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precisely thats my point........but most people think going to work and getting paid is capitalism!!!!!

they dont understand capitalism is just a system that exploits them.......im not saying we dont need capitalism,we need capitalism as the engine of growth because greed is the best driver of growth.......
In terms of exploitation evidence is contrary to your opinion. Exploitation in communism and socialism is worse than in capitalism.

but capitalism plus socialism would be the best marriage........because capitalism seeks to exploit the masses of their labour and fruit of their labour........socialism counteracts by withstraining it, simply by taxing the rich,the people at the top more heavily.....the people with the most wealth who are most likely to own most of the means of production and benefit from it........and redistributing the wealth back to the masses........but u will never see that in a hyper capitalist society like singapore.....
isn't that what I said from the beginning? You can't point a finger and say capitalism is bad and communism/socialism is good. Singapore is not hypercapitalistic. You can't have hyper private ownership. It either is or isn't. It is hyper greedy and nepotistic. That's not capitalism. There is also not enough social assistance and people are just too selfish.


This is what capitalism means.remember we are not talking about capitalism vs communism at this point.......
That's all we've been talking about. You and everybody else were talking about it until post #13.

but how capitalism works......because apparently people dont even understand what capitalism means.......


u going out to find a job and working hard is not capitalism.......

u are just the labour,labour that can be quantified in monetary terms........labour is just another ingredient in the means of production like tools and machines and hardware and electricity.........
er... what's your point here? I'm fluent in the definition.

As per my answer to your gambling den example he does NOT. You live in the 1800s issit? When do you own people?

Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. Central characteristics of capitalism include capital accumulation, competitive markets, a price system

The first stage of capitalism came about during the 17th century, when merchants gradually became more involved in the production of goods by supplying materials and paying wages. The merchant made the transition to capitalism by making profits from the ownership and control of the means of production.

The mid-18th century gave rise to industrial capitalism, made possible by (1) the accumulation of vast amounts of capital under the merchant phase of capitalism and its investment in machinery, and (2) the fact that the enclosures meant that Britain had a large population of people with no access to subsistence agriculture, who needed to buy basic commodities via the market, ensuring a mass consumer market.[94] Industrial capitalism, which Marx dated from the last third of the 18th century, marked the development of the factory system of manufacturing, characterized by a complex division of labor between and within work processes and the routinization of work tasks. Industrial capitalism finally established the global domination of the capitalist mode of production.[85]
er... what's your point here? as above.


Alfrescian (Inf)
yes. as before, starcraft is used as a simple analogy to illustrate my point. It doesn't capture real world markets. If what you say were true, you could easily enter the stock market at anytime and make a killing. Why stick to games?

because its not the stock market.its more like retail arbitrage,like amazon or carousell,like most consumer facing businesses u see in the shopping center or supermarket....
some of them are selling goods they made themselves or their own line of products.......but most of them are just reselling goods they bought or sourced from elsewhere and reselling it.....thats basically what like a huge chuck of our economy is no, retail arbitrage driven by endless consumerism pushed by corporations....everything from electricity to toys and electronics to medication...society driven by consumption....and thats how u make money no?.....like a small fast food restaurant starting out selling hamburgers and shakes,then turning into the largest fast food chain,or a small grocery store in america becoming the biggest supermarket retailer worth over 300 billion...or ya kun kaya toast,they probably started with one shop somewhere and then sprouted an entire chain

like the examples i shown.......it looks like the stock market but its not,its just amazon without pictures......listing one of the thousands of things for sale.......with all the buyers and sellers......the quantities,price etc...and everyday trillions of dollars(video game currency) worth tens maybe even hundreds of millions of US dollars flow thru the market...dont believe when game companies tell u their currency have no value...theres a huge black market for it and these companies often sell things like bonds or gtcs that can be sold on the market for in game currency anyway....some people build a massive fortune in game,buying and selling stuff on these markets,then dump the money they make on the black market for hundreds and thousands of dollars.....its no different from making money on amazon or carousell or opening a shop in ur neighbourhood shopping mall and selling stuff........of course brick and mortar is harder...because u have huge overheads to deal with,rent......workers....utilities......online its all free,except for ur inventory.....


Alfrescian (Inf)
:laugh: more than most. not more than all. What about yourself?

i dunno man,the way u talk about selling fidget spinners and bankruptcy......makes me feel ur a novice,possibly virgin,in the world of business real world or online i mean cmon lol losing ur shirt over fidget spinners?
if u had to sell like say a $200 harddrive on ebay and sell at a $30 loss,u probably shit ur pants,or $50 on a poker table,or u got 10k in the stock market and it falls by 5% two days in a row u would be screaming and throwing a fit and calling ur broker immediately except ur using online stockbroker......or better yet,imagine u have to spend 3/4th of the fortune that u have accumulated in a game,more money than most players can dream of,to move a massive deal in game,but while its waiting to be sold,its sitting in ur inventory like a massive time bomb.....


Alfrescian (Inf)
In terms of exploitation evidence is contrary to your opinion. Exploitation in communism and socialism is worse than in capitalism.

i think its subjective.....i mean u think communism is terrible......and in capitalism theres free market and what not,everything is voluntary,but voluntary to what point?in a hyper capitalist society u have one segment of society so fabulously wealthy like the traders and capitalists of online games,that they can afford sentosa cove party homes.....all the wealth accrues to the top,and then theres the bottom 70% of society especially the bottom 40 percent in singapore...plus all the imported third world slaves,thats literally being squeezed to the bone,they are literally selling their lives away for nothing,next to peanuts,plain survival.and its like this super illusion magic trick to make people think its fair and normal......u get what u earn,everything is voluntary based on ur own effort,free market yo......

communism on the other hand,i mean its not really fancy or anything on the consumerism front,not much goods or entertainment for the peasants there.....but in the 1970s and 1980s,the soviet got it figured out as best as they could under a communist system,if u watched those youtube videos of people talking about life in russia back then......everything worked,everyone had public housing in those soviet flats,healthcare was working,there was staple foods in supermarkets.....its nothing fancy,all state owned and state produced but it works,everything was cheap and affordable......every day everyone went off to work for the state.....in factories or as engineers or scientists....


because its not the stock market.its more like retail arbitrage,like amazon or carousell,like most consumer facing businesses u see in the shopping center or supermarket....
some of them are selling goods they made themselves or their own line of products.......but most of them are just reselling goods they bought or sourced from elsewhere and reselling it.....thats basically what like a huge chuck of our economy is no, retail arbitrage driven by endless consumerism pushed by corporations....everything from electricity to toys and electronics to medication...society driven by consumption....and thats how u make money no?.....like a small fast food restaurant starting out selling hamburgers and shakes,then turning into the largest fast food chain,or a small grocery store in america becoming the biggest supermarket retailer worth over 300 billion...or ya kun kaya toast,they probably started with one shop somewhere and then sprouted an entire chain

like the examples i shown.......it looks like the stock market but its not,its just amazon without pictures......listing one of the thousands of things for sale.......with all the buyers and sellers......the quantities,price etc...and everyday trillions of dollars(video game currency) worth tens maybe even hundreds of millions of US dollars flow thru the market...dont believe when game companies tell u their currency have no value...theres a huge black market for it and these companies often sell things like bonds or gtcs that can be sold on the market for in game currency anyway....some people build a massive fortune in game,buying and selling stuff on these markets,then dump the money they make on the black market for hundreds and thousands of dollars.....its no different from making money on amazon or carousell or opening a shop in ur neighbourhood shopping mall and selling stuff........of course brick and mortar is harder...because u have huge overheads to deal with,rent......workers....utilities......online its all free,except for ur inventory.....

don't mind if I jump in here... what you are criticizing here is the inefficiency of the distribution of goods. the middlemen distributor exists in both capitalism and communism.

that model is slowly changing as excessive layers of middlemen distributors are cut down. Amazon, TaoBao are good examples of this. Apple and Tesla selling direct to consumers. Hotels pushing for direct bookings over 3rd party sites. YouTubers and their content bypassing traditional Studios. All examples of direct to consumer models.

Your gripe is with Consumerism. No economic model can change this behavior. Yours is a question of spiritually. Yes we can all retreat to our caves and stare at the skies. But I'd rather be riding a starship through the skies you gaze at.

As in all economic models, the biggest problem lies with human nature. Take away the humans and the models all work great.

So maybe you should turn your efforts towards changing/regulating human behavior rather than seeking new economic models.

On that note, a parliamentary democracy is also an outdated concept. Why do I need a representative to vote on my behalf for policy X/Y/Z when I can do so directly now with the internet? The MP is another example of the useless middleman.


Alfrescian (Inf)
don't mind if I jump in here... what you are criticizing here is the inefficiency of the distribution of goods. the middlemen distributor exists in both capitalism and communism.

that model is slowly changing as excessive layers of middlemen distributors are cut down. Amazon, TaoBao are good examples of this. Apple and Tesla selling direct to consumers. Hotels pushing for direct bookings over 3rd party sites. YouTubers and their content bypassing traditional Studios. All examples of direct to consumer models.

Your gripe is with Consumerism. No economic model can change this behavior. Yours is a question of spiritually. Yes we can all retreat to our caves and stare at the skies. But I'd rather be riding a starship through the skies you gaze at.

As in all economic models, the biggest problem lies with human nature. Take away the humans and the models all work great.

So maybe you should turn your efforts towards changing/regulating human behavior rather than seeking new economic models.

On that note, a parliamentary democracy is also an outdated concept. Why do I need a representative to vote on my behalf for policy X/Y/Z when I can do so directly now with the internet? The MP is another example of the useless middleman.

im not criticising the distribution of goods and consumerism per se......its just the argument started somewhere and ended up here.....if bother to read the two pages of crap

my contention is just capitalism and how capitalists make their money which i stated over and over again,which i have some experience in.......and the bullshyt that capitalism is linked to hard work commensurately.......which is absolute horse shyt......capitalism is more than easy and simple enough if u know how,and u will reap rewards far greater than even the hardest working soul working a honest day's work.

why do u think banking and financial industry workers make so much money than unlike say a pizza maker?or jeff bezos is worth like 100 billion?jeff bezos is literally like the godfather of retail arbitrage. he owns that shyt.....and guess what he used to work on wall street making 1 million a year.....he knows money,he understands money.he knows to make money,u have to work with money,not go out and get a job,
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im not criticising the distribution of goods and consumerism per se......its just the argument started somewhere and ended up here.....if bother to read the two pages of crap

my contention is just capitalism and how capitalists make their money which i stated over and over again,which i have some experience in.......and the bullshyt that capitalism is linked to hard work commensurately.......which is absolute horse shyt......capitalism is more than easy and simple enough if u know how,and u will reap rewards far greater than even the hardest working soul working a honest day's work.

why do u think banking and financial industry workers make so much money than unlike say a pizza maker?or jeff bezos is worth like 100 billion?jeff bezos is literally like the godfather of retail arbitrage. he owns that shyt.....and guess what he used to work on wall street making 1 million a year.....he knows money,he understands money.he knows to make money,u have to work with money,not go out and get a job,

don't see any problems with making money work for you rather than working for money. everyone can partake in the game. who dares, wins. there are probably a 100 'fallen' bankers for every uber successful one.

it's a matter of choice. and in capitalism, we have a choice. In communism, the choice is taken away from us.

is your gripe one of "fairness" and remuneration? trying to get a handle of where you are coming from.


i think its subjective.....i mean u think communism is terrible......and in capitalism theres free market and what not,everything is voluntary,but voluntary to what point?in a hyper capitalist society u have one segment of society so fabulously wealthy like the traders and capitalists of online games,that they can afford sentosa cove party homes.....all the wealth accrues to the top,and then theres the bottom 70% of society especially the bottom 40 percent in singapore...plus all the imported third world slaves,thats literally being squeezed to the bone,they are literally selling their lives away for nothing,next to peanuts,plain survival.and its like this super illusion magic trick to make people think its fair and normal......u get what u earn,everything is voluntary based on ur own effort,free market yo......
what you're describing I'm familiar with. It's not hypercapitalism. It is hypercronyism. Take a look at North Korea or Russia today. Whether it's capitalist or communist has nothing to do with cronyism and unfair laws that privilege the rich and powerful. In communism it's worse, because there truly is no hope because the richest dirtbag is not just the boss of one company, he's the head of the whole country.

communism on the other hand,i mean its not really fancy or anything on the consumerism front,not much goods or entertainment for the peasants there.....but in the 1970s and 1980s,the soviet got it figured out as best as they could under a communist system,if u watched those youtube videos of people talking about life in russia back then......everything worked,everyone had public housing in those soviet flats,healthcare was working,there was staple foods in supermarkets.....its nothing fancy,all state owned and state produced but it works,everything was cheap and affordable......every day everyone went off to work for the state.....in factories or as engineers or scientists....
in the 1970s and 80s, there was a fruit stand in Helsinki airport. The fruit was overpriced like mad and almost past it's sell by date. Do you know why it was there? Because all the Soviets would buy it on the way back home. They couldn't get it back home. Possibly the only thing they got right was housing. But even then everyone else lived miserably. Those who could run away did. I would not trade Russia back in the 70s or 80s for Singapore or the US. If you think it's so good, why not move to a communist/socialist country? Bet you would change your tune then.


Alfrescian (Inf)
what you're describing I'm familiar with. It's not hypercapitalism. It is hypercronyism. Take a look at North Korea or Russia today. Whether it's capitalist or communist has nothing to do with cronyism and unfair laws that privilege the rich and powerful. In communism it's worse, because there truly is no hope because the richest dirtbag is not just the boss of one company, he's the head of the whole country.

in the 1970s and 80s, there was a fruit stand in Helsinki airport. The fruit was overpriced like mad and almost past it's sell by date. Do you know why it was there? Because all the Soviets would buy it on the way back home. They couldn't get it back home. Possibly the only thing they got right was housing. But even then everyone else lived miserably. Those who could run away did. I would not trade Russia back in the 70s or 80s for Singapore or the US. If you think it's so good, why not move to a communist/socialist country? Bet you would change your tune then.

obviously consumer luxury goods would be in demand,but lets not exaggerate ,im not saying russia was a rosy place but basic necessities were all there,everything that was supposed to work,worked to a tee........people had affordable housing,state healthcare worked fine.......all the food staples were cheap and affordable......it was simple and nondescript they had those funny processed ham meats...potatoes and what not.....soviet flats had a communal feeling.....


i dunno man,the way u talk about selling fidget spinners and bankruptcy......makes me feel ur a novice,possibly virgin,in the world of business real world or online i mean cmon lol losing ur shirt over fidget spinners?
hello? are you even coherent?

your premise :

"lets say i own a arbitrage business,i buy and resell things online,lets say i have 100k,i go out and buy 100k worth of items that i feel can make me a profit,i list it on a website and sell the 100k goods for 130k profit and pay 10k in fees and taxes leaving me 20k profit......now i know the strategy is the same,i know the market is massive iv barely just scratched it.......if i have 1 million i can do the same thing except at 10 times the scale......buy 1 million worth of goods and resell it for 1.3 million and make 200k profit.....i just centupled my income by tenfold from 20k to 200k.....now i probably have to work harder because of the greater volume of sales needed to be processed.......maybe 50 percent harder......but my income just increased by 1000%.......now imagine if i scale it up to 2 million,5 million or 7.5 million,how much money would i be making a year.......now at 1 million its still manageable by 1 person,but say at 2 or 3 million sales a year i need an extra pair of hands or two to help me.....ok so i hire 2 or 3 employees at 40k a year each.......600k minus 120k im still making a whopping 480k income a year.......

lets say i started this business when i was 21......at age 29 it reaches 100 million dollars revenues a year.....i decide im tired of doing this shyt,i can hire a ceo to manage the company for me.......pay him 2 million a year.......and still make a nice 20 million a year.......or sell it to amazon for a billion dollars,tell them at current tragectory the business will hit 300 million revenues within 5 years. "

"yes yes fidget spinners.....i have had plenty of experience taking risks and making decisions not just in online mmos.......but also selling on carousell,other online sites to try to make a quick buck......and on the poker or felt tables live or online.....was interested in stocks and investing too....the fidget spinner thing,if u ask me is an example of a great thing to sell,at least back then........extremely low cost and huge profit margins,u could buy them by the hundreds for $1 to $3 a piece from china and then offload them for $7 to $10+ a piece........practically zero risks and huge returns.....of course now......."

using your own self-described model of capitalism applied this to the fidget spinners you would have 300 million in 5 years??

why don't you share your experience in business with us since I'm such a novice?


obviously consumer luxury goods would be in demand,but lets not exaggerate ,im not saying russia was a rosy place but basic necessities were all there,everything that was supposed to work,worked to a tee........people had affordable housing,state healthcare worked fine.......all the food staples were cheap and affordable......it was simple and nondescript they had those funny processed ham meats...potatoes and what not.....soviet flats had a communal feeling.....
So end of the day you would rather live there? That's the magic question. If the answer is no, then you should just give communism a rest. Ever heard all the expression all mouth no money?


