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Lee Hsien Yang Apply to demolish Oxley 38, real issue is lack of creativity by Lee Hsien Loong!


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset

My thoughts are why the fuss over oxley 38?

Ah loong so rich and so power, let ah yang demolish Oxley 38 lor.

Ah loong just acquire Oxley 37 or 39 and build a memorial there, also end up same objective what. Everyone get what they want.

In fact like how they gerry meander for GRC, can later switch Oxley 39 or 37 to be Oxley 38 or 38b and original Oxley 38 be come Oxley 39,37. Like thats also work.

Thats the problem with singkee, even LKY elite family : lack of creativity

Can study hard but no creativity and lateral thinking. If ceca, they will not even quarrel but solve it easily
It's not about creativity. When you re a dictator, you can just bulldoze ahead. U wipe out anyone who stands in your way. Why bother with creativity?


Dear @sbfuncle , according to your theory, Lee Hsien Yang must also form a political party to challenge the government or to incite violence to grab the power. Correct ?
Ideally, all the oppie parties and any anti pap association (eg heal the divide) should do a combine effort to overthrow the Lee dynasty. This can be done by starting a public road protests and eventually will need to lead to bloodshed and violence. Refer to hk riots eg burning a live man etc
Unfortunately they are just a disorganised pests to the Lees so nothing can be achieved end of the day.
If they are clear minded enough they will not do whatever they have been doing and still doing today.


Because some one will misuse it to show his bloodline is the 真命天子, when in fact all are coolie gene and worst serfs of brits and jap "translator" aka traitor genes
Without his father, Lee Hsien Loong and Ho Ching are nobodies. 江山 is Laolee 打出来的....One happen just to be born in the right family and the other marry into the right family



My thoughts are why the fuss over oxley 38?

Ah loong so rich and so power, let ah yang demolish Oxley 38 lor.

Ah loong just acquire Oxley 37 or 39 and build a memorial there, also end up same objective what. Everyone get what they want.

In fact like how they gerry meander for GRC, can later switch Oxley 39 or 37 to be Oxley 38 or 38b and original Oxley 38 be come Oxley 39,37. Like thats also work.

Thats the problem with singkee, even LKY elite family : lack of creativity

Can study hard but no creativity and lateral thinking. If ceca, they will not even quarrel but solve it easily
So ah Yang owns the Oxley house....that also means pinky can easily steal it from him..


Without his father, Lee Hsien Loong and Ho Ching are nobodies. 江山 is Laolee 打出来的....One happen just to be born in the right family and the other marry into the right family
HC just happen to open her legs for right person, act like sibei hao lian! KNN