He is indeed a liar. From some of his old posts, he has claimed to be living in a HDB in central Singapore, then having a large bungalow in Malaysia which needs 5 slaves for spring cleaning, having a Malaysian girlfriend in KL and the latest is, living in a "private" estate in Singapore with security. Well, for someone who claims to be buying at RM200k and reselling to dumb Sinkies at S$200k, he can also say that he is a neighbor of 38 Oxley Road. LOL. Only a retard will believe all his prata flipping posts.Hey YOU investor888, you are not sinkie but mudlander pretending to be sinkie. I have already exposed you then when you were using sexual innuendos to insult together with Tekkun, and that's personal attack that you did, not me. How shameless can a Malaysian be to do personal attack and then turn around to scold and falsely accuse the same person - who are not even doing personal attack - of doing personal attack? Ultra shameless hypocrite LIAR.

Boy, and look at that smile on that prata flipping guy!
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