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Chitchat Euro 2024 Punter Discussion

Wayne Piew

It is Destiny and COMING HOME when Bellingham scored last minute with that Spectacular overhead kick in the last 16.
England have improved in the knock-out stages as the tournament progressed as luck has been consistently on their side.
Like the Great President Trump, you make your own luck with your attitude and tenacity.
EN-GER-LAND 3 vs Espana 1



Alfrescian (Inf)
European Championship 1992

Host Sweden & it is a 8 teams tournament.

Underdog Denmark who did not qualified for the tournament beat hot favourites & reigning world champions Germany 2-0 in finals :smile:
European Championship 2004

Host Portugal & it is a 16 teams tournament.

Outsider Greece won the championship by beating Portugal 1-0 in the finals :cry:
European Championship 2016

Host France & it is a 24 teams tournament.

Portugal who draw all 3 group matches went on & to defeat hot favourites France 1-0 after extra time in the finals :biggrin:
92, 04, 16 euros were all fairy tales ... u may notis dat dey all happen 1s evry 12 yrs ... so nax 1 wil b @ 2028, not tis yr ... tis means tis yr wun haf fairy tale ending ...

so, 4 tis yr, ze non fairy tale team wil win ...

me actuarry hope dat engrand wil win ...

engrand teams of yrs a bit loonger ago were all dominated by players from 1 or 2 top epl clubs ... teres much club rivalry undercurrents in ze team ... but not so much now in ze recent teams ...

me said b4 dat southgate dun haf ze winner sexperience 2 guide engrand 2 win a major tournament ... if engrand dun win, it oni rein4s wat me said b4 ... if engrand wins, congrats 2 him ...


Alfrescian (Inf)
That goal was saveable.
Defender and J Pickford caught flat footed.
Spain had another excellent chance to score a second goal.
England will have to consider bringing in Cole Palmer and Ollie Watkins.


Alfrescian (Inf)
England has brought in Palmer to replace Mainoo.
They have to play with more urgency.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Time for Starbucks coffee and cherry strudel, after a 1300 lunch (avocado cucumber tomato salad, fresh smoked Atlantic salmon on light rye bread).
A sunny hot Sunday has become a 23C overcast afternoon.
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