So near and cheap? Haha... Nope. I'm not going to Johor for those reasons. And my colleagues/friends and I are not frequent travelers there also. We go on a need-to-go basis. We have nothing against Johor. Neither do we take our cars and drive in cos it's so "near and cheap". Near but with jam? Cheap... how cheap? At the cost of time?
"Open a whole new world" or "playground" are just colorful descriptions. Singaporeans going into Johor is just one snapshot of lifestyle possibilities. I have 2 colleagues who go traveling to Australia and Japan every year with their families without fail. They love the countries so much. Some others go to famous Korea 2-3 times a year. There are many more brilliant ways to enjoy life. Not just driving in to Johor on the weekend.
You enjoy Johor, people enjoy Europe. You enjoy living in a 2,500 sq ft Johor house, others still find love within the family living in a 1,000 sq ft HDB flat. You as a Singaporean send your kids to study in a school in Johor, Singaporean/Malaysian parents find great pride their kids are studying in Singapore schools. There's no right or wrong.
Haha... I don't know what you mean by "my job gives me good things in life to enjoy... so I should enjoy it for as long as I can". Lame!It's like me saying, since you enjoy your Johor house, you should enjoy staying in it for as long as it exists.
But just for the record, yup, my job is stable, it pays me well, I don't have to worry the cost of living here in SG is too high and so I need to move over to Johor.But I'm not arrogant about it. Johor is good in its own right. But SG has many strengths too.
Actually kinda understanding your points. But you cannot denial others ppl circumstances as well, ppl like Frodo, or ppl with huge commitment like family sole breadwinner, 3 kids with 4 ill elderly etc or ppl who just want spacious living. Maybe now it seem there is no investment value (really? no more positive news to push the price?)....but you cannot ignore the consumption value for buying (and not renting) the ppty....or maybe who know in future might have insurance value?
Do your friend try to cost down going to Europe weekly? So rich ah? All I know is, average singaporean, the only way to own a landed living is not far away, only way to cost down, also not far away; this is what we call consumption value, even the ppty devalue like car, you still can enjoy things.. those western standard of living (house, car) that normally average singaporean find it hard to enjoy. I know la, your jobs pay you well, those thing easily affordable, or you try to ignore the fact that average singaporean desire are beyond HDB and MRT, but please thinks for others who earn average, want good things that beyond their ability. Not everyone happy with HDB esp when their family is big....4 ppl family i find it quite compacted liao (under malaysian standard of living). But then after all is individual choices and I respect that, they can have better standard of living if they choose to but quality of living will deteriorate because of jam. Situation will change when connectivity improved. Singapore has many strength and one of its strength is that it is close to Iskandar, average singaporean must know they have this option and it is their strength too.
Your words are full of speculation. Just "10% will be a huge impact". Where did you get that from? Why not say 20% or 30%?
Your tolerance is 30 mins. Did you check what the tolerance level of other drivers are?
You BELIEVE when that happens, I will be WRONG. Who asked you to judge me? Is it already happening that there are signs traffic is improving or will improve?
The question is not whether I will be right or wrong. I'm not interested in people praising me because I am right, or trashing me because I will be wrong. A smart or careful investor should be asking what is the probability, and what are the risks one is facing.
Sure, no one knows what will happen in the next 10 years. That's why I always say know your risks. I've been repeating this till I am so tired. There are no right or wrong answers. If you have $10,000 now and you are willing to take the risk to buy 4D, hoping that you can strike the First Prize, sure, go ahead. No one can say you are 100% wrong. You may strike it big! Or you can lose the $10,000. That's the risk you are taking.
Analysts and banks with no vested interest are saying to avoid investing in Iskandar obviously because they have the facts, figures and news to prove. It's up to individuals to weigh the pros and cons, and understand the risks they are taking if they choose to plunge their money there. The problem is, many Singaporeans rushed in without even considering these. They bought because of herd mentality. They choose to believe whatever the cunning agents tell them. They just hope -- "Ya ya, I know the negative news, but property prices always go up." Is it true? A kindergarten kid also knows how to say that!
For every high risk taker in investment who made it big, there are probably 10x similar people who got badly burnt. Just like we read all the nice stories of entrepreneurs successful in setting up their businesses. But the newspapers will hardly report 10 other stories of those who became bankrupt or failed miserably.
Oh well..... do not agree with my figures? You can come out with your own.... to be frank, I do not have evidences to support my number but if i use public rail commute to cross the strait, 30 min not intolerable right? I know, your time more precious.
And are we on the same tense, mine is future tense in my previous post so how can it be "already happening"? OR you outright disagree HSR RTS will improve traffic flow in future? Have evidences to support your claim? We need your evidences to tell the authority refrain from doing what they plan to will be waste of money if things not getting better.
Let me explain, the whole iskandar bull were at its peak when the RTS, HSR planned to be built by 2016-2020, and many condo will come into market along the this period. When these 2 catalyst still no way near ground breaking.... the impact is what we already seeing. Current condition, people need to avioding it much earlier, like 3-4 years back, that time analysts and banks not even one were telling the risk, they do not have the facts, figures and news to prove it when it was 3-4 years back. Now all these "evidences" that we are seeing now are based on current demand and future supply curve. So are your banks and analysts going to tell you how future demand curve will look like using current facts, figures and news? They are not going to and they are unable to.... basically what analysts and banks is doing, is that they are telling you what is happening now, no investment value to begin with. I think if you believe so much about analysts and banks....3-4 years back, Frodo etc will welcome you to JB.
Also avoid is the big word, like total collapse for a big ticket item call property. Actually I think I shared the same assessment with you about current condition...bad. But I see opportunity, you follow the herd liao, avoiding totally.
So you think HSR and RTS chances of happening is as slim as betting on lottery? Why not lets bet. Land acquisition for RTS, section 4 procedure is around the corner, after that will have 1 year time before official land acquisition is finalise. When section 4 release, I will tell you how the game start

*other name for "A smart & careful investor" is average investor. Successful investor are smart and foresighted, careful will make you easily follow the crowd.*
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