Five drivers charged, 29 repatriated.
TCJ and LHL have acted.
Let's wait for results of the five charges and their convictions.
TCJ - 3, PRC -0
But this is not the end of the saga.
Will PRC bus drivers, Geylang prostitutes, etc sympathise with the charged drivers and react? Will PRCs retaliate against SG businesses in China and Singaporeans in China? Only time will tell.
What lessons will pap learn from this saga? Will something good come out of this? I hope so
First, this is not a football game.
Second, this strike is not an isolated incident and is one of the symptoms of a malice brought about by five decades of repression, media monopoly, fake trade unionism, imprudent immigration policy if there is one, failure of the highest paid OUT OF THIS WORLD salaried ministers to co-ordinate immigration policy with housing/transport/other policies, etc. This is the rotten "harvest" that is being reaped by the PAPzis and this strike is only one of many more such rotten "harvests" to come.
Whether or not you are Sumiko is irrelevant, but it is very clear to me that you are paid to be here to manipulate popular opinion in favour of the PAPzis. When you can't counter with logic, pretend to agree, then proceed to post continuously and divert attention by praising the PAPzis for their "actions" but not mentioning that 1) those actions don't address the root causes; 2) those root causes were the result of the PAPzis failed policies in the first place. I'm sure you have more variations of the same trick up your sleeves.
"Divide and rule" has always been the PAPzis key strategy and now that about a third of population is foreign, this has morphed into encourgaing XENOPHOBIA in order to pitch SINKIES against foreigners. Now, part of the tactic is to say "look without the PAP, you will be bullied by the foreigners". They deliberately omit to tell SINKIES that the foreigners were brought into SINKIELAND by the PAP's indiscriminate immigration policy in the first place - so much so that the majority of PRs do not pay income tax! This is a repeat of the Amy Cheong saga and it is a vain attempt by a party which has overstayed its welcome to hang on to votes with whatever vile tactics that are necessary to do the job.
Using unjust laws such as the Criminal Law (TEMPORARY) Provisions Act to deal with poor workers who were merely struggling for the right to be treated humanely is not a sign of leadership. It is a sign that this what's his name President Scholar is nothing but a stooge of the Leegime. This is made all the more jarring if one is able to see clearly and remember that these grievances of the PRC bus drivers were communicated to the NTUC and Zorro and his Party Minions did absolutely nothing to help these exploited workers. Now you want to sneak into Sammy Boy and sing the praises of those who "dealt firmly" with these exploited workers?
If you write this kind of crap in the Straits Times, it will be published and all critical responses will be silenced - they just refuse to publish those criticisms or they change the responses so fundamentally and without consent of the writers until the responses come out as praise of the PAPzis. But you are not now writing in the Straits Times, you are in the brave new world of the internet.
All workers, foreign or local, should be paid and treated EQUALLY. This helps the SG worker because employers will not be able to lower their costs by the mere expedient of hiring cheap labour from abroad. Where public safety is involved like in the case of bus drivers, the case is even stronger. A foreign driver who has to work many hours of overtime in order to earn the same salary as his SG colleague is more likely to be involved in a traffic accident and it is not his fault but the fault of his SINKIE GLC employer who refuses to pay a fair wage. The victims of such traffic accidents are most likely to be ordinary Singaporeans.
The cheapskate SINKIE employers, 70% of whom are GLCs or government related in some way and therefore PAPzi in character, will be forced to invest in training, mechanisation, etc. What's his name President Scholar did not deal with this issue nor the issue of having truly INDEPENDENT trade unions. What he did was simply to use an unjust law to instill fear in others thinking of conducting another strike. What's his name deserve to be admonished for not being of FIRST WORLD ministerial quality. His salary should be brought down to THIRD WORLD levels as punishment for his incompetence. Better still, he should be kicked out of the cabinet along with the other PAPzis in 2016.
I have no motive other than to counter UNTRUTH with TRUTH and foresee that we shall have lots of exchanges like this in the future. I like to make you work hard for the money you are getting from the Straits Times or some other GLC.