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Crumbling of Singapore?


Alfrescian (Inf)
wow, singapore is such a crumbling state! hehe... i wonder were would be better? any suggestions? perhaps bangladesh, mongolia, greece, greenland, philippines... etc

I love Singapore. What I wish is for Singapore to be the best it can be and also for Singaporeans to enjoy staying and loving Singapore. But I am sad to see SG and Singaporeans being mis-governed. It is not just abt wealth, GDP and ,materialism. It's also about happiness, care, love and compassion for our people, etc.

What's the point of having high GDP but it's only enjoyed by the top elites whilst the people are stressed, have no quality life, walk with a frown, have no money to pay for hospital care, worry abt when their next meal is going to come from?

What's the point of having Universal Studios, Esplanade, GBTB, Night safari when they are so expensive that the average SG family cant afford to bring their children to visit? These are more to attract tourists. Why cant the pap value Singaporeans more and encourage these expensive attractions to charge Singaporeans less than tourists? This is not an innovative suggestion. Many countries already do it to positively discriminate the citizens and show that citizenship matters. Small geatures like that make NS men and all other singaporeans proud. Tourist will not mind their host countries charging their citizens less. So it's a win-win situation.

I dont rejoice that SG is crumbling and i dont wish that SG become like Tanzania, Uganda or N Korea. I just wish that Singaporeans can enjoy the fruits, embrace their country singapore and love Singapore.

Divisiveness caused by the pap shd be healed and SG shd be for Singaporeans.

Any foreigner who wishes to enjoy Singapore to the fullest shd become Singaporeans. Is this happening now? or are foreigners better to remain foreigners in SG? Are they enjoying the privileges without any obligation? Are they benefiting the fruits of Singapore's success at the expense of Singaporeans. Which other country prostitutes itself the way PAP prostitutes Singapore to foreigners?

SG shd not allow foreigners to be privileged in SG at the expense of Singaporeans
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Alfrescian (Inf)
wow, singapore is such a crumbling state! hehe... i wonder were would be better? any suggestions? perhaps bangladesh, mongolia, greece, greenland, philippines... etc

Michael Cook:

"Perhaps it's rude to ask this of a man mourning the mortal illness of a child whom he conceived, dandled on his knees and coached through adolescence, but who is responsible for this disaster?

The answer is Lee Kuan Yew. Great men make great mistakes
. In the 1960s and 70s he worried about the Population Bomb and enacted stern population control policies. He encouraged sterilisation, urged Singaporeans to "Stop At Two", and imposed harsh financial penalties for those who didn't. By the late 80s, the government had panicked and changed its tune to "Have Three or More (if you can afford it)". A future prime minister was already warning Singaporeans that "passively watch[ing] ourselves going extinct" threatened national survival.

It was too late. Singaporeans had acquired a taste for shopping and small families. Now their country's future belongs to immigrants and workers from nearby China, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Indonesia. Singapore has to face the possibility of cashing in its chips.

Singapore's woes may be of its own making but there is a lesson here for the rest of us. In a small nation, the impact of an ageing population is felt more keenly and more swiftly than in larger countries. Singapore has to face the possibility of cashing in its chips. But demographic trends are inexorable everywhere. When birthrates fall below replacement level, as they have throughout the developed world, migrants with very different cultural values replace the native-born.


Alfrescian (Inf)
whether the PAP is in remedial mode is yet to be confirmed. they may hold national conversations and stuffs but the bottom line is this: all they had been doing this while is managing perception. does it solves the problems at its roots? no. does it keep them in power? yes. a convenient way of doing things, me isn't saying it's easy managing perception. this is THE time to observe how these million dollar folks take on this task and see if they are truly worth their salt. :p:p:p

Some of the pillars that held SG together and helped SG to grow and to prosper were:

1. Political Pillar
2. Social Pillar
3. Trust and Loyalty
4. Courage

Are these pillars still strong and holding up SG?
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Some of the pillars that held SG together and helped SG to grow and to prosper are:

1. Political Pillar
2. Social Pillar
3. Trust and Loyalty
4. Courage

Are these pillars still strong and holding up SG?

1. Political Pillar

This pillar started to crumble when LKY introduced GRC. With GRCs, pap politicians are able to hide under coattails and get into Parliament. This allowed mecenaries and self serving pap members to get into Parliament. Look at the pap clowns we have in parliament! Would they have been there if they have to fight their battle into parliament?

Over the last 24 years we MPs like MBT, LBH, RL, WKS, etc were able to slip into Parliament and caused much trouble to Sg with their bad policies.

Now we have poor leaders like LHL, TCH, Tharman at the helm! All because of GRCs which started in 1988


Alfrescian (Inf)
Some of the pillars that held SG together and helped SG to grow and to prosper are:

1. Political Pillar
2. Social Pillar
3. Trust and Loyalty
4. Courage

Are these pillars still strong and holding up SG?

2. Social Pillar

SG pride itself with social, racial and religious harmony. With the pap's crazy pursuit of GDP growth, SG has been flooded with 33% foreigners who come with diverse backgrounds and values. Because the pap is not able to attract true foreign talents, it resorted and prostituted SG to hungry, 3rd world migrants who come with back background and bad social values. They refused to assimilate into SG society and created friction with native Singaporeans and openly defied SG laws. A most recent example is the PRC drivers strike. This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many such social frictions, issues and the heartlands and people levels.

Is the Social Pillar crumbling?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Some of the pillars that held SG together and helped SG to grow and to prosper are:

1. Political Pillar
2. Social Pillar
3. Trust and Loyalty
4. Courage

Are these pillars still strong and holding up SG?

3. Trust and Loyalty

Singaporeans trusted LKY, GKS, TCC, SR, HSS, LKS, etc because they cared for SG and Singaporeans. They meant what they said and said what they meant. Singaporeans revered, honoured and respected them.

The present PAP leaders are making fools of themselves and are despised by Singaporeans. They demand to be paid $200,000 per month when some Singaporeans are working nine hours a day, six days a week for $900 per month as cleaners. These cleaners are getting $4.16 per hour work n this high cost of living in SG. And the pap leaders said that at $200k per month, they are underpaid and are making sacrifices?

With their poor planning, performance and bad policies, the pap is losing the trust and loyalty of Singaporeans.

The pap has caused a political vacuum because of their past treatment and marginalisation of Political Opposition. With the pap losing power and the infancy of Oppposition, is SG crumbling?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Some of the pillars that held SG together and helped SG to grow and to prosper are:

1. Political Pillar
2. Social Pillar
3. Trust and Loyalty
4. Courage

Are these pillars still strong and holding up SG?

4. Courage

Does the PAP leaders have courage?? With the resignation Of Michael Palmer, shd Punggol East residents be given the opportunity to vote for an MP? It is a no brainer question. Yet, LHL, the PM of SG, said that he is not legally compelled to hold an election. That's political cowardice and moral cowardice. A PM must be morally courageous and do the right thing and not be a coward and hide behind unrighteous laws. If a law is wrong, it is important for the PM to correct the law.

Is the law that say a PM has unfettered discretion to deny citizens the right to be represented in Parliament right? If LHL cant see the flaw in this law, he is either stupid or morally coward. Either way, it speaks badly of the PAP leaders.

Is SG crumbling with morally coward political leaders who hide under unrighteous laws, pay themselves handsomely regardless of the people's misery, continue with bad policies that divide the country, have lost the moral authority to lead and lost the trust and loyalty of a big segment of the people?
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Alfrescian (Inf)
The PAP is in a bad dilemma because of Michael Palmer's "grave mistake".

1. If LHL shows his cowardice because he is afraid PAP will be slaughtered at the polls and refuses to hold a BE at Punggol East, the political consequences will be severe at the next GE.

2. If LHL holds a BE and the pap loses, Singaporeans will celebrate and more credible candidates will join the Opposition and they will slaughter the 3rd tier, ex SAF, ex Civil Servants, ex NTUC pap candidates at the next GE.

3. If LHL holds a BE and there is a 3-corner fight and the pap wins 34%, Opposition 1 - 33% and Opposition 2- 33%, there will be bad consequences for the pap at the next GE.

God has eyes and we have to thank Michael Palmer, Laura, Zhi Kuang and Andy for PAP's predicament.

Are there more undisclosed indiscretions and are many other PAP Ministers, PAP MPs shivering in their pants now?

SG is entering a watershed now. Whether SG will crumbling will depend on how Singaporeans deal with the pap
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Alfrescian (Inf)
The recent Michael Palmer saga is a very sad one for Singaporeans as a whole and for the subject on a personal level. The unfolding drama has brought to the fore the bad selection process the PAP uses to "select" MPs and the ineffectiveness of it's feedback units. Unfortunately, those at the decision-making level are still in complete denial. Why is this so?.

The issue has also highlighted the ineffectiveness of it's kopi-sessions prior to allowing one to don the white and white. Their present "reservoir of talents" (NTUC, SAF, Civil Service and Business community) has also been proven to be a bad source that cannot be relied upon.

High education does not make people into successful soldiers, volunteers, policemen or politicians. A career in this professions comes with a youthful ambition, a willingness to honestly care and share and a complete sincerity in serving the people without fear or favour. So in short, these people are Not MADE nor BORN to take on such positions. On the contrary, these people are present among the human race to take on such a noble task. The same apply to top-ranks within the SAF and Civil Service. Didn't we have barbers who became good politicians in the past.

Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Sukarno, Emilio Aguinaldo, Jose Rizal, Ho Chi Minh, Martin Luther King, Josip Tito and many others are good past examples. But the same is not true with the many Nehrus, Dorais, Kong Hees, Suhartos and Marcos's that hold positions around the world.

Singaporeans rightfully objected to the introduction of the likes of Ting Pei Lings, Janil Puthucheary, sons of former MPs and many other candidates. The insistence of the PAP CEC to persevere only made matters worse. In a way the CEC bull-dozed it's way through, thereby enabling their choices to enter into the august parliament, clinging on to the coat-tails of other candidates.

Some of these people can be traced to have close relationships with some top civil servants and former parliamentarians. In the case of Ting she is married to someone working in the PMO. If these isn't an act of cronyism, pray tell me what other words to use.

Things have been changing from bad to worse over the years insofar as governance of Singaporeans is concerned. It is sad to see that no one gives true feedback to those in authority.

With honest feedback (whistle-blowing), the present Michael Palmer/Laura Ong episode could have been avoided.

A thief can succeed for an X number of times but will surely be caught one day.

Only Time will tell.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The recent Michael Palmer saga is a very sad one for Singaporeans as a whole and for the subject on a personal level. The unfolding drama has brought to the fore the bad selection process the PAP uses to "select" MPs and the ineffectiveness of it's feedback units. Unfortunately, those at the decision-making level are still in complete denial. Why is this so?.

The issue has also highlighted the ineffectiveness of it's kopi-sessions prior to allowing one to don the white and white. Their present "reservoir of talents" (NTUC, SAF, Civil Service and Business community) has also been proven to be a bad source that cannot be relied upon.

High education does not make people into successful soldiers, volunteers, policemen or politicians. A career in this professions comes with a youthful ambition, a willingness to honestly care and share and a complete sincerity in serving the people without fear or favour. So in short, these people are Not MADE nor BORN to take on such positions. On the contrary, these people are present among the human race to take on such a noble task. The same apply to top-ranks within the SAF and Civil Service. Didn't we have barbers who became good politicians in the past.

Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Sukarno, Emilio Aguinaldo, Jose Rizal, Ho Chi Minh, Martin Luther King, Josip Tito and many others are good past examples. But the same is not true with the many Nehrus, Dorais, Kong Hees, Suhartos and Marcos's that hold positions around the world.

Singaporeans rightfully objected to the introduction of the likes of Ting Pei Lings, Janil Puthucheary, sons of former MPs and many other candidates. The insistence of the PAP CEC to persevere only made matters worse. In a way the CEC bull-dozed it's way through, thereby enabling their choices to enter into the august parliament, clinging on to the coat-tails of other candidates.

Some of these people can be traced to have close relationships with some top civil servants and former parliamentarians. In the case of Ting she is married to someone working in the PMO. If these isn't an act of cronyism, pray tell me what other words to use.

Things have been changing from bad to worse over the years insofar as governance of Singaporeans is concerned. It is sad to see that no one gives true feedback to those in authority.

With honest feedback (whistle-blowing), the present Michael Palmer/Laura Ong episode could have been avoided.

A thief can succeed for an X number of times but will surely be caught one day.

Only Time will tell.



Alfrescian (Inf)
you run for by election at Punggol East me also vote for you

we have ordinary singaporeans like KohLianThye who can think and analyse better than Vikram and Tharman who said that earning $1000 a month, a singaporean can own a 2rm HDB flat and support a family with two children.

what's wrong with PAP MPs?