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Expiring/expired cunts demand are trending in Singapore!


Ginfreely, her hymen and all her 6 properties.
Marry her, then kill her.
As usual you @glockman clone serial liar son of whore twist my words to 6 properties when I clearly said six times of living in brand new condo or house - purchased or rented and in Spore or jb to cast me a virgin as having a sugar daddy.


As usual you @glockman clone serial liar son of whore twist my words to 6 properties when I clearly said six times of living in brand new condo or house - purchased or rented and in Spore or jb to cast me a virgin as having a sugar daddy.
Ccb sinkies pretend don’t know they buy and sell bto TWICE to make profit. Ccb sinkies got two bto properties meh? Of course not lah


As usual you @glockman clone serial liar son of whore twist my words to 6 properties when I clearly said six times of living in brand new condo or house - purchased or rented and in Spore or jb to cast me a virgin as having a sugar daddy.
You fuck 6 times still virgin, who can believe your cheebye mouth. You should be fucked by a knife.


A relationship is about give and take, no? You take care of me, I take care of you. We cover for each other's weaknesses.
Ya that’s why I am not interested in any relationship. Truth to be told in marriage women don’t gain anything unless they marry up.


You fuck 6 times still virgin, who can believe your cheebye mouth. You should be fucked by a knife.
I have seen at least a few times of such news before of people annulled marriage after years with no fuck. So if you don’t believe is your frog in the well and turtle son of whore problem.


I have seen at least a few times of such news before of people annulled marriage after years with no fuck. So if you don’t believe is your frog in the well and turtle son of whore problem.



Ya that’s why I am not interested in any relationship. Truth to be told in marriage women don’t gain anything unless they marry up.
And women bear the majority of household responsibilities from giving birth to taking care of children to house work and that’s why you don’t see any real married women with young children in this forum because they where got time if they work? Only those idle in office type with sinister agenda like my ex Sinkie Cantonese accountant then will use office time to come here. Other women even use office time also use it for other purpose like talking to their children or other household stuff etc. Men have it easy and that’s why they can afford to tcss here.


Hey you turtle liar son of whore hiding in this forum. I am a virgin is a fact you turtle don’t believe don’t fuck off and don’t dare to go to my Facebook only shows Ccb sinkies or Malaysians deserve no sympathy. Pui!

Are you considered expiring cheebye or expired cheebye?