead of airlifted out to safety.

if GY is humble, he would climb over or under the toilet door when he got accidentally locked in, instead of throwing a hissy "its unbecoming" fit and wasting hours waiting for the locksmith to come.

maybe GY began life as humble GY, but his stint with the PAP has made him less so.

if you dance with the devil, the devil don't change.....


A man who is humble, approachable, intelligent and has high moral principles, enough to collect millions of dollars over the years in remuneration for practically doing nothing should not be equated with his political brethren. Please let's not be myopic.

In the past, the German and Russian people both, had shown the lack of growth of brains and the smarts to engage Hitler and Stalin. If only they had read more, meet and speak to more people, they would not have to suffer the unspeakable consequences of what their leaders had led them into.

And boy! the pervasive air of mutual masturbation is getting to me! I don't want to turn gay! I'm out of here!
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<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/wR7tElV4ttY&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/wR7tElV4ttY&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>



A very eloquent response!
My compliments

I do not belong to the "GY is an asshole" camp. Neither do I believe that the world consists of only saints and assholes.

But when praising Scroobal's post, which probably stems from your perception that he supports you view, you failed to consider that his argument applies to GY defenders like you and Locke as well.

You had a couple of pleasant personal encounters with GY. He was nice to talk to non- VIPs like yourself. Therefore, your conclusion is that he is a humble man. Isn't this a fallacy along the likes of "Dick spoke to the village thug, so he has to be a thuggish as well"?


A man who is humble, approachable, intelligent and has high moral principles, enough to collect millions of dollars over the years in remuneration for practically doing nothing should not be equated with his political brethren. Please let's not be myopic.
You probably belong to the group that trashes the PAP and everyone associated with it. That's fine by me. We can each make up our own minds.

Here is my check list for George Yeo:

1. Humble TICK
2. Approachable TICK
3. Intelligent TICK
4. High Moral Principles CAN'T SAY
5. Highly Paid TICK (Is the current pay structure correct NO)
7. Does he fulfill my criteria for an Asshole NO
8. Is he a Saint NO

In the past, the German and Russian people both, had shown the lack of growth of brains and the smarts to engage Hitler and Stalin. If only they had read more, meet and speak to more people, they would not have to suffer the unspeakable consequences of what their leaders had led them into.

Yes indeed
But you should preach to the 66.6%
I've never voted PAP (on the very rare occasion that I get to exercise a vote at all)

And boy! the pervasive air of mutual masturbation is getting to me! I don't want to turn gay! I'm out of here!

You having fantasies???
I think you're already gay


Still lurking around here

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/wR7tElV4ttY&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/wR7tElV4ttY&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


This is the problem with myopic logic and this is the most popular one. In any argument, if a remark or POV favours the PAP but is against the SDP, the term "PAP apologist" will emerge. Here is another - protesting in front of parliament house means you are hero and those that do not know means that you do not have the guts.

If you want to bring down the PAP or force it to act as a responsible government, one needs to grow a brain and be real smart in engaging them. Know that the world is not black or white but shades of grey. Do read extensively, meet and speak to as many people so you can to get a close to accurate composite view. Avoid insular or myopic reasoning at all costs.

A very logical and sensible respond. However, I doubt many would listen.

Beem single-minded can be a handicap in achieveing the actual result.


I do not belong to the "GY is an asshole" camp. Neither do I believe that the world consists of only saints and assholes.
That's very open minded of you

But when praising Scroobal's post, which probably stems from your perception that he supports you view,

I was praising a very well written reply (whether it supports my view is immaterial). It's always a pleasure to read one after trawling through so much crap.

you failed to consider that his argument applies to GY defenders like you and Locke as well.

I think you should read what Locke and I have written
Neither of us started praising GY to the heavens
We merely responded to "myopic" allegations that GY is an asshole
I've stated time and again that GY should be judged by his deeds
Afterall, an "asshole" of his standing must have quite a track record
Till date, I'm still waiting for a response

You had a couple of pleasant personal encounters with GY. He was nice to talk to non- VIPs like yourself. Therefore, your conclusion is that he is a humble man. Isn't this a fallacy along the likes of "Dick spoke to the village thug, so he has to be a thuggish as well"?

I find GY to be a decent chap based on

1. My encounters with him in quite robust settings (feedback sessions with not much ass kissing). He is much less defensive than the typical PAP man and seems to have his own point of view beyond the talking points the PAP machine provides.
2. What my ex university mates tell me since they actually have experience working for him and other ministers. The civil service rank and file have their own ranking of ministers on an "asshole" scale.
3. My own assessment of his work and deeds over the years, much of which is public.

I think all that goes beyond a simple "Dick spoke to the village thug, so he has to be a thuggish as well" point of view.

BTW, I've also penned more than a few lines in defence of Dr Chee (if you care to scroll up a bit)
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Still lurking around here

i ve a few clues for u to choose. the fucking coward could - according to highest probablity:

1. ngejay
2. discus
3. domthclown
4. lamei
5 other SDP IB cowards and definitely fucking losers!

but if u dunno. it alright. cos all of them are poo-ed from SDPpies.:wink: