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National Heritage Board to study if Oxley Road site is worthy of preservation as national monument



Lim Tean ,

What Is This Lady Talking About?????

This female news anchor from the sycophantic State Media,whose name I don’t know,and don’t care to know,called Lee Hsien Yang an “unfilial son”.

I don’t give tuppence to her wild claims except to say that people like her are what gives the MSM no credibility at all.And Singaporeans are the ones who have to pay for such low grade journalism,to the tune of $900 million over 5 years,in order to keep the discredited MSM on life support.

Which son can be more filial than Lee Hsien Yang who forked out tens of millions of dollars of his own money to purchase 38 Oxley Road from Lee Hsien Loong, in order to carry out his late parents’ wish to have the house demolished once their daughter Dr Lee Wei Ling no longer lived in it?

How many sons would go to that extent?This lady has no business teaching Singaporeans about filial piety!Don’t try and teach your grandmother how to suck eggs as the saying goes!

How would you like it if after paying tens of millions for a house,you are prevented from doing what you want with it?

History and Singaporeans will judge Lee Hsien Yang very kindly as a most filial son!

And so will his late parents and sister,I am sure!



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with current ongoings.

Did Loong walked away with a good deal ?:thumbsdown::tongue:

Did Yang 's Valuers factored in
this Heritage thing ?

ChatGPT's Valuation of 38 Oxley Road.

The valuation of Lee Kuan Yew’s residence at 38 Oxley Road is challenging to establish definitively, as the property's future use and historical significance affect its market value.

In general, its location in Singapore’s upscale District 09 and significant land area (approximately 12,060 square feet) suggest a conservative valuation of at least SGD $24 million, based on per-square-foot calculations for prime land.

However, its potential designation as a heritage site could affect the price and restrict development options.

With the recent passing of Lee Wei Ling, future developments regarding its preservation or potential redevelopment will likely influence any final market valuation.



Lim Tean ,

What Is This Lady Talking About?????

This female news anchor from the sycophantic State Media,whose name I don’t know,and don’t care to know,called Lee Hsien Yang an “unfilial son”.

I don’t give tuppence to her wild claims except to say that people like her are what gives the MSM no credibility at all.And Singaporeans are the ones who have to pay for such low grade journalism,to the tune of $900 million over 5 years,in order to keep the discredited MSM on life support.

Which son can be more filial than Lee Hsien Yang who forked out tens of millions of dollars of his own money to purchase 38 Oxley Road from Lee Hsien Loong,in order to carry out his late parents’ wish to have the house demolished once their daughter Dr Lee Wei Ling no longer lived in it? How many sons would go to that extent?This lady has no business teaching Singaporeans about filial piety!Don’t try and teach your grandmother how to suck eggs as the saying goes!

How would you like it if after paying tens of millions for a house,you are prevented from doing what you want with it?

History and Singaporeans will judge Lee Hsien Yang very kindly as a most filial son!

And so will his late parents and sister,I am sure!


View attachment 208613

What the heck is Mr Lim Tean yet again talking about?

Hang on a minute - WHO actually owns 38 Oxley Rd now? Our great Founder - the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew, after his passing, left the property, based upon the now highly disputed Last Will to his 3 children.

Extract from CNA:- https://www.channelnewsasia.com/sin...ien-loong-lee-hsien-yang-lee-wei-ling-4679401

"In his statement, Mr Lee Hsien Loong also said he had not challenged the validity of his father's last will in court, as he hoped to avoid a public fight that would tarnish Mr Lee Kuan Yew's and his family’s name and reputation.

Upon Mr Lee Kuan Yew's death, his estate was divided equally among the three siblings, and his final will included a clause that allowed Dr Lee to stay there for as long as she desired.

To resolve the family dispute amicably, Mr Lee Hsien Loong said he was prepared to transfer his share of 38 Oxley Road to Dr Lee for a nominal sum of S$1, on the condition that should the property be transacted later or acquired by the government, all proceeds would go to charity.

But a resolution proved impossible.

After the 2015 General Election in September, Dr Lee and Mr Lee Hsien Yang agreed to a fresh proposal by Mr Lee Hsien Loong to transfer his 38 Oxley Road share to Mr Lee Hsien Yang at market value, on the condition that the brothers each donated an amount equivalent to half of that value to charity.

This was to pre-empt any future controversies over compensation or redevelopment proceeds.

Mr Lee Hsien Loong said he was prepared to do this so that his brother and Dr Lee could handle the 38 Oxley Road matter “as they saw fit between them”.

“This is consistent with the position that I had always held and conveyed to my family: That it is not tenable for the family to retain proceeds from any dealing with 38 Oxley Road, as it would look like the family is opposing acquisition and preservation of the house for monetary reasons,” said Mr Lee Hsien Loong at the time.

Lee Hsien Yang was and continues to be unhappy about my taking this position. So, it would appear, is Lee Wei Ling,” Mr Lee Hsien Loong had said.

Five days after his siblings first went public with their accusations, Mr Lee Hsien Loong apologised to Singaporeans for the effect it had on the country's reputation, and Singaporeans' confidence in the government.

In a statement on Jun 19, 2017, he added that "as the eldest of the siblings, it grieves me to think of the anguish that this would have caused our parents if they were still alive".


Treason:- the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government.

The issue had been about a private property & is merely a family & private issue.

Should LHY wants to be TAKEN seriously, as executor of his father's Will, then he best return to Singapore & follow up on the request by our Govt's agency - SPF, to answer a few questions, instead of running away & absconding, & WORSE - to seek for Political Asylum in UK with claims that he is being PERSECUATED in Singapore by Govt authorities.....which is playing a game that is FAR MORE than a mere private family issue, which is on a POLITICAL level...

What does he actually wants?

Is it just over a mere private property or a higher political desire as evident by his tirades against the very system that his great father had worked so hard on, & himself benefitted over decades with no complaints until his hardworking elder brother became not just the PM years back, but the head of the Lee Clan now?


National heritage board study means hc study. Stupid.
Who is so stupid to think NHB has the power to decide what to do with ah gong house?
NHB reports to the gov and the overall wah xi yarn is supposed to be the PM but the pm is reporting to the SM and the SM eventually reports to hc


Treason:- the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the sovereign or government.

The issue had been about a private property & is merely a family & private issue.

Should LHY wants to be TAKEN seriously, as executor of his father's Will, then he best return to Singapore & follow up on the request by our Govt's agency - SPF, to answer a few questions, instead of running away & absconding, & WORSE - to seek for Political Asylum in UK with claims that he is being PERSECUATED in Singapore by Govt authorities.....which is playing a game that is FAR MORE than a mere private family issue, which is on a POLITICAL level...

What does he actually wants?

Is it just over a mere private property or a higher political desire as evident by his tirades against the very system that his great father had worked so hard on, & himself benefitted over decades with no complaints until his hardworking elder brother became not just the PM years back, but the head of the Lee Clan now?


What would NHB do?

In 1975, horrific fires broke out at a plot of land located at the junction between Upper Bukit Timah Road and Jalan Jurong Kechil, used to be known as the Bukit Timah Road 7.5 milestone, was once a popular market and shopping destination for locals during weeknights and weekends. That mere small plot of land also included homes with little amenities even in public utility services. Water supply came from a well with pumps & homes were attap roofs with concrete floors, etc....

As popular as it was, it was a slum & a fire hazard, & most living there were stubborn folks, despite appeals for them to make way for progress. Eventually fires happen, & many residents there, including their relatives living elsewhere, were vocally blaming our Govt as the ones who set the fires to get residents to move out, creating unnecessary harmful controversies ....

Even though that plot of land was prime land, our Govt did nothing to it for several decades, left it fenced up, & instead HELPED many of the residents to move into newly constructed HDB flats, within the Bt Timah/Clementi areas, with priority & generous subsidies, as we leave none behind.....



What would NHB do?

In 1975, horrific fires broke out at a plot of land located at the junction between Upper Bukit Timah Road and Jalan Jurong Kechil, used to be known as the Bukit Timah Road 7.5 milestone, was once a popular market and shopping destination for locals during weeknights and weekends. That mere small plot of land also included homes with little amenities even in public utility services. Water supply came from a well with pumps & homes were attap roofs with concrete floors, etc....

As popular as it was, it was a slum & a fire hazard, & most living there were stubborn folks, despite appeals for them to make way for progress. Eventually fires happen, & many residents there, including their relatives living elsewhere, were vocally blaming our Govt as the ones who set the fires to get residents to move out, creating unnecessary harmful controversies ....

Even though that plot of land was prime land, our Govt did nothing to it for several decades, left it fenced up, & instead HELPED many of the residents to move into newly constructed HDB flats, within the Bt Timah/Clementi areas, with priority & generous subsidies, as we leave none behind.....

fuck you lah cheebai


What the heck is Mr Lim Tean yet again talking about?

Hang on a minute - WHO actually owns 38 Oxley Rd now? Our great Founder - the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew, after his passing, left the property, based upon the now highly disputed Last Will to his 3 children.

Extract from CNA:- https://www.channelnewsasia.com/sin...ien-loong-lee-hsien-yang-lee-wei-ling-4679401

"In his statement, Mr Lee Hsien Loong also said he had not challenged the validity of his father's last will in court, as he hoped to avoid a public fight that would tarnish Mr Lee Kuan Yew's and his family’s name and reputation.

Upon Mr Lee Kuan Yew's death, his estate was divided equally among the three siblings, and his final will included a clause that allowed Dr Lee to stay there for as long as she desired.

To resolve the family dispute amicably, Mr Lee Hsien Loong said he was prepared to transfer his share of 38 Oxley Road to Dr Lee for a nominal sum of S$1, on the condition that should the property be transacted later or acquired by the government, all proceeds would go to charity.

But a resolution proved impossible.

After the 2015 General Election in September, Dr Lee and Mr Lee Hsien Yang agreed to a fresh proposal by Mr Lee Hsien Loong to transfer his 38 Oxley Road share to Mr Lee Hsien Yang at market value, on the condition that the brothers each donated an amount equivalent to half of that value to charity.

This was to pre-empt any future controversies over compensation or redevelopment proceeds.

Mr Lee Hsien Loong said he was prepared to do this so that his brother and Dr Lee could handle the 38 Oxley Road matter “as they saw fit between them”.

“This is consistent with the position that I had always held and conveyed to my family: That it is not tenable for the family to retain proceeds from any dealing with 38 Oxley Road, as it would look like the family is opposing acquisition and preservation of the house for monetary reasons,” said Mr Lee Hsien Loong at the time.

Lee Hsien Yang was and continues to be unhappy about my taking this position. So, it would appear, is Lee Wei Ling,” Mr Lee Hsien Loong had said.

Five days after his siblings first went public with their accusations, Mr Lee Hsien Loong apologised to Singaporeans for the effect it had on the country's reputation, and Singaporeans' confidence in the government.

In a statement on Jun 19, 2017, he added that "as the eldest of the siblings, it grieves me to think of the anguish that this would have caused our parents if they were still alive".
