there is no bond for genuine migrant family. You might be dealing with Mindef Contact centre staff who are an outsourced outfit and are not fully briefed on migrant families who left when the kids were young or kids born overseas and have applied for SC. This category is usually small in number. Most are parents sending kids overseas from a young age. If you are comfortable, PM me the name of the person who you dealth with last. I will provide the right contact who is in the unit that deals with it. If not ask the staff to refer the matter to their supervisor on the basis that you are a migrant family and are not required to sign a bond. We had a number of cases in the past who had the same issue. The supervisors are nice enough and should put you in touch with the correct person.
Yes if the kid is born overseas and is entitled to be SC, do not apply to be SC is you have migrated. It will easier to apply for PR which is freely given but not for renounced cases.
there is no bond for genuine migrant family. You might be dealing with Mindef Contact centre staff who are an outsourced outfit and are not fully briefed on migrant families who left when the kids were young or kids born overseas and have applied for SC. This category is usually small in number. Most are parents sending kids overseas from a young age. If you are comfortable, PM me the name of the person who you dealth with last. I will provide the right contact who is in the unit that deals with it. If not ask the staff to refer the matter to their supervisor on the basis that you are a migrant family and are not required to sign a bond. We had a number of cases in the past who had the same issue. The supervisors are nice enough and should put you in touch with the correct person.
Yes if the kid is born overseas and is entitled to be SC, do not apply to be SC is you have migrated. It will easier to apply for PR which is freely given but not for renounced cases.
Hi Charlie,
Looks like yours is also electronic EP. I spoke to mindef, they say online will require a bond if more than 2 years of EP requested, maybe they updated the policy. Anyway, mindef email a deferment form to complete. I just did that and emailed them. They say I will hear from them in about a week on the decision for deferment pending renunciation. I asked them if parents are also required to renounce, they say no. They only evaluate the child's situation, not the parents.