the pap has classified it as an illegal strike.
Let's be very clear about this - strikes are LEGAL in almost all peaceful FIRST WORLD countries. Just because there is a law it does not follow that the law is FAIR, especially if it is a law enacted by the PAP. The PAP is well known for coming up with laws that skew the game in its favour including laws that make us the laughing stock of the world like one man or woman can constitute an illegal assembly.
What is the Catholic Church’s view of unjust laws? Well, at paragraph 398 of the Compendium of the Catholic Church's Social Doctrine, it is stated:
"Authority must enact just laws, that is, laws that correspond to the dignity of the human person and to what is required by right reason. “Human law is law insofar as it corresponds to right reason and therefore is derived from the eternal law. When, however, a law is contrary to reason, it is called an unjust law; in such a case it ceases to be law and becomes instead an act of violence”. Authority that governs according to reason places citizens in a relationship not so much of subjection to another person as of obedience to the moral order and, therefore, to God himself who is its ultimate source. Whoever refuses to obey an authority that is acting in accordance with the moral order “resists what God has appointed” (Rom 13:2). Analogously, whenever public authority — which has its foundation in human nature and belongs to the order pre-ordained by God — fails to seek the common good, it abandons its proper purpose and so delegitimises itself."
In the context of this labour dispute, what has the NTUC done for the suffering workers? Remember, the NTUC has been slowly transformed into an instrument of the PAP and employers. So much so that Zorro says that the NTUC is against minimum wages. Imagine this, a trade union is against minimum wages! What will this clown say next? That the NTUC is in favour of labour exploitation because it helps our GDP to grow faster and the ministers' salary to get more OUT OF THIS WORLD!
If the union fails to do its job, it is time for the workers to peacefully struggle for their rights including taking strike action, regardless of how the PAP suka suka classify this strike.
FIRST WORLD countries have GENUINE trade unions that fight for workers' rights whereas SINKIELAND has a no portfolio Zorro.
This strike should be supported. In fact, it should inspire strikes in other sectors, led by SG workers for a change.