,from Yahoo ,
John 12 hours ago
To Everyone in this Website, Especially PAP, Opposition Parties & All Singapore,
Our “ MOST EXPENSIVE GOVERNMENT IN THE WHOLE WORLD“ is expected to serve Singapore & Singaporean well, much better than governments of other nations .
[ “We will no longer accept politicians who are all talk and no action — constantly complaining but never doing anything about it,” “The time for empty talk is over. Now arrives the hour of action” .
Donald Trump says the above mentioned word in his inaugural address before he take over the US President position from Barrack Obama on 21/1/17 & from his words, it has also EXPOSE OUT the very Big Issues on the COMMITMENT , DUTIES , RESPONSIBILITIES & PROFESSIONAL ETHICS of Top Leaders in any Governments too . . . ]
From this website on our PM Lee appeals to Singaporeans to “ stay at home “ in Good Friday address . . , our “ MOST EXPENSIVE GOVERNMENT IN THE WHOLE WORLD ” is fully Expected to serve the Singaporean people & the whole country together well, especially has to be very much better . . .
These are because of these Reasons that the governments of other countries DO NOT HAVE, as compare to ours :==>>
(1). Singapore Civil Service & Singapore Government are the MOST EXPENSIVE in the Whole world because our Top Civil Servants are paid with very High Salaries , as compare to Top Civil Servants of other nations .
PAY HIGH SALARIES to hire truly Good Civil Servants to serve Singaporean people , Singapore Society & the whole nation very well , are still basically Very, Very, Very FAIR & also , Very, Very, Very FINE to Singaporean people .
However, the thing we can't stand is that after PAYING HIGH SALARIES to these civil servants, these highly paid civil servants not only can't do their jobs well or WORST, they even , ABUSE of POWER [ In Chinese, is called :===>> 滥用权力 ] to cause HARMS & SUFFERINGS to us just to only Profit themselves or, simply just base on their like or dislike only .
(2). Singapore Civil Service & Singapore Government have so many top scholars & people that have score very Good Examination Results & very High Grades in Schools & Universities , so they are definitely Bright & Talented .
Hence , Singapore Civil Service & Singapore Government are suppose to very much able to serve Singapore & Singaporean people very well .
(3). Singapore Civil Service & Singapore Government have around 146,000 civil servants presently , which make up of around 5% of total labour force that are Singapore citizens in Singapore .
These have not included those many thousands of employees of Singapore Government-linked Companies, that are often regarded as ‘ PART CIVIL SERVANTS “ yet .
(4). Our PAP Leaders , MPs & Ministers have made a lot of Great PROMISES too much to us in the Mass Media & to the World in General Elections & normal situations , so they are all expected to Keep their Promises to us & make sure what they have said to us are TRUE , not LYING at all .
However, we cannot stand is that after PAYING HIGH SALARIES , still cannot work at all Or , have so many very talented people in the Civil Service , But , still cannot perform well & also , have caused so much problems to the people & society . . . . . . .
Also, Importantly, Politicians that become MPs or , even Ministers , are expected to SET GOOD EXAMPLES to us & to the whole world in being committed in serving the nation & people well .
So, we need very Specially trained, very Professionally Committed , very Ethically Upright Civil Servants that literally behave like Real Justice Bao / 包青天 & are absolutely FREE from all Political Influences & External Pressures from self-interest groups, to really serve us and the nation well together . . .
This is especially that the HIGHER the SALARIES that these Top Civil Servants are paid by Singapore Tax Payers, the more they are expected to serve well .
Who can stand the very HIGHLY PAID GOVERNMENT has separated the Nation & People into many different groups & serve some groups Very GOOD , But , the other groups are treated Very BAD , which often involved in bad ABUSE OF POWER [ In Chinese, is called :==>> 滥 用 权 力 ] or, purposely behave in very IRRESPONSIBLE Ways by certain " ROGUE " Civil Servants [ In Chinese, can be called “ 狗 官 “ ] that held high positions in Civil Sector . . .
Don't you ALL in this WEBSITE think so ? ? ?
Any COMMENTS From you PEOPLE out there ? ? ?