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East West Line up lorry again for



Train fault causes delays of up to 25 minutes on East-West Line​

Train fault causes delays of up to 25 minutes on East-West Line


At the rate this is going, the train faults will soon reach Changi Airport because its close to where Iswaran is staying now.


lol sure trains breakdown everywhere at least once in a while

but sinkie.land trains breakdown not only with remarkable regularity but for appalling reasons too

the last breakdown was caused by train literally falling apart

it was reported that some carriages derailed

you know what usually happens when trains derail ?? it crashes with catastrophic results

ie damage to property n injury to life or even death

it was sheer providence that they jumped tracks but did not crash

prolly bcus they were not moving at speed

and to think that they r the highest paid in the universe



lol sure trains breakdown everywhere at least once in a while

but sinkie.land trains breakdown not only with remarkable regularity but for appalling reasons too

the last breakdown was caused by train literally falling apart

it was reported that some carriages derailed

you know what usually happens when trains derail ?? it crashes with catastrophic results

ie damage to property n injury to life or even death

it was sheer providence that they jumped tracks but did not crash

prolly bcus they were not moving at speed

and to think that they r the highest paid in the universe

If the train derail inside tunnel, the result will not be that catastrophic as outside. The train will proceed to crash down the track and onto the streets and killing passers-by KNN


I personally would prefer EWL specifically JE to breakdown everyday so that I get to travel free to JE from NSL and take free bridging bus when needed.

No pun intended.
those fucking GRCs n SMCs which voted for PAP most fervently kena the best!!!! again and again and again perpetually!!!!