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Posted on 16 Aug 2010
Filthy aircon duct on bus is so disgusting
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Eng Kwee Loi was horrified at the sight of this filthy aircon duct on SMRT service 169. The STOMPer describes how the duct was covered in a thick layer of dust, despite claims that buses are cleaned on a daily basis.
Kwee Loi wonders if the bus company “makes huge profits by stinging on cleaning.”
The STOMPer says:
"I took SMRT service 169 and was horrified when I looked up.
"The air-con duct was so dirty the dust was hanging from the sides and everywhere. A huge piece was hanging from the centre and threatening to fall off anytime.
"I mean, how long do you think the duct has not been cleaned for the dust to accumulate to this stage?
"And I thought they said the buses are cleaned everyday.
"Is that how they made such huge profits by stinging on cleaning? None of the staff have noticed it?
"Does this look like World Class Transport Service?
Filthy aircon duct on bus is so disgusting
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Eng Kwee Loi was horrified at the sight of this filthy aircon duct on SMRT service 169. The STOMPer describes how the duct was covered in a thick layer of dust, despite claims that buses are cleaned on a daily basis.
Kwee Loi wonders if the bus company “makes huge profits by stinging on cleaning.”
The STOMPer says:
"I took SMRT service 169 and was horrified when I looked up.
"The air-con duct was so dirty the dust was hanging from the sides and everywhere. A huge piece was hanging from the centre and threatening to fall off anytime.
"I mean, how long do you think the duct has not been cleaned for the dust to accumulate to this stage?
"And I thought they said the buses are cleaned everyday.
"Is that how they made such huge profits by stinging on cleaning? None of the staff have noticed it?
"Does this look like World Class Transport Service?