good morning tony ,
i also wonder why the goverment cant be coup by the nation . is it because more singaporean love PAP outside this forum ? have you notice that most of the people here hated the goverment ? i have friends who " in love " with the goverment dont come to this forum . so by whacking those anti-goverment guys here , is it fair , to them ?
yes , i do understand that many singaporean act yaya when they are overseas , as i myself have experience it in japan . i even encounter group of singaporean came to my shop and start kpkb in hokkien about things in my shop expensive ( they dont know the boss of the shop is a singaporean , and could understand the language ) . they even mess up my whole shop . but i also encounter some singaporean who are really nice tourist . so do you think its fair to give judgement base on some bad experiences we had ? believe me , theres still a lot of nice singaporean out there .