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Wa free lynch test subject!
Wonder why they never took out their sniper rifles during the inaugural ceremony of Obama...
Wa free lynch test subject!
Never get the youth wing into the forum to give their 2 cents?
You've made a statement but you've punctuated it as a question.![]()
Oh! Oh! You had been pulled over by the forum's deputy sheriff for going against the flow of traffic in Highway Agenda. This time its a courteous warning, the next he will give you a citation or worse pull a gun on you!Get a grip boy! Ya'er in redneck county!
I'm pro PAP. It's the sinkie lesser mortals that I abhor. Most of them are idiots.
Discussions in forums are primarily driven by contentious issues. Singaporeans generally don't complain about tax rate (except GST) or that the Govt spends a lot of money on keeping Singapore Green. Nobody complains about Changi Airport (except some joker who did not find a water in the boarding lounge.)
Even a die heart PAP MP will think that you so blur. Everyone for instance know that the bulk of IR staff are going to be foreigners except you.
We never had issues with Indian/Thai construction workers, Filipino/Indonesia maids and Bangladeshi for decades. Language was never an issue until now. Singaporeans are losing jobs, service levels are at an all time low, except for the GDP numbers, the country is not progressing in terms of quality of life.
You seem oblivious to all these things but nitpick on silly things and things that hardly make an impact to Singapore. Singaporeans don't mind paying the school fees which is minor but their issues are job security, recognition that citizenship has privileges and a country that they can associate with.
If you think that those criticisms are wrong or unfair, go for it. Unfortunately your arguments have no basis or insignificant. No one has asked for free school fees except you. Its negligible for the majority. There are more important things to go for like expensive flats for young couples.
Some? U want me to give U a list of jokers and links to threads which are just as minor and stupid? I'm afraid I might hit the maximum word limit just posting 0.1% of those links though
And U can prove this by what? Actual figures? Speculations? Hearsay? I argued against about majority foreigners at the recruitment drive simply because I was there!!! I even debunk another idiot who pretended to be there. The freaking place was 2 blocks away from where I lived and everyone in there was, very obvious to me, shooting off their big mouth without even being there. Reason simply being I was there to see with my own eyes and my brother actually went inside for his interview. And I know for a fact that there are just as many if not more locals working in the Sentosa IR because as mentioned MY BROTHER IS CURRENTLY WORKING THERE!!!!!
Notice how I NEVER mention anything in regards to the Marina Sands because I freaking do not know anything about it . Neither do I pretend to know any of the inner workings and am not prepared to pull facts out of my ass. But as far as the Sentosa IR goes, YES there are a lot of Malaysians(and not the so claimed Pinos, Ah Tiongs or Indians, working there(refer to my post on the said topics), but the majority are still locals.
Did I said U did?
U seem to like to nitpick on me too. I can post at least 1001 reference to post which are "silly things and things that hardly make an impact to Singapore." by others whom U don't seem to be picking on. U want me to start? I do not know everything, and neither do I like to pretend to know them. Things I do not fully comprehend, issues that I cannot support my claims, I prefer to keep my big mouth shut and let others do the talking, does that answer your question on why I seem to only speak about.
Things which you think are small like School fees, utility bills, etc means a lot to the poor. I am not sure whether you have actually meet with one of those pple, I do, and my family does almost on a daily basis. It seems small to U but it means the world to a lot of them. I get a lot of flak from pple claiming I do not look at it from the poor pple's point of view, funny how I'm getting flamed now for doing precisely that.
I felt its wrong and unfair to condemn New Citizens and more so to condemn their kids, many of whom were actually born here. How was that no basis or insignificant when given the fact that I have proven in many of my post with official stats and articles that our population is made up of a significant number of new citizens all the way back from the 70s when our population growth was basically totally backed by "new citizens".
That was the only thread where I went to do a lot of research and reading. A large portion of the "locals"(which for the sake of this post I'm referring to pre-2000 citizens before the foreigner liberalization which can be tracked back to the beginning of 2000) are themselves "new citizens" or 2nd gen Singaporeans.
I felt indignant that some stupid article from a well read site was making an of them for their own gains. If U want to look at the bigger picture, if we look down on ALL new citizens in SG + their kids who were actually born here, close to 30-40% of the population in SG(pre-2000) are not by definition, locals!!!! Yes 30-40% is not the majority, its not a very small proportion either!!!!
If this issue was really so "minor" as you so claimed. Why is it again and again we can see so many threads of pple condemning them. You can condemn PRs or foreigners all you want, I don't really care, I want to see them go too, eventually. I mentioned we cannot get rid of them right now, not because I support having them around but simply we cannot do without them. Yes it's a screw up by the ruling party, and yes I agree its a problem but its not something that can be resolved immediately. However its another thing when new citizen comes into the picture.
No never mind, forget everything I post above. Just ignore everything I just said. Worrying about 30% of the population who are CITIZENS is not important, worrying about flats, more important!!!!
Some? U want me to give U a list of jokers and links to threads which are just as minor and stupid? !!!
I felt its wrong and unfair to condemn New Citizens and more so to condemn their kids, many of whom were actually born here. How was that no basis or insignificant when given the fact that I have proven in many of my post with official stats and articles that our population is made up of a significant number of new citizens all the way back from the 70s when our population growth was basically totally backed by "new citizens".
And i am wondering why till this day i still haven't kick your ass.![]()
Never knew SDP will go as low as to suck scroobal's dick!![]()
Just to point out one of your stupid assumptions. You seem to think that people are furious with new citizens. If you have half the brains you claim you have, you would have realised that the mood of most in the forum are not against new citizens or their kids. And you dare to post some long essay to back your baseless assumption which gives people a headache just to read through. People are angry that lowly qualified people can easily come in and become PRs. Whether they become citizens later on is merely a side issue.
The throwing door opening part to any Tom Dick or Harry, I dun fully agree. I only agree with allowing pple who can contribute to the country in if they agree to take up citizenship in the end.
So?, you get happy critising them? but they still gonna staff shit to you becos they get to be voted in time and again. Makes no different to the MIWs whether you're happy or not but if you think you are happy just by critising them, then you jolly well keep doing so. But they'll will definitely ignore your very existence until election time.Bro, you are constantly hitting road blocks even when you have good intentions. Here are some pointers
1) Read posts from others carefully. You always grab the wrong end of the stick (that covers context, opinions) So?..every individual has already made up his mind on how he wants to view issues, so they don't really want to listen to others opinons anyway!
2) Don't immediately assume that all Govt policies are 100% perfect. Take a neutral position, get a sounding from others and carefully analyse to see if it has legs to stand on. The same goes for suggested alternatives from the opposition. In the same vein, no one thinks that the Govt is 100% wrong either except for some exceptions. So? the goons have voted the MIW in time and again, so what position you want to take or analyse that will make any difference?
3) As a rule no govt having incumbency is going to admit to errors or mistakes in a straight foward manner. And they certainly not going to make public a policy that does not favour citizens but fuels their agenda.
So? isn't it obvious that the MIWs are doing what they arre doing, to protect their interest at all times, so what makes it any differnent, if they are going to admit anything to the ppl or not?
4) It ok once in a while to criticise the govt. Nobody is going to take you away.
Very soon lah. Right after my next post I think will kena blocked off liao
OK Ejay you can cum suck my cock now![]()
90% of the posts here are meaningless, to be taken lightly. Most people can follow the rhythm. People can figure out which are the serious ones. You get engaged in a serious discussions and seem to stumble all the time. I wrote the pointers in very short post because I realise you can't follow a line of reasoning easily and to help you out. If not every thread you get involved ends up being a tit for tat. I can see that you are serious but obviously lost.
Just look at your war and peace reply.
Everyone for instance know that the bulk of IR staff are going to be foreigners except you.
Deride, bemock, ridicule, insult, taunt, sneer, jeer, disparage. Take your pick. It's not thug journalism but it's application comes close.