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Do u feel happy when kopi-uncle tell u to wait because they are changing kopi powder ?


Secret codes are everywhere for us to observe and decode it for our benefits KNN don't be like your mentor sor har sor har gum lead the whole pathetic life :biggrin:
I wonder if my mentor has a blue CHAS card.

The government has already deprived her of CDC vouchers. If she is deprived of blue CHAS, 那就是天地不容的冤案。 :inlove:


I wonder if my mentor has a blue CHAS card.

The government has already deprived her of CDC vouchers. If she is deprived of blue CHAS, 那就是天地不容的冤案。 :inlove:
This is indeed a big question mark.
Normal people sure can get but with her sor har sor har gum behaviour is very hard to say.
Who the hell would register an invalid address for cdc? :alien: