It'd never been easy to get more people on board for social and volunteer work, but thankfully the number has increased, albeit slowly. What we do is instead of asking friends, relatives, business associates, ex-colleagues to jump straight into action, we would invite them along to our visits to the families being cared for. Many of them are moved to tears when they see the conditions these families are living under and some can hardly suppressed their rage at the govt when they find out these people can't qualify for any govt help because of the impossible conditions to be fulfilled and all the overly daunting red tape and paperwork. They will also learn first hand from these families that they are not sitting at home waiting for manna to fall from the skies. Most do odd jobs here and there, now and then, to supplement. Through such visits, many do join as volunteers as they now realise that if better-off S'poreans do not help our fellow citizens who are in very much worse shape than us, no one would as the PAP simply don't care under the guise of turning S'pore into a welfare state. And as I posted earlier, many of them who were PAP supporters in the past, voted against the PAP in the last GE after having seen for themselves the inhumane treatment by the PAP of its own citizens and instead care so much for foreigners. And I told Leongsam, for this particular post, I am not here to win a debate with him on political idealogies etc but to simply raise awareness of the plight many S'poreans who do suffer very much day to day but kept away from the public news by the state controlled media.