Well you could see 2 different spectres, and 2 different visions of the opposition. The first one was what would have happened if Francis Seow won the elections. I think, at that time, even though you had all that rubbish going on with JBJ, Francis Seow would have been more a Chiam See Tong kind of opposition MP than a fiery JBJ type. Under this scenario, the PAP would have kept on losing a few more seats as the opposition established its credibility. We would probably see around 20 opposition members in parliament. But that would probably be a steady state. The opposition would have paradoxically done the PAP a favour by helping it to rein in its worst instincts.
The other vision was the one that eventually transpired. LKY in "fuck the opposition" mode. A lid was kept on the opposition, and the pressure under that lid built up to such an extent that the it threatens to blow that lid off. You know the drill: lawsuits, hounding people out of jobs, discrimination based on political affiliation, Operation Spectrum, and even Chiam See Tong's quaint old story of how the government tried to kill his favourite potted plant. Because of that, politics in Singapore became a lot more polarised than it could have been. Politics has become more emotive than it could have been. That's why you have all these people on sammyboy yelling "fuck PAP". This is highly entertaining but also a sure sign that something is going wrong.
And in the meantime, the PAP were allowed to make the mistakes they made because all the policies got passed through without running it through proper parliamentary debates.
Because we Sinkies are such sheep, precedents are very important. But the PAP could have prevented all this if they were willing to engage the opposition much earlier. LKY was responsible for the first actions against the opposition. Around that time GKS was on his way out. Would GKS have counselled LKY against this, because GKS is the only person who was the equal of LKY. Or maybe he preferred being a bureaucrat and leave the politics to LKY. GCT being who he is, the one least likely to rock the boat, went along with a simple continuation of the policies of repression. I don't rate GCT at all because most of the policy mistakes that led Singapore down the drain (too many foreigners, rich-poor divide) took place under his watch. Interesting thing is that most of us know even less about LHL than LKY or GCT. To me he is a grey blur (this was a description once used on Stalin). In the first 5 years, he was operating in GCT mode, the same old same old, mode. Then post 2011, a full 7 years into his premiership, suddenly he's got to come out and show us who he is. Exactly who is LHL?
People have talked about LHL saying "sorry" before the elections. To me the really interesting thing he said in that speech was "I am not LKY and LKY is not me". To me he hasn't even done the things he will eventually be remembered for. All those things are still in the future, or have yet to take shape. I don't know who LHL is. Is he the guy who will save the PAP from itself? Is he trying to get off the tiger, the repressive system that his father built? Is he going to keep on blowing smoke in our faces? Is he going to ruin Singapore? Nobody knows yet.
OK, LHL was instrumental in turning Singapore from a nation state into a global city, although how much was GCT and how much was him, we're not totally sure. Maybe all the vanity projects was him.
In any case, that's not as important as the fact that he has left the PAP's backside open for the opposition to tear into.