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Dr Lee Wei Ling latest postings


Alfrescian (Inf)
because in sg super duper uber majority gov has absolute power over everything. turn ah neh to m&d also can.


Zhao Gao was a man who was hungry for power. After declaring Huhai Qin Er Shi, he decided to control the entire government. The man brought a deer to a meeting. He showed that deer in front of the emperor and the officials, and said it was a great horse. The emperor, who regarded Zhao Gao as a teacher and therefore trusted him completely, thought it was a deer, and many officials thought so too. Some were afraid of Zhao Gao, but seeing that Qin Er Shi also regarded it as a horse, said nothing. Others agreed to its being a horse. Zhao Gao murdered the officials who remained silent or called it a deer.

Zhao Gao later killed Li Si with the method of execution that Li Si invented himself. Then Zhao Gao killed Qin Er Shi and declared Ziying emperor when Liu Bang arrived at the capital. When Xiang Yu arrived, Ziying killed Zhao Gao and surrendered, thus ending the reign of the Yings as well as Zhao's rule.

“Calling a Deer a Horse” 指鹿为马

“Calling a deer a horse” is used to describe a situation where “black” is called “white” and vice versa for the purpose of manipulating people to advance one’s evil agenda.



This is what happens when my multimillionaire ministers are in power. Even if they say their sai is the antidote to poverty, sinkies also will eat. Long live PAP, huat ahhhhhh!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Its only a normal colonial type bungalow. They can easily dismantle it and rebuild it at a more appropriate site, say somewhere near the padang where lots of tourist visit. The land can then be sold and shared by immediate family members.

Yeah. Much ado about nothing really!


Without LWL, the world not have known that LHL is a dishonourable son.

If LWL & LHY have came out earlier in 2015 GE to fire their shots at PAP machineries, PAP would not have garnered 70% of the votes. Unfortunately, they gave LHL too much face & space to use LKY's name to buy sympathy votes.

However, this time, the brother and sistier is doing opposition parties a favour by making front-line firing at PAP and pave way for the opposition to move inroad into parliament. The benefits of Oxley-gate have greatly distracted PAP, tarnished LHL image, and proved the double-standard of using laws against opposition parties. It also dug out the clowns involved behind the mysterious committees and neutralise the sympathy votes which PAP 3G/4G often linked itself to LKY legacies.

Without LWL, the PA cronies are still mourning for LKY today and have his photos all over the island including kindergarten. She has rightly put LHL in his place, Singapore needs to move on beyond LKY. I hope nobody is blind to see what LWL did is good for Singaporeans and the coming GE. Let's hope LWL & brother continue to create great news leading to the upcoming GE and with Tan Cheng Bock now wearing an opposition cap, this forum really need extra bandwiidth for the showdown.

That being said, I have more praise than complaint for the siblings..
Agreed. Many of the pap supporters thinks LHL is god send. They think how lucky we have LHL as our leader. Now with LWL n LHY coming out to show how bad LHL is, those supporters should opened their eyes! LHL is so black heart that he is now going after his sis in law and nephew.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Agreed. Many of the pap supporters thinks LHL is god send. They think how lucky we have LHL as our leader. Now with LWL n LHY coming out to show how bad LHL is, those supporters should opened their eyes! LHL is so black heart that he is now going after his sis in law and nephew.

On the contrary, they would most likely double down on their belief in LHL.


The Misconception: When your beliefs are challenged with facts, you alter your opinions and incorporate the new information into your thinking.

The Truth: When your deepest convictions are challenged by contradictory evidence, your beliefs get stronger.


Its not that LHL is nasty. Its the people closest to him whispering evil thoughts and plots that are. People who think they are KwaGC's equal.
Emperors who were made if sterner stuff would have these people buried alive in the past. But he is just a wimp.