Hi bro, the best value (cost per page) for color printouts are still somewhat similar for inkjets and color lasers. You just have to buy a color inkjet printer that does not have the printhead on the printer itself (but on the catridge). You most likely owned a printer with the printhead on the printer, hence the reason behind your "...lifespan is up, you have to throw..." statement. (That is not entirely true!)
I have an inkjet printer bought in year 2000 which until today is still functioning good with regular use...
I'm not going to name any brands here just in case I'm labeled as a fanboy. But cheap inkjet printers "spoil fast" because the printheads are not on the catridges. I'm guessing you pay around $30+ or under for a single black/color catridge?
As for print quality, current color laser technology is still no match for inkjet color printouts...