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East West Line up lorry again for


I suspect the big one , tua tua ki, is coming and this will take months to repair
that would be multiple Hollywood blockbuster disaster movies, during GE season..
fucking bloody PAP-voting Singaporeans just cannot fucking learn...need blood to be spilled and lives to be lost and heads n limbs to be crushed..
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They will say because of all these train faults, the fare increase from 28 Dec is fully justified. They'll need the extra revenue for maintenance, the free bridging buses, the obscene bonuses for the jiak liao bees...


Ah yes, they lack 20/20 foresight! But why they paid so much? Ah yes to prevent corruption
I think another reason that they are paid so much, besides preventing corruption, is also to get their support and cooperation to zip their mouth and to tell lies to the public aka bribery.
If they are paid little money, maybe they will spill the bean one day.


I think another reason that they are paid so much, besides preventing corruption, is also to get their support and cooperation to zip their mouth and to tell lies to the public aka bribery.
If they are paid little money, maybe they will spill the bean one day.

Cannot say lidat!

PAP ministar came to office , including Lee Kuan Yew, simply because they love Singapore and Singaporeans, its definitely not because of $. Its labour of love.

PAP is always for you, with you.


Leemember, No over-maintenance?