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George Yeo can break SAF bond while Dr Allan Ooi can't???

Chia Ti Lik

Nothing personal and hope you do not take this the wrong way but i find your explanation a tad weak and lame...

you see time and time again i note you take on a political cause/endeavour, probably with good intentions...and with great public fanfare even courting international media at times as well...but then after a great start your endeavours inevitably appear to fizzle out...

it also does not help that you have flip flopped from political parties starting off with PAP no less (the fact that you appeared to join PAP post the marxist conspiracy 87' is perhaps troubling although i would give you the benefit of the doubt that at that time you lacked political maturity)...

accordingly it would appear that your heart may be in the right place but you lack credibility because of your apparent inability to see through your political cause/endeavour time and again...after awhile it makes one wonder whether one could actually take you seriously...

perhaps you should bear this in mind - never start what you are not or may not be prepared to see through and finish...

Perhaps you are right :smile: i am less than perfect.
And i am very sure you perform much better than me in this aspect. :smile:


Chia Ti Lik

There is no greater qualification in Singapore politics than having done it once and doing very well at that.

Ignore my barbs, cast aside what has been said, what has transpired in your life since 2006 and get back in the game. I have no hesitation giving you my vote in a heartbeat.

Your focus is securing votes, not wasting your time trading blows with PAP and their minions who have fixed the rules, the referees and whatever else that can be fixed.

I may need to rest. But trading blows with the PAP will NEVER end. :smile:

Chia Ti Lik

Dear CTL

Take a guess it does not really matter with regards to beauracracy. As to what I do am doing or plan to do, I would say take another guess again. Apart from selectively and mischieviously highlighting bits u like and ignoring bits you do not.......however well some of us feel that we have done, it does not detract from the need to address certain social economic political issues , much like you I dare say.



I cant understand your post. Care to simplify it?


Dear CTL

Never minds that was in reponse to your question as to what gov dept I was in and what I was doing. Simply put just take a harmless guess. As to the next bit lets just leave it at that as the thread is now quite long.



Please lah, he was a signals officer. Where he got jump wings? I dun recall seeing jump wings on his uni. I could be wrong. But I doubt it. BUt school of signals was so switched off. The Instructors will eat him alive at jump school. LOL. I think he will pee in his pants multiple times during the first week.

An ass trying to cover up the embarrassment of his own making by moving to another barn is still an ass.:p



CHEE is an arrogant clown who clearly over-estimated the prowess of his mind-washing skill.

Yes he is quite arrogant but no more so than the typical PAPie
The difference is that the PAPie has been trained to wayang in front of the masses

please explain his motive when he sent obama his personal congratulatory speeched which was spiked with instigate the USA PRESIDENT to sanction singapore?

There is no political space for Chee to operate effectively in Singapore. He needs to appeal to the developed world (govts, NGOs etc.) to apply pressure on the PAP.

can u say that again, he's not ANTI singapore?

That's the problem with Chee's approach!
He risks being labelled a traitor, foreign puppet, etc....
BUT it is the PAP propaganda machine that has been pushing this "anti Singapore" label. If you examine what Chee has ACTUALLY been saying and doing, it is clear that he is ANTI PAP not Singapore.

the marching of his 18 tbt clowns to funan centre fr parleement house is such a deadwood procession. what was that motive again? did chee know that he have obstucted many people doing business in that very expensive pc shopping centre? and how much police resources have chee wasted over the years?

His strategy?
Civil Discobedience directed against draconian policies
It is a legitimate approach he probably learned from his foreign contacts
Did they really obstruct business at Funan?
I doubt 18 people (outnumbered by the police) could have done much obstructing

As for wasted police resources, I think you should blame the police for allocating too much resources in reaction to a relatively harmless group

pro singapore? think again.:wink:
there are so many more like th IMF and etc....but there's only one word that describe chee perfectly.
traitor! betrayer!.

I see that the PAP propaganda isn't wasted on you



1. The RSAF in the 1980s was a very young force, definitely not comparable with Australia, US, France, etc.. Locke already pointed out the HR limitations they faced while trying to build up capacity.

2. The Commander of the RSAF in 1985 (when George was Chief-of-staff, Air Staff) was Michael Teo (Fighter Pilot). He was promoted to BG in 1987 (George became BG in 1988) and appointed CAF in 1990 when the post was re-designated. Here is a brief summary of Michael Teo's RSAF career:

He joined the RSAF in 1968 and won his flying brevet from the Royal Air Force (RAF) in 1969. Later, he graduated from the Pilot Attack Instructor course conducted by the RAF. As a fighter pilot, he was also a graduate of the United States Fighter Weapons Instructor course. Teo graduated as a Distinguished Graduate from the United States Air Force (USAF) War College in 1985.

3. So you see, the RSAF was commanded by a fighter pilot who rose from the ranks, not an ex-signals officer.

Its a huge deal. If u look at the air forces of the countries that we have training agreements with, eg. Australia, US, France, etc. the head of the Air Force is or was a pilot, in most cases, combat proven with thousands of hours in the air. If u don't know the unique requirements of a pilot, u have no place in a senior air force role. Its like making a virgin in charge of a whorehouse.



Yes, I do. If he is so good that MNCs want to recruit him while he was at Harvard, than he should have no problem earning more money in the private industry. People change careers all the time, and why would his life be on the line? Are u saying the PAP will kill him if he reveals the truth?

The PAP doesn't kill opponents, the preference is to destroy their lives. You can ask Dr Chee for a first hand account of having every door shut in your face.

I assume you're not naive enough to think that George could defy the party and hope to change jobs and live happily ever after. This is Singapore, not Alice in Wonderland!

I have already given u a partial list. Go back and read it. Do u have memory loss?

Where is the list pray tell?
Paste a link if you don't mind

Or just fill in the blanks:


Chee is not suicidal, he is ethical and speaks his mind. There is a difference. Its very common for ethical people to be persecuted. Therefore, u have just confirmed that George Yeo is not ethical, and is an asshole.

Chee committed political & professional suicidal a long time ago. He is unelectable unless some one decides to overthrow the PAP by force. Chee's bravado must be viewed in context ie. the man has nothing to lose anymore!

As for Chee being ethical? I think there are enough ex members of the SDP who would question that.

So, u are saying that we should wait till George Yeo is in his twilight years to tell all? U are crazy. If he has any decency, he should do one better than OTC and speak up now. U are the one who says he is a nice chap. He is a asshole. Take his million dollar salary, and keep his mouth shut.

I was pointing out how STUPID your OTC example was!

OTC opened his mouth on ONE issue after he was retired from the cabinet. He was a DPM and Senior PAP leader who spent many years being very quiet while LKY was busy destroying opponents. By your reasoning, OTC is as much an asshole as George!

what do u mean Georgie is no saint? Have u not been defending this asshole as a good chap all along. Make up your mind. If he is no saint, could he be an asshole? YES!!!

OK Kid listen up
lots of good chaps in the world
No Saint doesn't equal ASSHOLE

WKS is different, he is a bigger asshole than George Yeo.

I view WKS as a proper PAP asshole
I had the misfortune of meeting him and it was a chilling experience
This guy is like a LKY machine
No wonder the PAP has so much use (faith in) for him

Here is another example of a PAP asshole - the current MTI head honcho

Bottom line is u are defending an indefensible position.

I'm making you look like an idiot
come on, you can do better than this!
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George Yeo was in the Air Force since 1979. There was plenty of opportunity for him to get his wings, but he did not. Now if he has no aptitude for flight training, and is totally useless in a plane, THAN HE SHOULD BE HONEST AND STEP ASIDE AND LET SOMEONE WITH FLIGHT EXPERIENCE run the Air Force. I am sure they can find some position for him in the Army. But this fraud, without wings, actually thinks he knows something about operating an air force. What a clown, and may I add, asshole.

1. Georgie has eye sight issues in case you didn't notice.

2. He was part of the team assisting the former pilot who actually ran the air force.

3. Since you claim he was a clown running the air force, there must be a long list of cockups attributed to Col (later BG) Yeo. Why don't you share this information.


I thought he (and others) were making lots of noise all along?
Maybe you didn't notice because Chee doesn't get much press unless he is perceived to be screwing up.

Is he creditable? I'm prepared to listen to what he has to say
His insidious motive? Why don't you share that bit of info

he should hv protested vehemently before they confirmed their salaries.

just like increment of GST. he kept mum about it until the whole increased rate was finalized , then he made noise and create a scene.

do u still think chee is creditable and without an insiduous motive up his swan panties?


George was supposed was to have been the party ideologue and the foil to those who had authoritarian traits. He did his best on this but did not have the strength that Raja had. However he did help to temper many things that might have been unplatable to the masses.

Just look at the website of his wife's law practice. She does not mention any links to government unlike the rest. He is the exception. Both of them are accessible and very humble. Why do you think he is engaging Singaporeans when he has not aspirations to any higher posts.

What many are not aware is that he is probably the most intelligent in that lot.

Essentially he is not a Politician. One of those who who thought he could influence the party.

if GY is humble, then he wouldn't grumble about being evacuated from the beach in a boat instead of airlifted out to safety.

if GY is humble, he would climb over or under the toilet door when he got accidentally locked in, instead of throwing a hissy "its unbecoming" fit and wasting hours waiting for the locksmith to come.

maybe GY began life as humble GY, but his stint with the PAP has made him less so.

if you dance with the devil, the devil don't change.....


Under the toilet door?????

if GY is humble, then he wouldn't grumble about being evacuated from the beach in a boat instead of airlifted out to safety.

if GY is humble, he would climb over or under the toilet door when he got accidentally locked in, instead of throwing a hissy "its unbecoming" fit and wasting hours waiting for the locksmith to come.

maybe GY began life as humble GY, but his stint with the PAP has made him less so.

if you dance with the devil, the devil don't change.....


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Dear PAP

Micheal Teo was already Chief of Air force in 1980, when Georgie was Head Air Plans. The previous Air Force commander was not a local. Gary Yeo took over as Chief Air Force , Micheal Teo went for Studies came back and took over again as chief of air force all the way till 1992. The Chief of Staff position was only created in 1985 with Georgie boy being the first head, errr Micheal Teo was always his direct boss nothing about him having to give up anything Following Georgie boy all other subsequent COS were pilots.

Once again, u have missed the point entirely. Can we agree that George Yeo was one of the top 3 people in the Air Force? Determined by rank and appointment. Now compare him with other top RSAF officers, (like Michael Teo), and see how pathetically inadequate his military aviation qualifications are. U don't want to go to war with this guy. U want to go to war with someone like Michael Teo. He should just admit that the PAP parked him in the airforce to earn an obscene BG salary while being totally unqualified for his position. Good training I guess for him future as a PAP minister.


Dear PAP

I believe u were the one that said that Georgie did not let BG Teo have a place etc etc. etc etc despite the evidence do the contrary. You seem totally unwilling to take into consideration the young age and growing pains of the RSAF at that time and that after G Yeo, as the pilots gained more command experience, there were no more such instances as you stated.



Alfrescian (Inf)
excuse me. when did that miw broke the bond?
i think that was ancient history right?
police was wearing short in the past. let not talk about yesterday but tomorrow.
during his time, break bond is like eat rice. only recently, that public opinion made breaking bond a sin. it was not like that.

<table class="contentpaneopen"><tbody><tr><td class="contentheading" width="100%">George Yeo doesn't answer whether he deserves salary </td> <td class="buttonheading" align="right" width="100%"> </td> <td class="buttonheading" align="right" width="100%"> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> <table class="contentpaneopen"> <tbody><tr> <td class="createdate" valign="top"> Wednesday, 12 August 2009 </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"> <style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } --> </style>
Singapore Democrats

In the previous exchange, Dr Chee Soon Juan asked Foreign Minister George Yeo what his salary was and whether he felt he deserved it. Mr Yeo did not want to answer the question but said that he had to borrow money to break his bond when he joined the PAP. The minister was an SAF scholar.

Dear Dr Chee

It is not for me to judge myself. When I entered politics, I had to borrow money to break bond. At Harvard Business School, I was recruited by investment banks and GIC but could not accept because I was under bond to the SAF. Salary scale of ministers' salaries are published.

If you don't mind, I rather not be moving on to other points at your pleasure.

Dear George,

I am sorry you chose not to answer my question. As I said, I was not trying to set you up or embarrass you. My question was a genuine attempt to try to understand why our ministers pay themselves so excessively.

It is a very vexing issue for Singaporeans. People are not unreasonable, if there is a good and sincere explanation, they will understand and accept it. But ministers don't want to explain anything, you just want to ram it down our throats.

As for your salary, a quick search will reveal your American counterpart's pay. Hillary Clinton's salary is US$186,600 per year. But I can't find yours even after an extended search. Why the reluctance to tell Singaporeans how much their Foreign Minister is paid?

I guess we'll just have to let readers form their own opinions about why you choose not to answer these questions.

On the other points: I did not mean to be presumptuous in deciding when to discuss them. I just thought that for clarity's sake, we could dwell on one point at a time. My apologies.

I was intrigued that whilst you were at MTI that you had considered introducing minimum wage but decided against it because, in your words, "Beyond a certain point, it will drive investors away."

It is true that if workers are paid too much, that is, beyond what they are worth, the market will react and businesses will find it impossible to cope.

But just as workers can be paid too much, they can also be paid too little. Minimum Wage set at a reasonable level, after seeking the views of workers and employers, will ensure that the see-saw is balanced. The current situation protects the foreign investor while exploiting the local worker. This is not right.

And the solution to investors leaving is not to suppress wages but to allow an entrepreneurial class to build up in Singapore which the Government has failed to do. Local businesses can be enticed to stay on in Singapore through various tax regimes. This way we don't have to depend on foreign investors that much.

By the way, did Lee Hsien Loong and Philip Yeo say anything about you breaking your bond? And being a bond-breaker yourself, did you defend the other bond-breakers who were criticised in Parliament?

Your resoponse again greatly appreciated.

Soon Juan


excuse me. when did that miw broke the bond?
i think that was ancient history right?
police was wearing short in the past. let not talk about yesterday but tomorrow.
during his time, break bond is like eat rice. only recently, that public opinion made breaking bond a sin. it was not like that.

she was wishing tomorrow she would be EMPRESS DOWAGER - the under-nourished sickly african type.


Dear PAPsmearer,

1. You stated: "U wonder why George Yeo, so unqualified, can be made Chief of Staff BEFORE michael Teo?? Because asshole George Yeo was not decent enough to step aside for Michael."

It was then pointed out to you that when George became COS, Michael was already Commander of the RSAF (the post became CAF in 1990). So Michael was already George's boss, why would he desire the COS post?

So It seems that you're the one missing the point.

2. Yes, Georgie was the No. 2 (COS-Air Staff) in the RSAF for about a year. I think most people will agree that was a stop gap appointment. Before that, he was Head of Air Plans (1 out of 6 heads of "functional" departments) for something like 2-3 years.

3. Now since Georgie was (in your estimation) a clown with pathetically inadequate military aviation qualifications, his track record in the RSAF must be filled with cockups. Why don't you share some of these with us.

Once again, u have missed the point entirely. Can we agree that George Yeo was one of the top 3 people in the Air Force? Determined by rank and appointment. Now compare him with other top RSAF officers, (like Michael Teo), and see how pathetically inadequate his military aviation qualifications are. U don't want to go to war with this guy. U want to go to war with someone like Michael Teo. He should just admit that the PAP parked him in the airforce to earn an obscene BG salary while being totally unqualified for his position. Good training I guess for him future as a PAP minister.
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I cant understand your post. Care to simplify it?

in your days of WP as their poster prettiest boy, you such an arrogant FUCKHEAD. u called many CHEE HONGS and never restrained from cussing FUCK.

but in the end, i think u are the biggest CHEE HONG who was an accomplice to the death of your baby.

what has you got to say to that?:oIo:


Dear CTL

Never minds that was in reponse to your question as to what gov dept I was in and what I was doing. Simply put just take a harmless guess. As to the next bit lets just leave it at that as the thread is now quite long.


locke, u chickenshit!

are u not afraid they would deploy the nerd to stalk your many shops and then post it all over here like the last time.

now, you remember my golden words to u...and maybe the others who could be victimised by the cowardly SDP IB:

SDP IB plays on FEAR & ANXIETY. if u feel such negativities u have inevitably fallen into their cowardly and warped mind game. to handle such nefarious and cheapo action, GO TO THE POLICE AND LODGE A REPORT AGAINST THEM.


tsk...tsk...and these are the clowns who claim and boast they are concern for peasants. WAIT LONG LONG!! and pray hard hard they are not in power.