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Serious From 100 to 1m in 90 days


Alfrescian (Inf)
respectfully, I have. All I think is useful to say at this point is that that's not how it works at all. Marx himself never worked a day in his life. Never owned a business. Was never an employer nor an employee. He was born privileged and he died privileged.

Anything I say will not make sense to you because you view it through the prism of game economics which are as far removed from real world economics as spaceflight is to fish swimming. As a gamer myself, I know too well how removed game mechanics are from the real world.

Would you seriously like a technical breakdown of every point that you made that is removed from real world economics? I could, but I am not here to upset you. If you're still interested let me know. I'll detail the gaps.

But if not at least consider getting yourself elbows deep into trying to do what a basic entrepreneur needs to do to survive before you brand capitalism as evil incarnate.

sure im more excited.....a breakdown would be great.......there might be things we can learn.......especially since u said u are a gamer too....which is a rarity since iv never thought of any of the old farts on these forum as one.....

but its my belief that capitalism at its core and economics,is the same whether in games or the real world........it follows the same logic and works the same.......the same human behaviour the same logic the same rules the same results.....it works the same irl or ingame........after all what is economics.......the study of human behaviour engaging in economic activity........ lot of people buying and selling stuff,supply and demand,,market forces......

how is a video game economy any different from the real world?some video game economies are massive......and one game eve online,i believe its economy might actually be complicated enough to reflect the real world.......

but economics is not the issue here.....we are talking about something simpler and lower than that........making money,arbitrage,running a business and capitalism.....

what is capitalism at the simplest?making money from money....i mean u know what the definition is........using money or capital to own the means of production,such as resources,raw material,labour and technology etc etc.......

most people dont even understand what capitalism means.......they think capitalism means i go find good job,i work hard,the money i make is mine.....no thats not the meaning of capitalism......

i the capitalist owns u,lets say i open a small illegal gambling den in my apartment.....i buy a fancy casino table for 2k,a professional six deck card shuffling machine for 10k, expensive chairs 1k each,fancy food catering $200 a day, then i put 100k as the casino float,the money casino use to gamble against the players......and last of all i hire a dealer for 30k a year to shuffle and deal the cards and count the chips......the dealer is just another thing,an object,a commodity,an ingredient,a tool......something i own for 30k a year........i put the dealer along with all the other things i own together into a system,in order to make more money........at least i hope i make money.....thats the goal........

the dealer is not the capitalist understand?i am the capitalist.....the dealer is just something i own like a six deck card shuffling machine so they can make money for me......the dealer or bus driver or pilot or engineer is just a commodity,a thing.....

of course running a real world business is probably more complicated than in a video game, its more simplified and watered down but the fundamentals and the theory or logic is still the same.......
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Alfrescian (Inf)
respectfully, I have. All I think is useful to say at this point is that that's not how it works at all. Marx himself never worked a day in his life. Never owned a business. Was never an employer nor an employee. He was born privileged and he died privileged.

Anything I say will not make sense to you because you view it through the prism of game economics which are as far removed from real world economics as spaceflight is to fish swimming. As a gamer myself, I know too well how removed game mechanics are from the real world.

Would you seriously like a technical breakdown of every point that you made that is removed from real world economics? I could, but I am not here to upset you. If you're still interested let me know. I'll detail the gaps.

But if not at least consider getting yourself elbows deep into trying to do what a basic entrepreneur needs to do to survive before you brand capitalism as evil incarnate.

karl marx is a philosopher and thinker,his job is not to be a capitalist or a tycoon.......he doesnt have to be one to understand it......in fact there are probably more capitalists and business owners who runs a business but dont really understand the underlying ideology.......karl marx is far greater than that,the things he talks about and delves into
is far beyond most ordinary people's intellectual capabilities....

also i hate to admit it but business and capitalism is not a very difficult or complicated thing.......its kinda low brow thing actually at the simpler levels.....i mean u probably know it urself.....most business degrees are not held in very high regards compared to other degrees.....unless its from MIT or stanford or London school.....the people who get into business degrees are usually the rejects or middle tier or bottom tier students......and SMU is probably the crappiest uni......

syed putra

u just proved my point even more,funny how the rich will only lend to the rich,rich gets richer.....

we all know capitalism is a game.....how much u make is a factor of how much money u have,the more u have the more u make,and it keeps compounding,larger and larger,faster and faster,until it crosses the realm of the normal,into the ridiculous.....thats how people make ridiculous sums of money,not by hard work and extreme effort,but by having more capital......using money as a leverage,a tool.....

the more money i have,the more i can invest,buy real estate,own more means of production,more resources,more goods,more manpower more equipment,equals more profit...

lets say i own a arbitrage business,i buy and resell things online,lets say i have 100k,i go out and buy 100k worth of items that i feel can make me a profit,i list it on a website and sell the 100k goods for 130k profit and pay 10k in fees and taxes leaving me 20k profit......now i know the strategy is the same,i know the market is massive iv barely just scratched it.......if i have 1 million i can do the same thing except at 10 times the scale......buy 1 million worth of goods and resell it for 1.3 million and make 200k profit.....i just centupled my income by tenfold from 20k to 200k.....now i probably have to work harder because of the greater volume of sales needed to be processed.......maybe 50 percent harder......but my income just increased by 1000%.......now imagine if i scale it up to 2 million,5 million or 7.5 million,how much money would i be making a year.......now at 1 million its still manageable by 1 person,but say at 2 or 3 million sales a year i need an extra pair of hands or two to help me.....ok so i hire 2 or 3 employees at 40k a year each.......600k minus 120k im still making a whopping 480k income a year.......

lets say i started this business when i was 21......at age 29 it reaches 100 million dollars revenues a year.....i decide im tired of doing this shyt,i can hire a ceo to manage the company for me.......pay him 2 million a year.......and still make a nice 20 million a year.......or sell it to amazon for a billion dollars,tell them at current tragectory the business will hit 300 million revenues within 5 years.

thats why rich people love debt,economists and central banks love debt......they think more debt can accelerate growth and propel the gdp......debt is the key to making more debt i guess,all money is paper debt.

yawnz.........li ka shing knew this,when he made his first million 50 years ago,it was easy town from then on,the next million then ten million then 100 million.......he could have retired back then he said......a million dollars in 1960s was serious money......i guess he took it all the way......

if anyone needs a lesson in capitalism 101......
You forgot to add in competition in your assumption. If somebody makes too much money, snother guy will enter tge business.
Of course, nowadays we have this thing called patent. And its a monopoly created to protect the inventor or creator. This patent prevent competition as you will need to discuss and settle payments or buy the product from just one supplier.


Alfrescian (Inf)
You forgot to add in competition in your assumption. If somebody makes too much money, snother guy will enter tge business.
Of course, nowadays we have this thing called patent. And its a monopoly created to protect the inventor or creator. This patent prevent competition as you will need to discuss and settle payments or buy the product from just one supplier.

yeah i know.......its just a fictional example,the real world is probably slightly more complicated.....but u get my point,that income is not necessarily linked to hard work,its mostly linked to capital or how much u own or have access to.....

u think entrepreneurs like shark tank kevin o leary or lori griener makes 100s of millions thru sheer superhuman effort?no,they understand business and how money works,and from then on its just repeating over and over again with larger and larger sums of money until one day bam they are sitting on more money than god.......


sure im more excited.....a breakdown would be great.......there might be things we can learn.......especially since u said u are a gamer too....which is a rarity since iv never thought of any of the old farts on these forum as one.....
who you calling an old fart? keep it respectful for now. on my side, excuse my abruptness. It's a long topic and despite the length of my reply I'm seriously shortcutting a lot to get to the point quickly. Nothing will teach you better than real world experience.

but its my belief that capitalism at its core and economics,is the same whether in games or the real world........it follows the same logic and works the same.......the same human behaviour the same logic the same rules the same results.....it works the same irl or ingame........after all what is economics.......the study of human behaviour engaging in economic activity........ lot of people buying and selling stuff,supply and demand,,market forces......
patently not.

how is a video game economy any different from the real world?some video game economies are massive......and one game eve online,i believe its economy might actually be complicated enough to reflect the real world.......
My genre is actually 4x. But to cut to the chase, competition is one big thing missing from your entire framework. Now before you flip out and tell me how competitive your fellow gamers are, trust me I know. I've been there. It's nothing compared to real life. So let's try this as an example. As interesting as a game world is, the economy allows competition only in linear terms. A good simple example will be Starcraft. Whoever manages to outresource and outbuild will generally win. Not so in the real world. It is a dynamic environment where everyone is literally out for your blood. In some competitive environments in the real world if you manage to amass a 15% resource advantage, the other players will literally gang up to slit your throat. Game over.

In between the gaming extreme and this one, there are a hundred or a thousand different variations in between that complicate the issue and will really test the resolve of a person. Say for example you bought fidget spinners in the hopes of making a profit because they were selling like hotcakes. As you escalate your scale and make more money you think you're on a roll. But one day, nobody stops buying fidget spinners. Now what? If you followed the gaming model, you will literally be bankrupt in the real world and the only thing you can do is dispose of those spinners in the fire. And how do you start again with no money? In a gaming world, goods are always in demand. Also you don't start or restart from zero. It's built that way otherwise you wouldn't play it.

And from my point of view the above is seriously shortchanging the complexity of the issue. It's not simple at all.

but economics is not the issue here.....we are talking about something simpler and lower than that........making money,arbitrage,running a business and capitalism.....
what are capitalism and communism but different systems of running economies. They are the very definition of different economic systems. Besides those two and socialism in the middle what other types of economies are there extant? what you describe is literally the definition of economics.

what is capitalism at the simplest?making money from money....i mean u know what the definition is........using money or capital to own the means of production,such as resources,raw material,labour and technology etc etc.......
what you're describing is the profit motive. not capitalism.

most people dont even understand what capitalism means.......they think capitalism means i go find good job,i work hard,the money i make is mine.....no thats not the meaning of capitalism......
that's going to work and getting paid. not capitalism.

here. let me get to the point. Here's the official definition :

an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

but even then I have a problem with this definition. I will get to it later.

i the capitalist owns u,lets say i open a small illegal gambling den in my apartment.....i buy a fancy casino table for 2k,a professional six deck card shuffling machine for 10k, expensive chairs 1k each,fancy food catering $200 a day, then i put 100k as the casino float,the money casino use to gamble against the players......and last of all i hire a dealer for 30k a year to shuffle and deal the cards and count the chips......the dealer is just another thing,an object,a commodity,an ingredient,a tool......something i own for 30k a year........i put the dealer along with all the other things i own together into a system,in order to make more money........at least i hope i make money.....thats the goal........

the dealer is not the capitalist understand?i am the capitalist.....the dealer is just something i own like a six deck card shuffling machine so they can make money for me......the dealer or bus driver or pilot or engineer is just a commodity,a thing.....
If only what you say were true and applicable in the real world... I know exactly what you're talking about. But what you're referring to is not capitalism. You are calling the business owner an epithet. The epithet being capitalist. The dealer is not another thing, not a commodity, nor ingredient or tool. You don't own him. He can tell you to fark off and jump in a lake if he wakes up on the wrong side of bed. In literally some cases, if you smile at the guy the wrong way, he will set fire to your gambling den. Where's your ownership now?

FYI. the definition of capital must be inanimate objects that contribute to production. Typically it's divided into two broad categories. Land and Capital Assets like machines and roads and stuff built on that land. That's the only thing the capitalist owns.

*sigh* did you ever do economics in school at any point? Or political systems? you can't go around re-defining terms to suit yourself which seems to be what you're doing. A foot is a foot is a foot. You can't call it a shithole and hope that everyone understands.

of course running a real world business is probably more complicated than in a video game, its more simplified and watered down but the fundamentals and the theory or logic is still the same.......
So does a fish swimming in a fish tank have the same fundamentals and theory to explain atmospheric and spaceflight. But one will not work in space.

Now I promised I would get back to an earlier statement. This is probably the single most important thing. The official definition as above please read it. Calling capitalism capitalism is terrible mistake. It's like calling surgeons people slicers. Do you want to get taken care of by the person slicer? uh no.

Capitalism is differentiated by communism by one single point. Ownership is held in private hands. Your hands, my hands, everyone you see around you. Communism means it's not. Theoretically nobody owns anything. Everyone becomes a ward of the state. Literally the government owns everything. That's all the difference is. Don't mistake calling a greedy, profit driven individual a capitalist pig as an epithet with the true definition of ownership. That person is a greedy bugger. That's all. Calling him capitalist is highly inaccurate.

Let's try this from another angle. In communism, when you want to see the doctor, you don't get to decide. The state decides for you. That is the goal. What you get to eat what, you get to have. all that is decided by the state. You prefer this?

This is a shotgun answer. If you want finer detail, please specify.


karl marx is a philosopher and thinker,his job is not to be a capitalist or a tycoon.......he doesnt have to be one to understand it......in fact there are probably more capitalists and business owners who runs a business but dont really understand the underlying ideology.......karl marx is far greater than that,the things he talks about and delves into
is far beyond most ordinary people's intellectual capabilities....
A philosopher who doesn't have to understand the world he affects? Are you serious? First of all, philosophy is literally about changing the world through thought. He was pretty damn sure of his own understanding and what he was going to affect. That's why he pushed his agenda and encouraged others to literally "achieve with violence and bloodshed" to achieve these ends because the goals are worthy.

The ideology is damn simple. There's nothing to it. People cannot be trusted with ownership because they will ultimately screw the poor up through greed. So answer is to dispossess them of ownership and hand it over to state control. There, now no one can screw anybody else. Dimwit didn't even think about the state screwing everyone up. I can argue why it made sense in the 19th century when he was working on it, but it's total garbage in 2020.

also i hate to admit it but business and capitalism is not a very difficult or complicated thing.......its kinda low brow thing actually at the simpler levels.....i mean u probably know it urself.....most business degrees are not held in very high regards compared to other degrees.....unless its from MIT or stanford or London school.....the people who get into business degrees are usually the rejects or middle tier or bottom tier students......and SMU is probably the crappiest uni......
Well. I don't share that opinion.


I admire your patience and fortitude with this commie fucker.
I had good training in my life! Had to have a lot of patience and fortitude.... :laugh:
You just cannot win an argument with someone that nourishes himself in his own sea of lies.
well. hopefully, he can take a look around and get a better idea.
We should channel our energy towards the verbal war between Sister Claire and Sister Cloudy instead. Two women with four mouths battling out each other is much more entertaining !
say only leh... I haven't seen any further action after 1 reply each... :frown: a bit anticlimax... :frown::frown:


geometric progression...im assuming ur talking about how i portrayed the "progression" of my "company" example as too linear or straight forward.....its just an example,i know its a little unrealistic and may not actually fit reality or the laws of reality....in real life,it might be faster or slower,mostly slower in general,unless u happen to be one of those unicorns like gopro or snapchat that hits a billion market valuation in less than a decade with astounding growth year after year.....

but its just an example and im trying not to complicate things....i mean we can spend all day trying to come up with a more realistic example like a small start up with 100k revenues in the first year and 10% or 30% or 50% or even 150% or 300% roi growth yoy and gradually tapering off and slowing down once it got bigger and reaches millions of revenues.....

but thats not the point im trying to make.......the point im making is,at the end of the day,how much money u can make in say a year is simply a function of how much money or CAPITAL u have......and not because of simply hard work and effort......obviously if u have a large amount of capital to operate with,the scale of trade or business u can conduct at one time is much larger,and the amount of profits u make much bigger....than if u only have a tiny or small amount of capital to work with.............

while i have described the progression of a "company" from its small or poor beginnings with 130k turnover to its late stage or end game with tons of capital and resources......the point im trying to make here is nothing much has really changed........whether at the beginning or the middle stages or late game......the methodology is the same,the effort is more or less the same......the only difference is the vast amount of profits generated at the end because of the company's large capital and resources.....the owner now makes vastly more money now than he did doing the same thing he always did........simply because he has more capital now than at the beginning.....

capital is just a tool or leverage.

and theres another way u can hack or cheat.......showing once again how capitalism is merely a function of capital.....

the example i given was the organic and slower way of growing a business.......a person starts a business with a small sum of capital and slowly reinvesting profits and growing ur company organically.....that would take a much longer time.......but what if u could cheat? u started a company and saw it was growing well,u got a winning formula and u are good at making money......but instead of slowly growing ur company,u decide to go out and raise a few million dollars from friends and banks and investors or crowdfunding........and injected it and expanded it quickly,right away ur business went from doing 300k revenues to now doing 3,4 million a year in revenues while still maintaining a good profit margin.......ur annual profits just shot up from 50,60k a year to now 500,600k a year......all u did was borrow capital,expanded ur business model doing the same thing but now ur making 10 times more money........
uh... I think I explained in a previous post. But to sum up my reply. That's not how business works. There's a smidgen of truth in what you say that having capital is leverage, but the world is not linear in nature. As I mentioned, there are thousands of ways the business can fail based on your model with your assumptions.

@nayr69sg, please note how business is viewed by people with different perspectives.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I had good training in my life! Had to have a lot of patience and fortitude.... :laugh:
well. hopefully, he can take a look around and get a better idea.
say only leh... I haven't seen any further action after 1 reply each... :frown: a bit anticlimax... :frown::frown:
A battle of four mouths is worth waiting for. I believe both ladies are accumulating and piling up their verbose ammo as we speak.
I expect sister Claire to fire her next salvo first, just have to make sure to have my dictionary and thesaurus standby.


A battle of four mouths is worth waiting for. I believe both ladies are accumulating and piling up their verbose ammo as we speak.
I expect sister Claire to fire her next salvo first, just have to make sure to have my dictionary and thesaurus standby.
you mean must load one ah.... cheh... that's cheating. I want to see rapid fire from the hip. ah well. better than nothing. :roflmao:


Alfrescian (Inf)
My genre is actually 4x. But to cut to the chase, competition is one big thing missing from your entire framework. Now before you flip out and tell me how competitive your fellow gamers are, trust me I know. I've been there. It's nothing compared to real life. So let's try this as an example. As interesting as a game world is, the economy allows competition only in linear terms. A good simple example will be Starcraft. Whoever manages to outresource and outbuild will generally win. Not so in the real world. It is a dynamic environment where everyone is literally out for your blood. In some competitive environments in the real world if you manage to amass a 15% resource advantage, the other players will literally gang up to slit your throat. Game over.

In between the gaming extreme and this one, there are a hundred or a thousand different variations in between that complicate the issue and will really test the resolve of a person. Say for example you bought fidget spinners in the hopes of making a profit because they were selling like hotcakes. As you escalate your scale and make more money you think you're on a roll. But one day, nobody stops buying fidget spinners. Now what? If you followed the gaming model, you will literally be bankrupt in the real world and the only thing you can do is dispose of those spinners in the fire. And how do you start again with no money? In a gaming world, goods are always in demand. Also you don't start or restart from zero. It's built that way otherwise you wouldn't play it.

And from my point of view the above is seriously shortchanging the complexity of the issue. It's not simple at all.

i think u and i are talking about different kinds of in game economics lol....i dont mean the kind of economics like playing RTS game like starcraft and fighting for resources,i think at the end of the day that is still 99% a fighting RTS involving strategies,overall combat management,resource management,multitasking and clicks per minute and managing ur armies and resources so u dont burn out or sacrifice too much before u are able to deal the final killing blow......

im talking about REAL ECONOMIES in online games........where the primary aim is to MAKE MONEY or facilitate trade......video games with a massive player base and a central economy or marketplace where thousands of individual players gather together like a stock market exchange,to buy and sell,barter and trade and peddle all kinds of goods and resources from raw materials,to weapons,armours,to blueprints and technology,to components etc etc......from the poor noob with a few coins in his pockets trying to peddle his wares.....to massive buy and sell orders from experienced traders and whales..........to huge volumes of a staple good or commodity flowing thru the market everyday.....yes people constantly trying to seek out and squeeze out the smallest profit margin,constantly on the hunt for opportunities and fluctuations and disturbances in the market.......trying to undercut each other.....trying to figure out the logistics and economies of scale......kinda like a virtual Amazon retail marketplace u know?

sometimes there are changes in game play and mechanics that causes markets to shift sometimes slightly or seismic shifts in the market......sometimes bubbles inevitably form.......trying to gauge the risks profile of every single trade they make......cause obviously mistakes lead to negative consequences.......and ur goal in the long run as a successful capitalist or merchant is to grow ur money not lose it.......

yes yes fidget spinners.....i have had plenty of experience taking risks and making decisions not just in online mmos.......but also selling on carousell,other online sites to try to make a quick buck......and on the poker or felt tables live or online.....was interested in stocks and investing too....the fidget spinner thing,if u ask me is an example of a great thing to sell,at least back then........extremely low cost and huge profit margins,u could buy them by the hundreds for $1 to $3 a piece from china and then offload them for $7 to $10+ a piece........practically zero risks and huge returns.....of course now.......

the question is have u ever taken a risk in ur life?it doesnt really sound like u do.....




Alfrescian (Inf)
This is what capitalism means.remember we are not talking about capitalism vs communism at this point.......

but how capitalism works......because apparently people dont even understand what capitalism means.......


u going out to find a job and working hard is not capitalism.......

u are just the labour,labour that can be quantified in monetary terms........labour is just another ingredient in the means of production like tools and machines and hardware and electricity.........


Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. Central characteristics of capitalism include capital accumulation, competitive markets, a price system

The first stage of capitalism came about during the 17th century, when merchants gradually became more involved in the production of goods by supplying materials and paying wages. The merchant made the transition to capitalism by making profits from the ownership and control of the means of production.

The mid-18th century gave rise to industrial capitalism, made possible by (1) the accumulation of vast amounts of capital under the merchant phase of capitalism and its investment in machinery, and (2) the fact that the enclosures meant that Britain had a large population of people with no access to subsistence agriculture, who needed to buy basic commodities via the market, ensuring a mass consumer market.[94] Industrial capitalism, which Marx dated from the last third of the 18th century, marked the development of the factory system of manufacturing, characterized by a complex division of labor between and within work processes and the routinization of work tasks. Industrial capitalism finally established the global domination of the capitalist mode of production.[85]
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Alfrescian (Inf)
what are capitalism and communism but different systems of running economies. They are the very definition of different economic systems. Besides those two and socialism in the middle what other types of economies are there extant? what you describe is literally the definition of economics.

precisely........what i have been trying to do all this time is describe how economy or more precisely capitalism works......

the debate has never been about capitalism vs communism......

im trying to rid these fools of the misconception that capitalism is based on hard work and effort and results is the fruit of ur labour......capitalism has never been about that bullshyt.....

capitalism is about the use of capital as a tool or leverage,to own the means of production(factories,machinese,businesses,manpower,tools etc) in order to generate profit,which leads to CAPITAL ACCUMULATION and further expansion.


Alfrescian (Inf)
that's going to work and getting paid. not capitalism.

here. let me get to the point. Here's the official definition :

an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

but even then I have a problem with this definition. I will get to it later.

precisely thats my point........but most people think going to work and getting paid is capitalism!!!!!

they dont understand capitalism is just a system that exploits them.......im not saying we dont need capitalism,we need capitalism as the engine of growth because greed is the best driver of growth.......

but capitalism plus socialism would be the best marriage........because capitalism seeks to exploit the masses of their labour and fruit of their labour........socialism counteracts by withstraining it, simply by taxing the rich,the people at the top more heavily.....the people with the most wealth who are most likely to own most of the means of production and benefit from it........and redistributing the wealth back to the masses........but u will never see that in a hyper capitalist society like singapore.....


i think u and i are talking about different kinds of in game economics lol....i dont mean the kind of economics like playing RTS game like starcraft and fighting for resources,i think at the end of the day that is still 99% a fighting RTS involving strategies,overall combat management,resource management,multitasking and clicks per minute and managing ur armies and resources so u dont burn out or sacrifice too much before u are able to deal the final killing blow......
it's an example of how simplistic game economies work. not the best example of a good game economy.

im talking about REAL ECONOMIES in online games........where the primary aim is to MAKE MONEY or facilitate trade......video games with a massive player base and a central economy or marketplace where thousands of individual players gather together like a stock market exchange,to buy and sell,barter and trade and peddle all kinds of goods and resources from raw materials,to weapons,armours,to blueprints and technology,to components etc etc......from the poor noob with a few coins in his pockets trying to peddle his wares.....to massive buy and sell orders from experienced traders and whales..........to huge volumes of a staple good or commodity flowing thru the market everyday.....yes people constantly trying to seek out and squeeze out the smallest profit margin,constantly on the hunt for opportunities and fluctuations and disturbances in the market.......trying to undercut each other.....trying to figure out the logistics and economies of scale......kinda like a virtual Amazon retail marketplace u know?

sometimes there are changes in game play and mechanics that causes markets to shift sometimes slightly or seismic shifts in the market......sometimes bubbles inevitably form.......trying to gauge the risks profile of every single trade they make......cause obviously mistakes lead to negative consequences.......and ur goal in the long run as a successful capitalist or merchant is to grow ur money not lose it.......
yes. as before, starcraft is used as a simple analogy to illustrate my point. It doesn't capture real world markets. If what you say were true, you could easily enter the stock market at anytime and make a killing. Why stick to games?

the question is have u ever taken a risk in ur life?it doesnt really sound like u do.....
:laugh: more than most. not more than all. What about yourself?
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