After seeing the pap struggling over the last five months since my 1st posting of this "Crumble of Singapore?" thread, my hope for SG has gone up by one notch.
LTY is back pedalling with his COE quota issue and the frequent MRT breakdowns.
Yaacob Ibrahim is messing up big time with his simplistic Code-of-Conduct proposal. Instead of freeing up the main media, YI is trying to stifle the internet! What a no brainer solution!
HSK is struggling with retaining good teachers, reviewing curriculum, pacifying parents and relieving students' stress.
KBW is messing it up with HDB sizes rather than coming out with viable housing solutions.
GKY is still struggling with how to relieve the hospital bed shortage and pacify the overworked health care workers
The pap is not thinking out of the box but is still stuck with its mindset of importing foreigners into SG as the only solution, disregarding the castastrophic consequences to SG's social landscape.
At such a trying time in SG, we need a strong leader but LHL is not providing the kind of leadership needed. LHL is instead running around and flapping like a headless chicken. So the end of the pap is at hand.
I see SG's political landscape undergoing six stages of changes:
1. Political awakening of the electorate by Opposition Leaders
2. Electorate supports Opposition leaders but PAP still retains power
3. Key PAP supporters speak out against bad policies due to their conscience
4. Majority of PAP grassroot members support the key PAP supporters
5. PAP MPs speak out against the Cabinet's policies.
6. Internal split within PAP and PAP loses its power.
The first two stages occurred in May 2011. One year after GE 2011, we see that we are at stage three of our poltical transformation. Key and staunch PAP supporters like Prof LCY, Prof TK, Prof PS and Ho Kwon Ping have openly spoken out against PAP policies. This is an astounding turn of events considering that it's only one year after GE 2011. Some grassroot leaders are also quietly showing discomfort. When will stage four occur when many grassroots are against the pap?
The end of the pap may come sooner rather than later as many political analysts have predicted.
The wind of change is blowing strongly in Singaporeans favour